The Hewlett-Packard FOCUS microprocessor, launched in 1982, was the first commercial, single chip, fully 32-bit microprocessor available on the market. At this time, all 32-bit competitors used multi-chip bit-slice-CPU designs. The FOCUS architecture, Focus memory controller was used in the Hewlett-Packard HP 9000 Series 500 workstations and servers. It was a stack architecture, with over 220 instructions, a segmented memory model, and no general purpose programmer-visible registers. The design of the FOCUS CPU was richly inspired by the custom silicon on sapphire chip design, HP used in their 16-bit HP 3000 series machines.
Because of the high density of HP's NMOS-III IC process, heat dissipation was a problem. Therefore, the chips were mounted on special printed circuit boards, with a ~1 mm copper sheet at its core, called "finstrates".
The Focus CPU is microcoded with a 9,000 by 38-bit microcode control store.
Internal data paths and registers are all 32-bit wide.
The Focus CPU has a transistor count of 450,000 FETs.