La Granja (2004 TV series)

La Granja is the local version of the reality show The Farm in Spain. Two seasons of the show were aired on Antena 3, in 2004 and 2005. The format would be brought back by rival channel Telecinco in 2011, under the title Acorralados.

Season 1

The first season aired on Antena 3 from September 2004. It began on September 8, 2004 and ended on November 23, 2004 after 77 days of living in the farm. The show was presented by Terelu Campos, at the central studio, and Jaime Bores from The Farm.



Season 2

The second season was shown from March 29, 2005 and ended on June 5, 2005 after 69 days of living in La Granja. This season was presented by Terelu Campos and Oscar Modegro.

