List of Charmed characters
Charmed is an American television series that was originally broadcast by The WB for eight seasons from October 7, 1998, until May 21, 2006. The series narrative follows a trio of sisters, known as The Charmed Ones, the most powerful good witches of all time, who use their combine Power of Three to protect innocent lives from evil beings such as demons and warlocks. Each sister possesses unique magical powers that grow and evolve, while they attempt to maintain normal lives in modern-day San Francisco. The main characters of the first three seasons were Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell. After Doherty departed from the series in 2001, resulting in her character's death, she was replaced by Rose McGowan as the long-lost younger half-sister Paige Matthews from the fourth season onwards. The following list only contains characters that appeared in five or more episodes.
- In season two, Brian Krause was billed as 'guest' for the first thirteen episodes
- In seasons three and four, Cole's demonic form, Belthazar, is portrayed by Michael Bailey Smith
- In season one, [|Victor] Bennett was portrayed by Anthony Denison
- In season one, Rebecca Balding guest starred as Aunt Jackie for one episode
- In season three, The Source was portrayed by Michael Bailey Smith, and in season four by Bennet Guillory
- Wes Ramsey portrays [|Wyatt] as an adult
Main characters
Prue Halliwell
Prue Halliwell is the eldest sister who initially receives the power to move objects with her mind by channeling telekinesis through her eyes. As the series progresses, Prue channels her telekinetic powers through her hands, and also gains the power of astral projection, which allows her to materialize her astral form outside of her body. Prue also develops martial arts skills and becomes an effective hand-to-hand fighter. She sacrificed a majority of her childhood to help raise her two younger sisters Piper and Phoebe, after the death of their mother [|Patty] and the abandonment of their father Victor. Prue's sense of responsibility occasionally leads to clashes with the more free-spirited Phoebe, however, the two grow closer as the series progresses. During her three seasons on Charmed, Prue is regarded as the strongest and most powerful witch of the Halliwell sisters, as she usually takes charge of situations that involve demons and warlocks. In the season three finale, Prue is killed by Shax, a powerful demonic assassin sent by The Source of All Evil.Piper Halliwell
Piper Halliwell is the second eldest sister who initially receives the power of molecular immobilization, which allows her to "freeze" her surrounding environment. As the series progresses, she also gains the power of molecular combustion, which enables her to combust any object she wishes; this power quickly becomes useful to easily vanquish lower level demons. Piper starts off as the middle sister, but later becomes the eldest after Prue dies. Piper is initially shy and submissive, but gradually develops a much more assertive personality, especially after Prue's death. One of the reoccurring struggles for Piper is her attempt to maintain a normal life despite her destiny of defeating the forces of evil. In season three, she marries their whitelighter Leo Wyatt, and as the series progresses, they have two children—Wyatt and Chris.Phoebe Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell is the third sister who initially receives the power of premonition, which enables her to see into the past and the future. To make up for initially receiving a passive power, Phoebe develops martial arts skills to better assist her sisters when fighting evil. As the series progresses, she also gains the active powers of levitation and empathy and her premonitions become more powerful, enabling her to communicate with people in the future. Phoebe starts out as the youngest and most rebellious of the Halliwell sisters. Because of her free-spirited nature, she often comes into major conflicts with Prue, but the two eventually mend their relationship. She later becomes the middle sister after Prue dies and the series introduces their younger half-sister [|Paige]. One of the recurring struggles for Phoebe is her attempt to find a career and true love. In the final season she falls in love and marries [|Coop], a cupid that was initially sent to her to find love.Paige Matthews
Paige Matthews is the youngest half-sister who initially receives the power to move objects with her mind by orbing them from one location to another through a vocal command. Paige is ambitious, outspoken, and stands firmly in what she believes in. She is the secret love child of the Halliwell sisters' mother Patty and her whitelighter Sam Wilder, making Paige both a witch and whitelighter. Paige was given up at birth and raised by her adoptive parents. She was unaware of her magical history until Prue's funeral at the beginning of season four, in which she goes on to help reconstitute The Charmed Ones by taking Prue's place in the Power of Three. As the series progresses, Paige also inherits a variety of whitelighter powers such as orbing herself and others, sensing, glamouring, and healing. One of the reoccurring struggles for Paige is finding an identity for herself outside of her role as a Charmed One. In the final season, she marries mortal parole officer [|Henry Mitchell].Supporting characters
