Jiří Šitler

Jiří Šitler is a Czech diplomat and historian, and has been Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Stockholm since February 2016. Šitler has also been Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Romania and to the Kingdom of Thailand, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Lao PDR and the Union of Myanmar/Burma.
Between March 2015 and January 2016 he was designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic as Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues and Combat of Antisemitism. He has dealt with World War II-related issues since the 1990s, having served in such offices as press and foreign policy advisor to President Václav Havel, head of the Czech delegation at the 1998 Washington Conference on Holocaust Era Assets, observer in the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims, Ambassador-at-Large for World War II - related issues, and chief negotiator for compensation of Czech Nazi victims. Šitler is a founding member of the Board of Trustees of the German Federal Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”.
He is also the author or co-author of numerous essays, articles and books, especially on Czech-German relations, World War II - related issues, Czech political history and South-East Asian history.


Šitler attended the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague, where he graduated in history, May 1988. In April 1990, he obtained a doctoral degree in history, also at Charles University in Prague.
He also gave lectures and spent time at several research stays in Germany; Italy, State Archives Venice and University of Perugia ; USA, German Marshall Fellowship, Woodrow Wilson Foundation Program ; United Kingdom, Chevening Scholarship, Thai studies at the School of African and Oriental Studies in London ; lectures and seminars on Czech foreign policy at Charles University, Prague.

Early career

After graduating from Charles University, Šitler started his professional career at the Central Archives of the Academy of Sciences.
Soon after the years spent at the Academy of Sciences, he went on to work in the Office of the President of the Republic, Václav Havel, in the Press Department.
For the next two years, Šitler worked in the Foreign Policy Department of the Office of the President, and in parallel, he served as an Advisor for President Havel’s speeches.

Diplomatic career

Šitler started his career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in July 1997, as Deputy Director of the 1st Territorial Department. In September 1998 he was appointed Director of the Central Europe Department, a position which he occupied until September 2000, when he was designated Ambassador at Large. From this position, Šitler has conducted negotiations with Germany, Austria and the US on compensation for forced labour and other Nazi war crimes. In addition to being the chief negotiator of the Czech government, he was also a representative of the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims. During that period, Šitler also chaired the Working Group for the Summarization of Property Wrongs within the Mixed Commission Dealing with the Mitigation of Certain Property Wrongs suffered by Holocaust Victims.
He was later appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to the Kingdom of Thailand, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Lao PDR and the Union of Myanmar/Burma. Šitler' s mission began in May 2001 and ended in December 2006.
He returned to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Prague, as Director of Diplomatic Protocol, followed by a position as Director of the Asia and Pacific Department. In between, Šitler represented the Czech Republic as special envoy on Myanmar/Burma.
Between November 2010 and January 2015, he was Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Bucharest, Romania.


National honours

Kaiser, Daniel - Šitler, Jiří,
Novodobé české dějiny v zrcadle Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung In: Dějiny a současnost. Populární historická a vlastivědná revue. Praha : Nakladatelství Lidové noviny 18, č. 5, s. 15-19.
Hon, Jan - Šitler, Jiří,
Trestněprávní důsledky událostí v období německé nacistické okupace Československa a v době těsně po jejím skončení a jejich řešení In: Studie o sudetoněmecké otázce / Praha : Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, 1996 s. 165-176.
Šitler, Jiří,
Cenzura v předlistopadovém Československu. In: Dějiny a současnost. Kulturně historická revue. Praha : Nakladatelství Lidové noviny 20, č. 6, s. 33-38.
Šitler, Jiří,
Království Sukhothai čili Andělé a ďábli v thajském sporu o rukopisy a nápisy. In: Dějiny a současnost. Kulturně historická revue. 22, č. 4, s. 20-25
Miroslav Nožina, Jiří Šitler, et al., Siam Undiscovered. Czech-Thai Encounters between the 16th and 21st Centuries. Bangkok 2004
Miroslav Nožina, Jiří Šitler, and Karel Kučera, Royal Ties: King Norodom Sihamoni and the History of Czech-Cambodian Relations. Prague, Knižní klub, 2006.
Šitler, Jiří, Československé reparační nároky a konfiskace německého majetku. In: Marek Loužek, Česko-německá deklarace. Deset let poté. Prague, 2007, published by CEP
Šitler, Jiří,
History of International Discussions on Compensations to Victims of Nazism as Seen by Delegations Representing Central and Eastern European Countries. In: Holocaust Era Assets: Conference Proceedings, Prague, 2009, published by Forum 2000 Foundation, pp. 291 – 295 and 1202 - 1209

Publications about J. Šitler

Hořák, Martin,
Compensation 2000 – 2006. The Czech-German Fund for the Future and Payments to Victims of Slave Labour and Forced Labour. Prague 2007
Goschler, Constantin, Die Entschädigung von NS-Zwangsarbeit am Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts. Bd. 3: Nationale Selbstbilder, Opferdiskurse und Verwaltungshandeln. Das Auszahlungsprogramm in Ostmitteleuropa. Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag 2012, 246 S.
Mink, Andreas,
Challenging "Wiedergutmachung". The Slave Labor Negotiations
of 1998-2001, Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, Prague 2013, 127 pp.,