Gooische Vrouwen is a Dutch comedy-drama series, created by Linda de Mol for her brother John de Mol's TV networkTien in 2005, along the lines of Desperate Housewives or Sex and the City. However, after the show's second season, Tien went bankrupt and Gooische Vrouwen was transferred to RTL 4, where it ran for three more seasons until its finale in 2009. After its 42-episode runthe show was followed by a theatrically released feature film in 2011. The show chronicles the everyday lives of four female friends living in het Gooi. Gooische Vrouwen has since been sold to Germany, Belgium, France and Serbia.
Plot overview
The show chronicles the everyday lives of four female friends living in het Gooi. Cheryl and her husband, charm singer Martin Morero, move from Amsterdam to het Gooi after the huge success of his latest song "Echte Liefde". However, the working-class Moreros soon realize they do not fit in with the upper-class residents of het Gooi. Other problems in the Moreros' life include Martin's constant philandering and their continued yet unsuccessful attempts at having a baby. Housewife Willemijn Lodewijkx is married to Evert, with whom she has three children - bored Roderick, difficult Louise and timid Annabel. But after more than twenty years of marriage, they seem to be stuck. While Willemijn tries to keep her spirits up, her marriage disintegrates. After the third season, Willemijn is replaced by Roelien Grootheeze. Free-spirited artist Anouk Verschuur specializes in making highly erotic art. Anouk herself is also blessed with a very healthy libido which leads her into the arms of many a stranger, although she is still not completely over her pilot ex-husband Tom Blaauw, with whom she has a daughter, precocious Vlinder. Ruthless divorce lawyer Claire van Kampen is struck by personal tragedy which pushes her estranged daughter Merel even further away, while plunging the two into financial difficulties. Claire must come up with ever more drastic schemes to keep their heads above water. The four women confide in each other and in their enigmatic psychiatrist Dr. Ed Rossi. Meanwhile, mysterious Thaiau pair Tippi Wan seems to have an agenda of her own, manipulating and scheming her way into the lives of the four women.
The younger days of the four women are chronicled in a prequel-novel.
The success of Gooische Vrouwen inspired RTL 4 to make a real-life soap about a younger generation of women from het Gooi. For the second season, they temporarily relocated to Amsterdam where they were trained to deal with spending cuts. One of the girls went on to document her trip to Peru.
A feature film, also called Gooische Vrouwen, was released theatrically in 2011.