Kaitlyn Greenidge

Kaitlyn Greenidge is an American writer. She received a 2017 Whiting Award for Fiction for her debut novel, We Love You, Charlie Freeman.

Life and career

Greenidge was born in Boston and raised in the neighboring communities of Somerville and Arlington. She has two sisters. She received her MFA from Hunter College. Greenidge resides in Brooklyn with her husband and daughter.
Greenidge has written nonfiction for outlets such as Elle.com, Vogue, The New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.
Freeman's debut novel, We Love You, Charlie Freeman, was released in 2016. It tells the story of an African American family, the Freemans, who adopt a chimpanzee and raise it as a family member for an institutional research project. The book received positive critical reception; it was called "masterful" in a Paste Magazine review, and a "vivid and poignant coming-of-age story" by Kirkus.


Greenidge received a 2017 Whiting Award for Fiction for the book. She received a 2018-2019 fellowship from the Radcliffe Institute, where she is "working on an untitled novel based in part on the life of Susan Smith McKinney Steward, the first black female doctor in New York State."
