Joe Ybarra

Joseph Ybarra is a producer and designer of video games.

Professional biography

Joe Ybarra worked at Apple Computer before leaving in 1982 to work at Electronic Arts, a startup company founded by his fellow ex-Apple employee, Trip Hawkins. There he became one of the original game producers and game designers at Electronic Arts in 1982, where the concept of a game producer was created by Trip Hawkins. During this time he produced several highly acclaimed computer games, including M.U.L.E. by Dani Bunten and Ozark Softscape, Seven Cities of Gold, Starflight and by Eric Hammond. Ybarra was also the original producer on the first version of Madden NFL.
He later became president of game publisher Infocom and produced MMORPGs for Sierra Online and Monolith Productions.
He had been working with Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment and its subsidiary FireSky on the Stargate Worlds MMO as Senior Vice President of Strategic Operations. However, Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment filed for bankruptcy on February 12, 2010 and no longer sells or operates.
On March 11, 2013 Joe Ybarra announced a Kickstarter project for a simulation game called Shackleton Crater, billed as "the lunar colonization strategy game based on today's science and tomorrow's dream." However, it was closed down before achieving its funding goals.
Currently, Joe Ybarra also teaches classes on video game production at Collins College in Phoenix, Arizona.

Video games produced or designed by Joe Ybarra
