It! The Living Colossus

It! The Living Colossus is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Initially a statue animated by a hostile extraterrestrial, he first appeared in the science-fiction anthology series Tales of Suspense #14, in a story drawn by Jack Kirby. He was revived in Astonishing Tales #21 by writer Tony Isabella and artist Dick Ayers as the protagonist of a short-lived feature, in which he was animated by a wheelchair-using special-effects designer.

Publication history

It! The Living Colossus debuted in the 18-page science fiction story "I Created the Colossus" in the anthology series Tales of Suspense #14, published by Marvel Comics' 1950s and early 1960s forerunner, Atlas Comics. Penciled by industry legend Jack Kirby and inked by Dick Ayers, and scripted by an uncredited writer, this "Marvel pre-superhero" monster returned for a 13-page sequel story, "Colossus Lives Again", by the same art team, in the by-now Marvel comic Tales of Suspense #20. The two stories were reprinted in, respectively, Monsters on the Prowl #17 and #25.
The character was revived in Astonishing Tales #21 by writer Tony Isabella and artist Dick Ayers, who both drew and lettered the stories. The feature ran four issues, through #24.
Isabella said in 2001 that after the Theodore Sturgeon story "It!" in Supernatural Thrillers #1 had sold well, "Came the word from on high that Marvel should do a regular 'It!' series". Marvel already had an It-like swamp monster in Man-Thing, so, "looking over the sales figures for recent issues of Marvel's giant monster reprint books, we discovered the issues which reprinted the 'Colossus' stories by Jack Kirby sold much better than the other issues which had been published around the same time".
In 2009, Isabella elaborated, saying editor-in-chief Roy Thomas:
Assessing the series, Isabella said, "It was an honor working with Dick Ayers, one of the original 'Big Four' artists of the Marvel Universe. However, I don't think Dick was at his best here. He wasn't being treated very well by Marvel and it was showing in his work".
In an unusual storytelling technique for the time, Isabella made longer stories than the budgeted 15-page tales by inserting reprint panels or pages from 1959-61 pre-superhero monster stories. "I could expand the page count of the 'It!' stories while including backstory which would have otherwise eaten up some of those new pages".
Had the series continued, Isabella said in 2009, "subsequent stories would have featured Goom and Googam... and a team-up with Thor to stop an invasion of Earth by the Storm Giants of Norse legend".
The character perished in The Incredible Hulk vol. 2, #244, a fill-in issue, though it was rebuilt in a story the following decade. Writer Steven Grant recalled:

Fictional character biography

It! The Living Colossus was a 100-foot-tall stone, humanoid statue constructed by Moscow sculptor Boris Petrovski to protest the oppressive Soviet Union government. It became animated initially by the mind transferral of a stranded alien from the Kigor race, and rampaged through Moscow. When the alien's rescue party arrived, the Kigors abandoned the Colossus and returned to its home-world, leaving the statue inanimate. The statue was later transported to Los Angeles, California and reanimated by the Kigors, who used it to attack the U.S. Army. The Kigors were defeated by Hollywood special-effects designer Bob O'Bryan and the statue again was rendered inanimate.
An accident later robbed O'Bryan of the use of his legs, compelling him to use a wheelchair. The statue was stolen by the evil Doctor Vault, who reduced its size from to. Animated by the mind transferral of O'Bryan, It! battled Vault's minions and escaped. It! went on to battle several monster foes. O'Bryan late was cured and married Diane Cummings. The statue became controlled by Doctor Vault and was destroyed in battle with the Hulk. Doctor Vault appeared to die when he was unable to complete the transference of his mind from the statue back into his body. it was rebuilt as a robot, for use by O'Bryan in his films. Later, the original It! was reconstituted by O'Bryan under the control of Lotus Newmark.
After a battle with Doctor Doom, It! was lost in the Pacific Ocean near the Galapagos Islands. O'Bryan lost his connection to both his normal body and the Colossus, and his body was left in a vegetative state. Five years later, Deadpool assisted O'Bryan's niece in retrieving the Colossus from the ocean floor and restoring O'Bryan's mind.
O'Bryan and It! were being considered as a "potential recruit" for the program.
It! later appeared on Monster Isle when Shadowcat and Magik appeared to look for a mutant girl named Bo.

Powers and abilities

Bob O'Bryan becomes It through mind transferral into an animated stone statue, its composition altered by the alien Kigors. It has tremendous superhuman strength, as well as superhuman stamina and durability, and the ability to manipulate gravitons for flight. As a statue, It could survive underwater without air. However, It has a vulnerability to nerve gas or knockout gas, forcing the command intelligence back into its original body. There is also an unrevealed time limit for the command intelligence to remain in the statue.

Other versions

Clones of It the Living Colossus

made a duplicate of It using the "Ionic Inanimate Matter Converter". It was sent to oppose the Cosmic Cube-empowered Doctor Doom.
Another duplicate of It, as well as a second brown version of the creature, fought on behalf of the terrorist front organization H.A.T.E., defending the secret State 51 installation from the Nextwave squad.

Other characters named It

There have been other characters in the Marvel Universe known as "It". These include:
It! The Living Colossus was ranked #27 on a listing of Marvel Comics' monster characters in 2015.