Andy Trudeau
Andy Trudeau is a detective for the San Francisco Police Department. He was introduced in season one as the Halliwell sisters' childhood friend, and Prue's high school sweetheart and first love. Andy is coincidentally assigned to almost every police case that involve the sisters. He eventually discovers that they are witches and serves as the sisters' initial connection to the police force. He works with Darryl as his partner, although he causes quite a bit of grief to Darryl by always being seemingly ahead of his partner. In the season one finale, Andy is killed by the demon Rodriguez, who also happens to be one of the Internal Affairs officers that was investigating Andy's unsolved cases.Darryl Morris
Darryl Morris is a lieutenant in the San Francisco Police Department. Darryl is introduced into season one as the partner of Andy Trudeau. At first, Darryl is suspicious of the Halliwell sisters' recurring connection to mysterious murders and crimes. However, a few months after Andy's death, the sisters reveal to him that they are good witches trying to bring justice and protection to the world. Throughout the series, Darryl helps the sisters cover up unsolved cases related to demonic activity, grants them favors, and gives them general support. After season seven, Darryl and his family move to the East Coast.[|Leo] Wyatt
Leo Wyatt is the Halliwell sisters' whitelighter—a guardian angel for good witches—who has the powers to orb, heal, sense, glamour and hover. Leo is introduced into season one as the Halliwell sisters' handyman who is hired to fix up their house, but they later discover that he is actually their whitelighter. Leo's whitelighter duties often causes problems for his marriage to Piper and their family. Their relationship is the first of many conflicts between the Halliwells and The Elders.[|Dan Gordon]
Dan Gordon is a neighbor of the Halliwell sisters in the second season. In the first episode of the season, Dan moves into the house next-door to the sisters' with his niece [|Jenny]. Dan and Piper start dating after Piper and Leo split up due to the strenuous nature his whitelighter duties place on their relationship. While dating Piper, Dan notices the oddity of the sisters' lives and often suspects that they are hiding something. Piper's sudden unexplained disappearances and avoidance of his questions drives Dan crazy and makes him feel insecure in their relationship.Piper later breaks up with Dan and reconciles with Leo. Dan becomes very suspicious of Leo and asks his brother-in-law who works for the State Department to check out Leo's army records. When his brother-in-law discovers that Leo was a soldier in World War II and died in the war, Dan gives this information to Piper and is devastated to find out she already knew. In the second-season finale, Dan learns the truth about Piper and her sisters, after a wish granted by a Genie from Piper that Dan could "move on" with his life, turns him into an old man. Piper is heartbroken when Dan tells her that he wished he never found out because it freaks him out. To help ease Dan's mind, Piper wishes for the genie to make him forget about learning the truth and for him to truly move on with his life, which leads to Dan moving to Portland to take a job offer.
Jenny Gordon
Jenny Gordon is [|Dan Gordon's] niece who temporarily moves in with him for school because her parents are in Saudi Arabia on business. While living with her uncle, Jenny forms a bond with the Halliwell sisters and often turns to them for advice on female issues that she is not comfortable talking to her uncle about. Midway through season two, Jenny moves back in with her parents after they return to the United States.Cole Turner
Cole Turner, also known as the demonic assassin Belthazor, is a half-human and half-demon. Cole has the powers to teleport and throw projective energy balls which could stun or kill. He is introduced into season three as an Assistant District Attorney sent by The Triad to kill the Charmed Ones, but instead falls in love with Phoebe. Though Cole eventually rids himself of his demonic nature and marries Phoebe in season four, he later returns to evil after he unwillingly becomes the new Source of All Evil. This causes the sisters to kill him towards the end of season four. However, in season five Cole escapes The Wasteland, due to him stealing vast amounts of powers off other dead demons, and forces himself into the sisters' lives again. Cole never regains their trust and although he attempts to dedicate his new life to being good, his bewildering love for Phoebe and her rejection of his love, drives him to the point of insanity, which again results in his demise.Chris Halliwell
