Ilse Grubrich-Simitis

Ilse Grubrich-Simitis is a German psychoanalyst. She works in private practice and as a training analysist at the :de:Frankfurter Psychoanalytisches Institut|Frankfurt Psychoanalytical Institute.


Grubrich-Simitis has worked for several decades as an academic researcher. The focus of her work is Sigmund Freud, on whom she has published several substantial volumes, contributing to a sharpened appreciation of Freud's written work. Since the 1960s she has worked for S. Fischer Verlag on the publisher's ten volume compilation of Freud's works and letters, initially as a publishing-editor and more recently with overall responsibility for the project. Currently she is also a co-editor of the publisher's :de:Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse|Yearbook of Psychoanalysis.

Awards and honours

Ilse Grubrich-Simitis married the lawyer and data-protection expert Spiros Simitis on 3 August 1963.

Output (selection)