
Family! is a Japanese comedy manga series written and illustrated by Taeko Watanabe, the author of Kaze Hikaru. The story follows the lives of the Andersons, a conventionally dysfunctional family in which the parents are as childish as the children are mature; nevertheless, they manage to live happily together.
The manga was serialized in Shogakukan's Bessatsu Shōjo Comic magazine from the July 1981 issue to the September 1985 issue. Shogakukan later collected the individual chapters into 11 tankōbon under the Flower Comics imprint. The first volume was published on March 25, 1982; the last volume was published on November 26, 1985.
In 1986, Family! was adapted into an 26-episode anime television series titled Oh! Family, directed by Masamune Ochiai and broadcast on TV Tokyo. Outside of Japan, the anime had significant success in Italy, where it was broadcast under the title Che famiglia è questa Family!


The story revolves around the Andersons, an American family who resided in Los Angeles, California. Everything was turned upside down when a strange boy named Jonathan arrived with his dog Adam and claimed to be an illegitimate son of Wilfred Anderson, the wimpy father of the family. That turned out not to be true, but aside from his trickery, Jonathan's kind nature won over the family and they decided to adopt him.
The family had got involved in several misadventures, but despite their dysfunction, they remained a loving family and their relationships with each other and other people even got strengthened.


;Wilfred "Freddy" Anderson
;Sharen Anderson
;Fee Anderson
;Kay Anderson
;Tracy Anderson
;Jonathan Allen
;Ralph McGarry
;James "Jay" McGarry
;Louise Goldman
;Clarissa Harwell
;Linda Blinks
;John "Jack" Schaefer