
Hoogstede is a community in the district of Grafschaft Bentheim in Lower Saxony.



Hoogstede lies northwest of Nordhorn on the German-Dutch border. The Vechte flows through town, and its tributary, the Lee empties into it here. The community belongs to the Joint Community of Emlichheim, whose administrative seat is in the like-named community.

Constituent communities

The community’s seven centres are Hoogstede, Kalle, Tinholt, Arkel, Bathorn, Scheerhorn and Berge.


Hoogstede’s history begins in 1821 when the Evangelical-Reformed parish’s chapel was moved from Arkel to Hoogstede. In 1859, the Catholic church was built, and by and by a population centre developed. In 1953, the Evangelical-Old Reformed church was built, and in 1961 the Lutheran church.
Today, roughly 2,900 people live in Hoogstede and its outlying centres.


Hoogstede is home to four churches:

Municipal council

Hoogstede’s council is made up of 13 councillors.
The honorary mayor Jan Ensink was elected on 14 November 2006 at the municipal council’s constitutive meeting.

Clubs and associations

Various clubs and associations have established themselves: