Flora of Belize

The flora of Belize is highly diverse by regional standards, given the country's small geographical extent. Situated on the Caribbean coast of northern Central America the flora and vegetation have been intimately intertwined with Belize's history. The nation itself grew out of British timber extraction activities from the 17th century onwards, at first for logwood and later for mahogany, fondly called "red gold" because of its high cost and was much sought after by European aristocracy. Central America generally is thought to have gained much of it characteristic flora during the "Great American interchange" during which time South American elements migrated north after the geological closure of the isthmus of Panama. Few Amazonian elements penetrate as far north as Belize and in species composition the forests of Belize are most similar to the forests of the Petén and the Yucatán .

Vegetation types

The vegetation of Belize was first systematically surveyed in the 1930s. Recent mapping projects have employed the following principal terrestrial and coastal categories of native vegetation:
, savanna palmetto.
, the sandpaper tree of the pine forest.
Although deforestation continues to be a threat to Belize's natural environment - and to the natural environment of almost all countries in Latin America - much of the native forest remains, facilitating a burgeoning ecotourism sector. National Parks System Act of 1981 declared numerous protected areas, and the Belizean Government has been working with a prominent non-governmental organization, the Belize Audubon Society to promote nature conservation within the country. Founded in 1969, the BAS assists the Forest Department of the Government of Belize to manage several important forest areas including:
In addition to the above there are numerous other important forest reserves such as:
'', understorey palm.
There are numerous conservation challenges in Belize. One is the extensive recent illegal cutting of the understorey palm's xate. This has a severe effect on the health and reproduction of these characteristic understorey components.

Forests and Deforestation

A remote sensing study conducted by the and , in collaboration with the Forest Department and the Land Information Centre of the Government of Belize's Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, and published in August 2010 revealed that Belize's forest cover in early 2010 was approximately 62.7%, down from 75.9% in late 1980.
A similar study by and Conservation International revealed similar trends in terms of Belize's forest cover. Both studies indicate that each year, 0.6% of Belize's forest cover is lost, translating to the clearing of an average of 24,835 acres each year. The USAID-supported study by CATHALAC, NASA, and the MNRE also showed that Belize's protected areas have been extremely effective in protecting the country's forests. While some 6.4% of forests inside of legally declared protected areas were cleared between 1980 and 2010, over a quarter of forests outside of protected areas had been lost between 1980 and 2010. As a country with a relatively high forest cover and a low deforestation rate, Belize has significant potential for participation in initiatives such as REDD.


While many consider mangrove to be one of Belize's various forest classes, it is important to point out that in Belize, mangroves assume the form of not only forest but also scrub, and savanna. Because of their importance for shoreline protection and maintenance of fisheries stocks, Belize's mangroves are legally protected under the ' of the '.
A recent study by the indicates that Belize's mangrove ecosystems contribute US $174–249 million per year to the national economy. The clearing of mangroves for development of coastal infrastructure has been recognized as a threat to Belize's mangroves and led to public perception that destruction of mangrove ecosystems was rampant, such as an investigative study in 2008 which indicated unauthorized clearings within the South Water Caye Marine Reserve, and which eventually led to the Belize Barrier Reef System's designation by UNESCO as an endangered World Heritage Site.
With uncertainty regarding actual rates of clearing of Belize's mangrove ecosystems, a recent study funded by the has clarified the situation, making use of Landsat satellite imagery to comprehensively examine Belize's mangrove cover. That study, which spanned the thirty years from 1980–2010 and was based on the earlier work of mangrove researcher Simon Zisman, was conducted by the and found that in 2010, mangroves covered some 184,548 acres or 3.4% of Belize's territory. By contrast, it is estimated that in 1980 mangrove cover stood at 188,417 acres - also 3.4% of Belize's territory. Based on Zisman, it is also estimated that Belize's mangrove cover in 1980 represented 98.7% of the pre-colonial extent of those ecosystems. Belize's mangrove cover in 2010 was thus estimated to represent 96.7% of the pre-colonial cover. Where the 2010 update of the also indicated that a fifth of the world's mangrove ecosystems have been lost since 1980, the case of Belize's mangroves thus stands in stark contrast to the global picture.
Belize's relative mangrove cover declined by 2% from 1980–2010, and in that period, under 4,000 acres of mangroves had been cleared, although clearing of mangroves near Belize's main coastal settlements was relatively high. The rate of loss of Belize's mangroves - at 0.07% per year between 1980 and 2010 - was much lower than Belize's overall rate of forest clearing.


As well as logwood and mahogany two other important Belizean timber trees of note are the Santa Maria and cedar. Other economically important trees include cotton tree or kapok, and cacao. Chicle is the original chewing gum.


Belize has a rich array of native orchids including Encyclia cochleata var. cochleata, the so-called "black orchid". This is the national flower of Belize.


Belizean vegetation is characterized by numerous species of palms including the palmettos of the savanna, silver palmetto, palmetto and the common coconut palm found in coastal areas. Other important palms include the cohune palms, cohune and warree cohune, as well as the give and take palm, xate palms, pokenoboy, basket tie-tie and royal palm.