Christopher Perry Halliwell is the second son of Leo and Piper, making him a half-witch and half-whitelighter. Chris is introduced into the season five finale as a whitelighter from the future who helps assist the sisters against magical beings known as The Titans. While he successfully gains the Charmed Ones' trust, Leo remains initially suspicious. In season six, Chris reveals that he is actually Leo and Piper's son and that he traveled back in time to prevent his older brother Wyatt from growing up to be the evil dictator he becomes in the future. For this to happen, Chris set up a scheme where most of The Elders would die so that Leo could become an Elder and he could become the Charmed Ones' new whitelighter, allowing him to get close enough to Wyatt to protect him. In the season six finale, adult Chris is killed by an Elder named Gideon and baby Chris is born. His powers are telekinesis, and orbing.Billie Jenkins
Billie Jenkins is a young witch who has the power to move objects with her mind using telekinesis. Billie is introduced into season eight as a college student and a new charge for Paige. While the Halliwell sisters assume new identities during the first few episodes of the season, she keeps their secret and does some of their magical legwork for them. Billie becomes obsessed with finding her long-lost older sister [|Christy], who was kidnapped 15 years earlier by The Triad. Billie is eventually reunited with her sister, but does not know that she has been turned evil under the influence of demons. After Christy briefly sways her to betray the Charmed Ones, Billie eventually sides with the sisters in the series finale and is forced to kill Christy in self-defense.Recurring characters
Rex Buckland and Hannah Webster
Rex Buckland and Hannah Webster are both warlocks who are first introduced into season one after Prue applies for a job at Buckland's Auction House, where they both work. While Rex tests Prue's knowledge of art, Hannah "accidentally" pushes a stepladder, knocking over a bucket of paint right above Prue. When Prue deviates the paint's trajectory with her power, Hannah concludes she is "either the luckiest woman alive... or a witch." Hannah almost gives away her secret of being a witch after Prue casts a truth spell on herself, which forces everyone around her to say the truth, including Hannah who tells her "it's my mission in life to destroy you." Rex takes this as "office rivalry", and scolds her later. Hannah first shows her powers when she lights Rex's cigar with only her breath. After this, Rex puts the Halliwell sisters' ancestor Melinda Warren's locket in front of Prue for her to see. When she opens it, a powerful warlock and Melinda's past lover Matthew Tate emerges from the locket and tries to kill the Charmed Ones. However, the sisters resurrect Melinda, who locks him up in the locket again. Rex and Hannah have Prue arrested for stealing a tiara by planting evidence on her and manipulating her into believing she killed an auction house security guard. When Piper and Phoebe help Prue to escape from prison, Rex takes a picture of them and threatens to expose them. Rex demands their powers and gives the sisters a jar to store them in. With their powers gone, the sisters give the jar back to Rex at the auction house. While the sisters face Rex and Hannah, Leo, who was believed to be a handyman, performs magic on the sisters' Book of Shadows and returns the powers to the girls. Just as Hannah is about to kill the sisters in her black panther form, Piper freezes her and Rex. Prue then uses her telekinesis powers to move Rex in front of Hannah, and she accidentally kills him. Having done so, Hannah reverts to her human form before being vanquished herself by an unknown force.Victor Bennett
Victor Bennett, played by Anthony Denison and James Read, made his first appearance during the season one episode "Thank You for Not Morphing". He is the ex-husband of Patty Halliwell and the father of Prue, Piper and Phoebe. After his divorce to Patty and her death, Victor left his daughters to be raised by their grandmother, Penny Halliwell after constantly fighting with her about how to raise the girls. Victor reappears in his daughters' lives after they become witches and restores the relationship with his daughters.In 1998, Victor appears in San Francisco not long after his daughters find out they are witches. Prue is suspicious of him, but Piper and Phoebe are more open to seeing him. Victor admits he wanted to take the Book of Shadows to protect his daughters. He leaves them without a proper goodbye, instead leaving a home Christmas movie of the girls when they were younger. Three years later, Victor comes to San Francisco for a job interview. While in town, he assists his daughters in helping capture the demon children and bring them to the Ice Cream Man's truck. Victor has an immediate distrust of Piper's fiancée Leo Wyatt, once he finds out he is a whitelighter, as he believes that Patty's affair with her whitelighter Sam Wilder was one of the contributing factors to the end of their marriage. Victor eventually accepts Leo and Piper's relationship. Later in 2001, Victor returns for Prue's funeral. In 2002, he visits his daughters and introduces them to his new wife Doris Bennett, whom he met on a singles' cruise. Victor does not know that Doris is a demon and that she only married him so she could get closer to his daughters and steal Piper's baby, Wyatt. Doris stabs Victor in the abdomen, nearly killing him, before attempting to steal Wyatt. However, she is eventually vanquished.
In 2004, Victor meets Piper's second son Chris, who came from the future to save Wyatt from becoming evil. To Victor's surprise, Chris is excited to see him and he tells Victor that they have a very close relationship in the future. Later in 2004, Victor brings baby Chris back home after Wyatt orbed him to Victor's place, due to the two brothers having a sibling rivalry. When a temporarily resurrected Penny casts a spell that accidentally transfers Wyatt and Chris' rivalry into the sisters, Victor and Penny summon Patty to work out their issues. Patty and Victor ruminate on what kind of parents they would have been if they stayed married, and Patty lived to see the girls as teenagers. In 2005, when the sisters prepare to fight the demon Zankou, they leave Wyatt, Chris and the deeds to the manor and Piper's nightclub P3 with Victor, making him their official guardian in case they do not survive. After the sisters' temporarily fake their deaths, Victor still maintains his role as the boys' guardian. Wyatt and Chris later return to Piper after the sisters come out of hiding. In 2006, Piper leaves her sons with Victor again for protection, when the sisters prepare for a battle with Billie and Christy Jenkins.
Patty Halliwell
Patty Halliwell, played by Finola Hughes, made her first appearance during the season one episode "From Fear to Eternity". She is the mother of Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. Patty was married to Victor Bennett, which resulted in the three Halliwell daughters and then had a post-marital affair with her whitelighter Sam Wilder, which resulted in her fourth daughter Paige. Patty kept her fourth pregnancy a secret because The Elders would not approve; Patty and Sam gave the baby up for adoption shortly after she gave birth. Patty was killed by a water demon on February 28, 1978, but her spirit occasionally visits her children. Like Piper, Patty had the power to freeze time, and she was briefly able to have premonitions while carrying Phoebe.Barbas
Barbas, played by Billy Drago, made his first appearance during the season one episode "From Fear To Eternity". He has the ability to sense a person's greatest fear and uses it against them. Originally, Barbas could only appear on Earth for 24 hours once every 1300 years, on Friday the 13th. If he could kill 13 unmarried witches before midnight, then he would be able break free of The Underworld and walk the Earth for eternity. This later changed, as Barbas started appearing much more frequently in Charmed. The Charmed Ones have vanquished him four times throughout the course of series, all by overcoming their greatest fears and using spells and potions. However, Barbas has always found a way to come back and escape from purgatory. He is finally vanquished in the season seven episode "A Call To Arms".Penny Halliwell
Penny Halliwell, played by Jennifer Rhodes, made her first appearance during the season one episode "Is There a Woogy in the House?". She is the mother of Patty Halliwell and the grandmother of Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. A powerful woman, Penny possesses the power of telekinesis and the skill with it to deflect or reflect many spells or powers used by evil adversaries. She also added many potions and spells to the Book of Shadows. After Patty died, Penny raised Prue, Piper and Phoebe on her own. She died of a heart attack six months before the events of the first season, but has appeared several times in the series as a spirit.Inspector Rodriguez
Inspector Rodriguez. Posing as an Internal Affairs agent, Rodriguez questions Andy Trudeau after he takes a murder weapon used by the ghost of a serial killer so Prue and Phoebe can stop him. Rodriguez says he is worried about the number of unsolved cases Trudeau and Darryl Morris seemingly abandoned and believes Andy is covering for someone. Continuing with his investigation, Rodriguez threatens Andy, who refuses to reveal who he is protecting and turns in his gun and shield. While spying on the two detectives, Rodriguez overhears Andy telling Darryl that he is covering for Prue Halliwell. Rodriguez then kills his partner with his powers, thus revealing his demonic nature. Continuing to try and root out the sisters, he frames his partner's murder on Andy, but Andy still refuses to expose the sisters. Getting frustrated, Rodriguez teams up with the time-manipulating demon, Tempus. Each time Rodriguez fails to kill all three sisters, Tempus reverses time to give him another chance. Due to Phoebe's power of premonition, the girls eventually figure out what is going on and tie up Rodriguez, but not before Andy is killed trying to protect Prue and her sisters. Encouraged by Andy's spirit, Prue uses a spell to break the time loop, weakening Tempus and sending him back to the Underworld. Prue then unties Rodriguez and orders him to get out. He immediately fires an energy ball in a last-ditch effort to kill the sisters, but Prue, sensing his intentions, uses her power to redirect it back to him and Rodriguez is finally vanquished.Jack Sheridan
