Harehuwa school
Harehuwa School is a public school for grades 1 through 4 in Harehuwa, Mahbere Sillasie, Dogu’a Tembien, Tigray, Ethiopia.Description
The Harehuwa School has 6 roofed class rooms.
As of 2019, the school had 141 students, 65 girls and 76 boys.
There were:
In 2018, water was not available at the school; the village spring is at 15 minutes walk.
There were no specific facilities for girls handling menstrual hygiene; this is a major reason for adolescent girls dropping out from school.
There was only a small toilet shed for the teachers.Transportation
All children travel to school on foot. Many students will walk more than an hour, twice a day, to come to school.