Interpreter's Bible series

The Interpreter's Bible series is a biblical criticism series published by United Methodist Publishing beginning in the 1950s. Each volume covers one or more books of the Old Testament or the New Testament.
The volumes contain in-depth introductions, exegesis, and commentaries, complemented by English translations, with full critical notes that include alternate readings and alternative translations. Synopses of informed discussion of the historical origins and the manuscripts' traditions are also provided.
These volumes are not designed for the casual Bible reader, but for the "educated layman" who is already prepared with a general understanding of and interest in higher criticism, or for members of the clergy who are already familiar with basic Biblical criticism.
The original series utilized the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version. An updated, 12-volume series published 1994–1998 by Abringdon Press as The New Interpreter's Bible, uses parallel the New International Version and the New Revised Standard Version translations and contains the work of 94 contributors and 14 consultants. A is also available.