Jack Sheridan, played by Lochlyn Munro, made his first appearance during the season two episode "That Old Black Magic". He was originally an Internet auctioneer. In "That Old Black Magic", when Prue was doing a live appraisal for an exquisite wand, Jack walks in and boldly offers to guarantee the owner Betty $1,000 in cash on the spot. The wand belonged to Tuatha, a powerful evil witch from the 18th century. After Tuatha's defeat, Prue meets Jack at P3 and gives the wand back to him, who notes the broken crystal and its reduced value, but buys Prue a drink to show no hard feelings. In "They're Everywhere", Jack convinces his twin brother Jeff Sheridan to help check out Prue because he likes her. Prue tells Piper that Jack might be a warlock after she sees one of the Sheridans in front of her at the coffee pot, and the other reading a magazine at the newsstand. Prue and Piper then cast a spell to hear his private thoughts. When both Sheridans appear in Prue's office, Jack tells her that Jeff is his twin brother.In "P3 H2O", Jack accepts a job at Bucklands Auction House and helps Prue close a sale with Japanese client Mr. Fujimoto, while she was out demon hunting at a campsite. When Prue returns to her office, she is surprised to find out that Jack listed her as the sales agent. She then offers Jack dinner as a thank you. In "Ms. Hellfire", the new boss of Bucklands, Mr. Cauldwell, partners Prue with Jack and orders each partnership to raise $100,000 worth of merchandise. When Prue does not come into the office to help Jack, he goes to the manor and demands to know where she has been. Prue tells him that she raised $275,000 from an anonymous estate and they go celebrate. In "Heartbreak City", Jack and Prue go on a date with Piper and Dan Gordon to see the movie Love Story. They later go on another date at P3, where the demon of hate, Drazi, uses Cupid's ring to make Jack believe that Prue is using him. This causes them to have a fight. Prue and Jack later reconcile and go on another date with Piper and Dan to see The Dirty Dozen.
In "Reckless Abandon", Jack and Prue's presentation at work won them a trip to New York for a conference. However, Prue backs out when a magical emergency intervenes and Jack decides to not go as well. In "Awakened", Prue breaks up with Jack after she resigns from Bucklands.
Bob Cowan
Bob Cowan, played by David Reivers, made his first appearance during the first episode of season four, "Charmed Again ". He is Paige's boss at South Bay Social Services. In "Charmed Again ", Bob asks Paige for information but she does not pay attention to him because she was reading a newspaper article about Prue's death. Paige then heads out to attend Prue's funeral while Bob calls out her name several times and asks her where she is going. In the episode "Charmed Again ", Bob assigns Paige to a case involving Jake and Carol Grisanti, who were both under investigation by Social Services for physically abusing their son. In the third episode of season four, "Hell Hath No Fury", Bob approaches Paige, who is talking to Piper, at her desk and notices she is not working. Bob then asks Piper who she is and Piper replies that she is Paige's sister.In the season four episode "A Knight to Remember", Bob demands to know what is going on when Paige locks herself in the photocopier room with The Prince from her fairytale. She passes The Prince off as a performer in the Renaissance Fair and the two leave. At the end of the day, The Evil Enchantress from her fairytale arrives at South Bay Social Services looking for The Prince and Bob sees her. He assumes Paige is in the Renaissance Fair as well and tells her to lockup before she leaves. In the season four episode "Lost and Bound", a young boy named Tyler Michaels arrives at South Bay Social Services and Bob tells Paige that the police brought him in because they found him sleeping in an alley. When Bob asks Tyler for his phone number so he can ring his parents to let them know his okay, Tyler gets angry and sets fire to a wastebasket by using his powers.
