The Luiss School of Government - LuissSoG - is a graduate school of the LUISS Guido Carli University - Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, a private university affiliated with Confindustria and based in the Italian capital Rome. Modelled on Harvard’s JFK School of Government, the Luiss SoG was founded in February 2010 and inaugurated at the presence of the President of the RepublicGiorgio Napolitano; its aim is that of providing graduate training for ‘high-level public and private officials who handle political and government decision-making processes’, both at national and international level. The President of Luiss SoG is Prof. Marc Lazar, Director of the Sciences PoDoctoral School in Paris, its Scientific Director is Prof.Giovanni Orsina. Since the very beginning, the Luiss SoG has had as main goal the internationalization of its academic teaching, that is why the academic body of the School is composed not only of Italian experts but also by international academics and professionals, such as Giuliano Amato, Anthony Atkinson, Franco Bassanini, Sabino Cassese, Michael Cox, :it:Roberto D'Alimonte|Roberto D'Alimonte, Giulio Napolitano, Sergio Fabbrini, Marc Lazar, Leonardo Morlino, :it:Raffaele Cantone|Raffaele Cantone, :it:Marcello Messori|Marcello Messori, Christian Egenhofer, and Massimo Egidi. The Luiss SoG offers both I level Master Courses and II level Master Courses ; two Summer Schools and a wide range of Executive Courses enrich the academic offering of the School.
The school offers the following courses: Level I Masters
Master in Turismo e Territorio: economia, marketing, eco-sostenibilità] - in partnership with Federturismo Confindustria and with the support of Roma Capitale;
Masters in Economia e Istituzione dei Paesi Islamici ;
Masters in Management e Politiche delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche ;
Masters in Parlamento e Politiche Pubbliche ;
Masters in Amministrazione e Governo del Territorio - in partnership with LUISS Guido Carli Centro di Ricerca sulle Amministrazioni Pubbliche “Vittorio Bachelet” and SSAI ;
Masters in Comunicazioni Istituzionali delle Amministrazioni, Organizzazioni e Imprese - in partnership with Scuola Superiore di Giornalismo 'Massimo Baldini';
Summer Schools
Summer School "Parliamentary Democracy in Europe" - in partnership with LUISS CESP, Fondazione CEUR, IPSA, Nova Universitas, Sciences Po - Centre d'études européennes and Macerata University - Law Department;
Summer School on "International Trade: Law and Economics";
Executive Courses:
Corso Intensivo di Preparazione per l’Accesso alla Dirigenza Statale e Regionale ;
Corso Intensivo di Preparazione al Concorso per Administrators presso le Istituzioni dell’Unione Europea ;
Corso Intensivo di Preparazione al Concorso per la Carriera Diplomatica ;
Among the objectives of the Luiss SoG a special place is reserved to high quality research. In January 2013 a series of "working papers" were inaugurated; research projects include:
Beyond European Exceptionalism: The European Union in Comparative Perspective
Jean Monnet Module on Parliamentary Democracy in Europe
Jean Monnet Module on EU’s Engagement with Civil Society
Luiss SoG organizes several workshops, seminars and international conferences, with a high level academic content and of national and international interest, such as the Yearly International Conference on "Investing in the Age of Political Risk" on 14 December 2012, the "Workshop on Civil Society and Global Politics" on 12 October 2012, the Presentation of the "International Encyclopedia of Political Science" on 26 September 2012 with the presence of national and international guests such as Giuseppe Scognamiglio, Lawrence Rosenthal, Renaud Dehousse, John Zysman, :it:Angelo Panebianco|Angelo Panebianco and :it:Gaetano Quagliariello|Gaetano Quagliarello.