The Poincaré homology sphere is a particular example of a homology sphere, first constructed by Henri Poincaré. Being a spherical 3-manifold, it is the only homology 3-sphere with a finite fundamental group. Its fundamental group is known as the binary icosahedral group and has order 120. This shows the Poincaré conjecture cannot be stated in homology terms alone.
A simple construction of this space begins with a dodecahedron. Each face of the dodecahedron is identified with its opposite face, using the minimal clockwise twist to line up the faces. Gluing each pair of opposite faces together using this identification yields a closed 3-manifold. Alternatively, the Poincaré homology sphere can be constructed as the quotient space SO/I where I is the icosahedral group. More intuitively, this means that the Poincaré homology sphere is the space of all geometrically distinguishable positions of an icosahedron in Euclidean 3-space. One can also pass instead to the universal cover of SO which can be realized as the group of unit quaternions and is homeomorphic to the 3-sphere. In this case, the Poincaré homology sphere is isomorphic to where is the binary icosahedral group, the perfect double cover of I embedded in. Another approach is by Dehn surgery. The Poincaré homology sphere results from +1 surgery on the right-handed trefoil knot.
The connected sum of two oriented homology 3-spheres is a homology 3-sphere. A homology 3-sphere that cannot be written as a connected sum of two homology 3-spheres is called irreducible or prime, and every homology 3-sphere can be written as a connected sum of prime homology 3-spheres in an essentially unique way.
Suppose that are integers all at least 2 such that any two are coprime. Then the Seifert fiber space
The Casson invariant is an integer valued invariant of homology 3-spheres, whose reduction mod 2 is the Rokhlin invariant.
If A is a homology 3-sphere not homeomorphic to the standard 3-sphere, then the suspension of A is an example of a 4-dimensional homology manifold that is not a topological manifold. The double suspension of A is homeomorphic to the standard 5-sphere, but its triangulation is not a PL manifold. In other words, this gives an example of a finite simplicial complex that is a topological manifold but not a PL manifold. Galewski and Stern showed that all compact topological manifolds of dimension at least 5 are homeomorphic to simplicial complexes if and only if there is a homology 3 sphere Σ with Rokhlin invariant 1 such that the connected sum Σ#Σ of Σ with itself bounds a smooth acyclic 4-manifold. the existence of such a homology 3-sphere was an unsolved problem. On March 11, 2013, Ciprian Manolescu posted a preprint on the ArXiv claiming to show that there is no such homology sphere with the given property, and therefore, there are 5-manifolds not homeomorphic to simplicial complexes. In particular, the example originally given by Galewski and Stern is not triangulable.
Nikolai Saveliev, Invariants of Homology 3-Spheres, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, vol 140. Low-Dimensional Topology, I. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002.