Kari-Keen 90 Sioux Coupe

The Kari-Keen 90 Sioux coupe was a two-seat cabin monoplane.


was an automotive luggage producer that started in the growing aviation business in 1929. Production of the Sioux coupe began in 1929 and ended on 1 August 1933. The first model, the Kari-Keen 60 Sioux Coup, featured a Velie M-5 engine. 22 aircraft were built without a type certificate. In 1930, six more model 90s were built with a type certificate. In 1931, the Sioux Aircraft Corporation bought the company assets, changing the name of the Kari-Keen 90 into the Sioux Coupe 90.


The Kari-Keen 90 Sioux Coupe was designed by Swen Swanson and was a two-seat side-by-side high-wing monoplane with conventional landing gear. The wing was fully cantilevered, with skylights built in. The fuel tank sat above the pilot's head and was part of the leading edge. Ole Fahlin built all the propellers and test-flew the aircraft.


;Kari-Keen 60 Sioux coupe:
;Sioux Coupe 90:Lambert R-266 radial engine 90 hp.
;Sioux Coupe 90A: powered with a 90 hp Brownback Tiger
;Sioux Coupe 90B Junior:powered with a 90 hp Warner Scarab Junior - one built
;Sioux Coupe 90C Senior:powered with a 110 hp Warner Scarab - one built

Aircraft on display