Gerhard Jorch was born as the eldest of seven siblings in Neuhaus. He got highschool education at Gymnasium Theodorianum Paderborn and thereafter performed his medical study at the Philipps-University of Marburg from 1970-1977 supported by a national grant. He finished his doctoral thesiswork in 1976. From 1977 – 1982 he performed pediatric training at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Münster and became assistant medical director of the pediatric and neonatal care unit of the university children's hospital in 1982. In 1985 he finished his habilitation thesis work and was nominated as university lecturer. He became Professor for Pediatrics in 1990. In 1998 he was appointed by the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg as director of the Department for general pediatrics and neonatology and became head of the whole university hospital of children in 2006. He is clinically specialized in neonatology, pediatric intensive care and neuropediatrics. After his retirement on September 30, 2018, Jorch has shifted the focus of his work to the supervision of mother-child centers in China. Jorch is married and has nine children.:
Research interests
His clinical research work focused on premature infants and sudden unexpected infant death. Also he did some research on general pediatric health care. He was one of the first, who applied transfontanellar Doppler-ultrasonography to investigate neonatal cerebral circulation. His paper in the main German journal for physicians on the risk of prone position in 1991 was followed by an significant drop of unexpected infant deaths in Germany starting in 1992. In 1991 together with his university teacher Prof. Helmut Wolf he founded the European Neonatal Workshop with annual meetings until now. He consults parents premature born infants by an expert webpage since 2002. He was chairman of 2 German official medical guidelines : Pediatric head injury and Neonatal seizures.
Gerhard Jorch has published 300 publications since 1977, 125 of them in international journals. He gave about 500 lectures at conferences and congresses. He is editor of the journals Intensive Medicine up2date and the NeionatologieScan. He is the publisher of the following books
Preterm birth: advice and help for the first months of life
Premature babies: Advice and help for affected parents