Greedo Tetsu, Jr. is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. He was a Rodianbounty-hunter from the Tetsu Clan and he worked for gangster Jabba the Hutt. He appears in the first Star Wars film during a scene where he confronts and threatens Han Solo, only to be killed by Solo. The scene was later altered so that Greedo also shoots at Han, leading to the infamous fan controversy known as "Han shot first" with which the character has since come to be best-known. Greedo was portrayed in 1977 by Paul Blake, as well as Maria De Aragon for some close-in pickup shots in 1977, while a younger version of him was played by Simon Rose and Oliver Walpole in a deleted scene from the 1999 prequel film .
''Star Wars'' (1977)
Greedo is a Rodian bounty-hunter working for Jabba the Hutt in Star Wars: A New Hope. Jabba hires him to capture Han Solo, who lost the Hutt's cargo during a smuggling mission while evading pursuit from an Imperial Star Destroyer. Greedo tracks his target to the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine, where Han kills him with a concealed blaster.
''The Phantom Menace'' (1999)
In , a young Greedo wrestles with a young Anakin Skywalker in a deleted scene.
''Star Wars: The Clone Wars'' (2010)
Greedo also appears in the 2010 episode "Sphere of Influence". In this series, set 20 years before A New Hope, Greedo is hired by the Trade Federation to kidnap Baron Papanoida's daughters, Che Amanwe and Chi Eekway. He and his accomplices are ultimately foiled by Ahsoka Tano as well as the Baron and his son.
Other media
Marvel Comics's Star Wars #2, titled Six Against the Galaxy, an adaptation of the 1977 film, features the character in the iconic scene with Han.
In Star Wars, Paul Blake played Greedo during the main shooting, while an articulated head was built afterward and used by Maria De Aragon for pick-up shots. Linguist Larry Ward performed the voice. Tom Kenny providing the voice in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series.
In 2012, director George Lucas expressed his dissatisfaction with the Han-Greedo scene, believing that it depicts Solo, the film's supporting protagonist, as a "cold-blooded killer". Lucas had altered the scene for the 1997 Special Edition re-release so that Greedo shoots first at Solo and misses, and then Solo returns fire, killing Greedo. The scene was altered again for the 2004 DVD release so that the shots are fired at nearly the same time and so that Solo dodges Greedo's shot. Some fans objected to the revisions to the original film, even generating an online petition demanding that the changes be retracted. The primary objection to the revision is that it alters Han's initially morally ambiguous character, making his later transition from anti-hero to hero less meaningful. Lucas stated in 2012 that Greedo has always shot first, and his revisions to the film only served to "clean up the confusion". The scene was altered again for the version of Star Wars released on the Disney streaming service, Disney+, on November 12, 2019. In this version, Greedo says a line transcribed by fans as "maclunkey" or "ma klounkee" before shooting Han. The line may be a threat spoken in Huttese, as it is used that way by Sebulba in The Phantom Menace. Additionally, the reverse shot of Greedo being shot was removed. The changes were made by Lucas before Disney acquired the Star Wars rights in 2012.