Kovač (surname)

Kovač, meaning "blacksmith" in Slavic languages, is a common surname in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia and Serbia. In Slovakia the surname is Kováč.
Kovač is a common surname in Croatia, with 9,614 carriers, most of them living in northern and eastern parts of the country and in Serbia with 8,749 people bearing it. In Slovenia, some 4,800 have this surname. Outside Europe, the surname is fairly common in the United States, Canada, and South America.
The surname Kovács is the Hungarian loanword of this word, and is one of the most frequent surnames in Hungary. The Romanian form is Covaci, and it is also a relatively frequent surname in Romania. The derivative forms Kovačić or Slovenian Kovačič, as well as Kovačević and Bulgarian Kovachev, are also very common.