In the season four episode "The Three Faces of Phoebe", Bob offers Paige a promotion to become a full-fledged social worker for having helped a client named Carolyn Seldon with getting her son back from her abusive ex-husband. In the process, Bob passed over Scott, a more experienced assistant, with the offer. Paige turns down the offer because she used magic to help Carolyn. During the first episode of season five, "A Witch's Tail ", Bob tells Paige that she has been promoted to social worker and that it means she has to arrive at work on time. In "A Witch's Tail ", Paige quits her job at South Bay Social Services and Bob tells her that she has got a real gift at helping people.
Elise Rothman
Elise Rothman, played by Rebecca Balding, made her first appearance during the season four episode "The Fifth Halliwell". She is the editor and boss of The Bay Mirror, where Phoebe works as an advice columnist. When Elise first appears in Charmed, her advice columnist is Karen Young. At the time, Karen was infected by a demonic power, which made her hate Elise and want to kill her. Phoebe then took over for Karen and did her column. Afterwards, Karen tells Elise the truth about the column; Elise fires her and hires Phoebe in her place. The two start off with a professional, work relationship, often having verbal disputes about deadlines and what not. As the series progresses, they develop a unique bond as friends. When The Charmed Ones fake their deaths in the beginning of season eight, Elise openly admits that Phoebe is her best friend and considers her as the daughter she never had.Sheila Morris
Sheila Morris, played by Sandra Prosper, made her first appearance during the season five episode "Centennial Charmed". She is the wife of Darryl Morris. In "Centennial Charmed", the Halliwell sisters meet Sheila for the first time at Piper's club P3, where together they celebrate Darryl's promotion to lieutenant. In the season five episode "Oh My Goddess ", it is revealed that Darryl told Sheila about the sisters being witches and she is able to cope with and understand it. Sheila eventually becomes frustrated when the sisters keep putting Darryl's life and career in danger by covering for them, and she demands that he stops helping them. At the end of season seven, Sheila and Darryl move to the East Coast with their children.Sophie
Sophie, played by Amanda Sickler, made her first appearance during the season five episode "Sand Francisco Dreamin'". She is Phoebe's friend and assistant at The Bay Mirror, and appears until the final season. When The Charmed Ones fake their deaths in the beginning of season eight, Sophie reveals the sincerity of her friendship with Phoebe while eulogizing her.The Crone
The Crone. She is the ancient, demonic foreseer who is the first demon in the entire series to go after Piper and Leo's child, Wyatt. Unlike most demons in the series, The Crone never had any personal intentions towards the Charmed Ones. Her only intentions were to kidnap baby Wyatt, not to harm him, but to lay hands on him to gain a foresight in his future. She first appears in the episode Baby's First Demon where she is shown to be in control over a demonic market run by demons and warlocks. She sends numerous demons to go after Wyatt, but fails at these attempts. The Crone blames the unsuccessful attempts to kidnap the baby on one of the demons at the market and she vanquishes him after causing Phoebe and Piper to go after his alerts and cause destruction in the demonic market. The Crone makes her second appearance in the episode Sense and Sense Ability where she weakens the Charmed Ones' senses with the aid of a totem monkey of See No Evil, Hear No Evil, and Speak No Evil. She tricks Wyatt into believing she is one of the family, therefore, succeeds into gaining a premonition, only to be caught seconds later by Piper, Phoebe and Paige. The Crone, amazed by Wyatt's incredible and destructible abilities, is vanquished by the Charmed Ones, who gain their senses back.Wyatt Halliwell
Wyatt Matthew Halliwell is the first child of Piper and Leo, who made his first appearance during the season five episode "The Day the Magic Died". At first, Wyatt is played by an unknown and uncredited baby. Starting in the season five episode "Necromancing the Stone", infant Wyatt is played by twins Jason and Kristopher Simmons until the series finale "Forever Charmed". In two episodes, young, pre-teen Wyatt is played by two other actors: Ryan Bradford Hanson in the season seven episode "Witchness Protection", and Tanner Fox in "Forever Charmed". As an adult, in flashforward and in time travel stories, Wyatt is played by Wes Ramsey.Wyatt is the prophesied trice-blessed child, a being of unimaginable power. He is the first born of a Charmed One and the first male witch in his family. Wyatt has the known powers of force fields, orbing, telekinesis, telekinetic-orbing, projection and healing. While he was still in utero, Wyatt was powerful enough to use his powers which made Piper virtually invincible during her pregnancy. He also taught his soon-to-be parents life lessons by having them "walk a mile in each other's shoes" to stop their constant bickering.
