Imperial Hotel, London

The Imperial Hotel is a hotel on the east side of Russell Square, a branch of Imperial Hotels London.

Former building (1911-1966)

The original building was designed by Charles Fitzroy Doll and built between 1905 and 1911. The height of the building was 61 meters and there were 15 floors. An extension to the hotel took place in 1913. As part of the extension Turkish baths were constructed. The hotel had about 640 bedrooms. The building was equally colossal as its neighbour the Kimpton Fitzroy London Hotel and the architectural style was a mixture of Art Nouveau Tudor and Art Nouveau Gothic, combining terra-cotta ornaments in which the corbels, gargoyles and statues were modelled with red brick. Towers rose above a high mansard roof of green copper. A Winter Garden occupied the ground floor between the two bedroom wings. Both Winter garden and Turkish Baths were decorated in glazed Doulton ware.
Demolition of the building started in 1966 and was completed in 1967. It was demolished because of its lack of bathrooms and because, according to the Greater London Counsil, the whole frame of the building was structurally unsound. There was no possibility of saving it if a preservation order had been placed on the building. In truth, however, the building was probably a victim of the prevailing taste of that time.

Current building

The hotel was replaced by a new building of the same name.
This building shares the lodge with the President Hotel.
Other hotels in the Imperial network are President, Bedford, Tavistock, Royal National, Morton and County, all situated on nearby streets.