Grounding (discipline technique)

Grounding is a general discipline technique which is used with children, in which one is forbidden to leave their place of residence except for required activities, which may include but are not limited to school, work, subjects, essential medical care, attending a house of worship, or visiting a non-custodial parent. During this time period, any positive reinforcement is revoked and privileges are taken away without using Internet on the computer, playing video games, listening to music, watching television, or playing fun with toys. This punishment may include having to do extra chores, as well.
Grounding is used as an alternative to physical discipline, e.g., spanking, for behavior management in the home. According to a 2000 review on child outcomes, "Grounding has been replicated as a more effective disciplinary alternative than spanking with teenagers." Grounding can backfire if the type and duration of restrictions are disproportionately severe for the behavior meant to be corrected, or if the restrictions are too difficult for the parent to enforce.


This term was used originally in aviation: when a pilot is prevented from flying an aircraft due to misconduct, illness, technical issues with the aircraft, or other reasons, the pilot is "grounded" – that is, literally confined to the ground.