In season five, demons such as the Hawker Demon, Parasites, and The Crone attempt to kidnap Wyatt. The Crone succeeds in getting Wyatt and sees a glimpse of his future, warning of a great power yet to come. She is eventually vanquished by The Charmed Ones. Wyatt's great-grandmother Penny is summoned from the afterlife for his wiccaning; she is astonished to discover that he is a boy as males have never been born into the Warren/Halliwell family. However, Penny eventually gets over her bitterness towards men, accepts Wyatt into the family and performs his wiccaning. In season six, Wyatt is temporarily erased from existence by The Cleaners, when he exposes magic to the world by conjuring a massive dragon out of the television and letting it loose in San Francisco. However, The Cleaners stop their quest to take Wyatt after the sisters threaten to keep exposing magic. It is later revealed that Wyatt is the heir of King Arthur and is destined to wield the sword Excalibur. However, Piper keeps the sword tucked away in the attic until Wyatt turns 18. Piper and Leo's second son from the future, Chris, comes back to prevent Wyatt from turning evil. They eventually discover that the elder Gideon is out to eliminate Wyatt, believing that it was too great of a risk to keep him alive due to his great power, but that Gideon's actions will cause Wyatt to become evil as the trauma of Gideon's attacks caused Wyatt to lose faith in good being able to protect him. Leo later averts this future by killing Gideon.
In season seven, Wyatt uses his healing powers to save Piper from a deadly coma. Piper is called to Wyatt's pre-school when he begins talking to himself; in reality, Wyatt is talking to the demon Vicus, who is trying to gain Wyatt's trust to turn him evil. Piper summons adult Wyatt from the future to get answers, and he turns evil before their eyes. Leo is able to regain Wyatt's trust and the spell is reversed. When the sisters prepare to fight the demon Zankou, they leave Wyatt and Chris in the care of their grandfather Victor, in case they do not survive. In season eight, after the sisters and Leo use magical disguises to hideout due to their fake deaths, Piper and Leo regain custody of Wyatt and Chris. During the events of The Charmed Ones' final destined battle, Wyatt is kidnapped by the demon Dumain, who had Billie and Christy Jenkins steal infant Wyatt's powers to unleash The Hollow, causing his powers to be stripped in the future. Adult Wyatt and Chris then return from the future to figure out what happened. After his powers are restored, adult Wyatt and Chris return to the future. In the flash forward montages to the future, Wyatt and Chris are seen preparing a potion together.
Jason Dean
Jason Dean, played by Eric Dane, made his first appearance during the season five episode "Baby's First Demon". Jason is introduced into season five as a multi-millionaire and the new owner of The Bay Mirror, where Phoebe works. Phoebe is instantly attracted to him when they first see each other. Jason gets her to write an article about finding love over the internet and she meets a user online named "Cyrano73". Phoebe later meets "Cyrano73" in person and it turns out to be Jason. Jason eventually starts dating Phoebe and they continue dating in season six, where their relationship becomes more serious. Jason moves to Hong Kong for business and Phoebe goes with him. After 15 months of dating, Jason discovers Phoebe's secret identity as a witch by accident and, unable to handle the revelation, breaks up with her.Gideon
Gideon initially asks the Halliwells for help when some of his teachers and students are decapitated by a headless horseman. He immediately gains their trust as the headmaster of the school, taken together with Piper's daycare concerns for a very magical toddler. His motives are not truly evil, as he believes he is acting for the Greater Good. In his opinion, Piper and Leo's first son, Wyatt, is too powerful to be kept alive, and the arrival of Whitelighter Chris Perry, from a future where Wyatt Halliwell is a powerful evil tyrant, seems to confirm his fears.But Gideon's plans to destroy the boy, using demons and warlocks as surrogates, are complicated by the very thing that seemed to prove his suspicions – Chris – who is bent on protecting his older sibling from the influences that turned him evil. The young half-witch/whitelighter vows to find the culprit who turns his brother evil in the future and stop him. Gideon's multi-episode plots are also foiled, nearly as often, by Wyatt's innately strong, if immature magical talents, and Gideon grows increasingly desperate to succeed, gradually exposing himself to discovery. In the end, he risks direct involvement and becomes unmasked to Wyatt's protective parents and family.
