The main fields of research of Michael Fritsch are entrepreneurship and innovation. His research on entrepreneurship has focused on the determinants of new business formation and on the effect of new businesses on economic development. In the field of innovation he has analyzed cooperative relationships and the division of innovative labor. A particular interest was on the role of universities in regional innovation systems. Further research of Michael Fritsch deals with the contribution of creativity, particularly artistic activity, to economic development. He has also worked on the efficiency of markets and the causes for market failure. Recent research by Michael Fritsch is focussing on the role of knowledge, entrepreneurship, and cultural factors in long-term regional development trajectories.
Michael Fritsch is the author of more than 15 books and comprehensive studies. He has published more than 130 articles in scholarly journals and has made more than 140 contributions to edited volumes. He was an editor of more than 20 books and special issues of academic journals. His textbook „Marktversagen und Wirtschaftspolitik – Mikroökonomische Grundlagen staatlichen Handelns“ is currently available. Books :
Regional Trajectories of Entrepreneurship, Knowledge, and Growth - The Role of History and Culture. Cham 2019: Springer.
Entrepreneurship – Theorie, Empirie, Politik . second revised edition, Berlin/Heidelberg 2019: Springer.
Marktversagen und Wirtschaftspolitik: Mikroökonomische Grundlagen staatlichen Handelns . 10th revised and complemented edition, Munich 2018: Franz Vahlen.
Hochschulen, Innovation, Region - Wissenstransfer im räumlichen Kontext . Berlin 2007: edition sigma .
Arbeitsplatzentwicklung in Industriebetrieben - Entwurf einer Theorie der Arbeitsplatzdynamik und empirische Analysen auf einzelwirtschaftlicher Ebene. Berlin/New York 1990: de Gruyter.
Ökonomische Ansätze zur Legitimation kollektiven Handelns. Berlin 1983: Duncker & Humblot 1983.
Journal articles :
Self-Employment and Well-Being across Institutional Contexts. Journal of Business Venturing, 34, 105946.
New Business Formation and the Productivity of Manufacturing Incumbents: Effects and Mechanisms. Journal of Business Venturing, 32, 237-259.
The Effect of Entrepreneurship for Economic Development—An empirical analysis using regional entrepreneurship culture. Journal of Economic Geography, 17, 157-189.
The Long Persistence of Regional Levels of Entrepreneurship: Germany 1925 to 2005. Regional Studies, 48, 955-973.
Entrepreneurship in a Regional Context – Historical Roots and Recent Developments. Regional Studies, 48, 939-954.
The Phantom of the Opera: Cultural Amenities, Human Capital, and Regional Economic Growth. Labour Economics, 18, 755-766.
Creative Class and Regional Growth − Empirical Evidence from Seven European Countries. Economic Geography, 85, 391-423.
New Business Formation by Industry over Space and Time: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis. Regional Studies, 41, 157-172.
Innovation, regional knowledge spillovers and R&D cooperation. Research Policy, 33, 245-255.
Effects of new business formation on regional development over time. Regional Studies, 38, 961-975.
Growth regimes over time and space. Regional Studies, 36, 113-124.
Who cooperates on R&D? Research Policy, 30, 297-312.
Edited books and special issues of academic journals :