John Gallaher

John Gallaher is an American poet and assistant professor of English at Northwest Missouri State University, and co-editor of The Laurel Review, supported by Northwest's English Department. He is the author or co-author of five poetry collections, most recently, In a Landscape. His honors include the 2005 Levis Poetry Prize for his second book, The Little Book of Guesses. His poetry has been published in literary journals and magazines including Boston Review, Colorado Review, Crazyhorse, Field, The Literati Quarterly, jubilat, The Journal, Ploughshares, and in anthologies including The Best American Poetry 2008.
Born in Portland, Oregon, Gallaher has lived in Missouri, Kansas, California, Alabama, Long Island, Texas, Arkansas, and Ohio. He received his MFA from Texas State University and his Ph.D from Ohio University, where he worked for a time as an assistant editor of The Ohio Review. He currently resides in Maryville, Missouri, where he teaches creative writing and composition courses at Northwest Missouri State University.

Published works