
Hebenon is a botanical substance described in William Shakespeare's tragic play Hamlet. The identity and nature of the poison has been a source of speculation for centuries.

Shakespeare's Usage

Hebenon is the agent of death in Hamlet's father's murder; it sets in motion the events of the play. It is spelled hebona in the Quartos and hebenon in the Folios. This is the only mention of hebona or hebenon in any of Shakespeare’s plays.

Identity of the poison

Writers from Shakespeare's time to the present have speculated about the identity of hebenon.
It may be different from hemlock, as hemlock is explicitly mentioned in several other writings of his. In favor of it being yew are the familiarity of yew as a poison and the similarity in symptoms. Edmund Spenser wrote of "the deadly bow". In favor of ebony is the fact that ebony was sometimes written with an h, but arguing against it is the low toxicity of guaiac. In favour of henbane is its toxic nature and the possible origin of hebenon as metathesis from henbane. Other authors question whether there is sufficient evidence to resolve the issue, or even whether Shakespeare's attention to botany and pharmacology was sufficient to say he meant a specific plant.