Kvalifikacija za Millstreet

Kvalifikacija za Millstreet was the preselection for the Eurovision Song Contest 1993. Seven countries took part, none of which had participated in the Eurovision Song Contest before, although songs from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia had represented Yugoslavia in past contests. Three qualified for the annual Eurovision in Millstreet, Ireland. It was held on 3 April 1993 at the RTV SLO Broadcasting Centre in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The presenter Tajda Lekše hosted the programme in English, French and Slovene.
After the seven competing songs were presented and the juries made their final results, the seven competing artists performed once again on stage, performing songs from their existing repertoire: Bosnia and Herzegovina's Fazla performed "Kiša ruši grad"; Put, who represented Croatia, performed "Mom zavičaju"; Estonia's Janika Sillamaa performed "I Live For Your Love"; Hungary's Andrea Szulák performed "Don't Wanna Stop My Clock"; Dida Drăgan for Romania sang "Blestem "; Slovenia's 1X Band performed "Novo jutro"; and Slovakia's Elán performed "Od Tatier k Dunaju".
From the seven competing countries, the former Yugoslav nations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia qualified for Eurovision 1993, which was held on 15 May 1993 in Millstreet, Ireland. Because of the new relegation system that had been introduced to Eurovision, all seven countries would be eligible to take part in the 1994 contest.


Following the fall of the Iron Curtain and the dislocation of Yugoslavia, the number of countries wishing to participate in the contest grew strongly. For the second consecutive year, the European Broadcasting Union expanded the maximum number of participating countries from twenty-three to twenty-five. As Yugoslavia was excluded, only the twenty-two other countries that participated in the 1992 edition of the competition immediately won a place in the final. The EBU decided that the last three places would be awarded through a preselection, which would be organized by Slovenian public television.


Each performance had an orchestra and conductor. The second performances for the countries were performed without the orchestra, with some of them being playback. In Romania's second performance, George Natsis accompanied Dida Drăgan with a piano.


In order for the jury to complete the voting, each artist performed a second song from their repertoire. These performances did not count towards the points given by the jury.
1Fazla"Kiša ruši grad"Bosnian
2Put"Mom zavičaju"Croatian
3Janika Sillamaa"I Live For Your Love"English
4Andrea Szulák"Don't Wanna Stop My Clock"Hungarian
5Dida Drăgan"Blestem "Romanian
61X Band"Novo jutro"Slovene
7Elán"Od Tatier k Dunaju"Slovak

Score sheet

International broadcasts and voting

Voting and jury members

Each country sent a single juror, who was actually present at the contest venue. They announced their votes as the camera was trained on them.
  1. Ismeta Dervoz-Krvavac
  2. – Ksenija Urličić
  3. – Jüri Makarov
  4. – :hu:Wolf Péter |Péter Wolf
  5. – Aurora Andronache
  6. – :sl:Mojmir Sepe|Mojmir Sepe
  7. – Stanislav Bartovič
