
Lady!! is a Japanese shōjo manga by Youko Hanabusa. It was published by Akita Shoten in the magazine Hitomi Comics from 1987 to 1993 and collected in 12 tankoubon volumes. The manga series was adapted into two anime television series, entitled, Lady Lady!! and its sequel Hello! Lady Lynn, produced by Toei Animation Co., Ltd.
The first season of the anime series, entitled Lady Lady!! consists of 21 episodes and was aired from October 21, 1987 to March 23, 1988 on TBS.
Youko later made two sequels, Lady Lynn!! and the dōjinshi Lynn no Kodomotachi & Peter Pan


Young Lynn and her mother travel from Japan to meet Lynn's father, Viscount Marble, who lives in England. On their way to the Marble Mansion, Lynn and her mother get into a tragic car accident in which Lynn's mother is killed. When Lynn wakes up in the hospital, the truth about her mother's death is kept as a secret from her since her father cannot bear to bring her such grief.
Soon after Lynn moves to her father's care to the Marble Mansion where she encounters a miscellaneous cast of servants, most of who are charmed by Lynn's adorableness. Lynn also finds out that she isn't the only child of Viscount Marble – she meets her elder half sister Sarah, whose mother has also died. At first Sarah seems cold and distant towards her, because she fears that Lynn's open and cheerful personality will win over the attention of their father as well as the two handsome young Brighton brothers who live nearby.
After a string of events, the two sisters finally form a strong bond. Then problems arise with the arrival of the scheming Waveburys who take it upon themselves to run the household in the Marble Mansion while the Viscount Marble is away. The motherless little girl tries to accommodate to the high society life and get the approval of the nobility. Her greatest wish is to become what her mother hoped her to be – a true Lady.
Much later, because of unpaid debts, the Russels lose the Marble Mansion to the bank. Sarah and Lynn are put into different homes. Nonetheless, Lynn never gives up and finally becomes a lady.


;Lynn Russell
;Sarah Frances Russell
;Arthur Drake Brighton
;Edward Brighton
;George Russell
;Frances Russell
;Misuzu Midorikawa
;Magdalene Wavebury
;Thomas Wavebury
;Mary Wavebury
;Duke Warbawn
;Isabel Montgomery

List of episodes


Opening Theme
Ending Theme
Insert Theme