Barbas, The Demon Of Fear who was previously vanquished by the Charmed Ones, is reconjured by The Tribunal; he later partners with Gideon in the finale. Once the parents become alerted to and begin looking for the influence threatening the future, Gideon manages to make the Halliwells believe Wyatt is going to be made evil by the hosts of a demonic reality TV show, which involves killing witches. After those threats are vanquished, Gideon kills his henchman, Sigmund, who has assisted him in deceiving everyone but is about to tell everything to the Charmed Ones. Gideon sends Leo and Chris, followed by Paige and Phoebe, into a mirror dimension where Evil rules, to get them out of his way. In the evil world, the good Barbas advises that Gideon has been behind this all along. As Gideon's evil counterpart is caught trying to kill Wyatt, the Phoebes and Paiges of both worlds try to vanquish him, and the balance between Good and Evil shifts. The Good world becomes too good, which affects Piper and then, via a spell she writes while under Barbas' influence, Phoebe and Paige. Leo manages to turn them back to normal and, after Chris dies by Gideon's hands, Leo avenges his death, killing Gideon and restoring the balance in the process.
Inspector Sheridan
Inspector Sheridan, played by Jenya Lano, made her first appearance during the season six episode "Crimes and Witch Demeanors". She is an inspector for the San Francisco Police Department. In season six, Sheridan gets possessed by a Phantasm, as part of the demon Barbas' scheme to escape from purgatory. Sheridan then films Phoebe and Paige using magic, which leads to The Cleaners altering history and framing Darryl for murder. Leo and Chris later find out Sheridan is possessed and bring her before The Tribunal, after which her memories are erased. She later starts investigating Chris' disappearance after he escapes from jail, but stops after seeing him die in the Halliwell manor. In season seven, Sheridan becomes suspicious about Chris' disappearance again and she asks Phoebe to come to the police station to answer a few questions about him. When Phoebe does not turn up, Sheridan goes to the manor to arrest her, but Leo blasts Sheridan into a wall. When Sheridan wakes up, she does not remember being blasted.Sheridan continues investigating the Halliwell sisters, including staking out the manor along with a reluctant Darryl. She eventually starts working with Federal Agent Kyle Brody, who shares her suspicions. However, when they catch the sisters using magic, Kyle shoots Sheridan with a tranquilizer dart and promises to keep the sisters' secret in exchange for their help. It is later revealed that Kyle had Sheridan placed in a mental institution, where she was kept in a comatose state in a secret room. Sheridan loses her memories and the sisters be even more careful around her as they do not want to trigger her lost memories. Sheridan eventually begins pursuing leads against the sisters again, after her suspicions rekindle and she recovers some of her memory. When Homeland Security arrive in San Francisco to investigate the sisters, Sheridan helps them with the investigation and breaks into the manor with a hidden camera. When she enters the attic, Sheridan is confronted by the demon Zankou, who kills her with an energy ball.
Kyle Brody
Kyle Brody, played by Kerr Smith, made his first appearance during the season seven episode "Charrrmed!". He works as a federal agent for Homeland Security. Kyle first appears in San Francisco to help Darryl Morris and Inspector Sheridan with a case involving the Halliwell sisters. He reveals that he knows the sisters are witches. When they catch the sisters using magic, Kyle shoots Inspector Sheridan with a tranquilizer dart and allows the sisters to escape. He helps cover for Piper, who was recruited by the Angel of Death, by telling the press that he faked her death for a top secret mission. Kyle finds out about Paige's powers not long after, due to her accidentally orbing out of his apartment. He tells Paige that he does not want to expose them or hurt them, and that he just needs their help to find out who killed his parents.Kyle investigates several accidents where people manage to survive their homes burning to the ground, only to be killed shortly after. His research led to him finding out that a celerity demon named Sarpedon was capturing guardian angels and using them to guide and guard him in his hope of becoming indestructible to The Avatars. Kyle and Paige planned to have his guardian angel be a target of Sarpedon, but instead, Sarpedon goes for Paige's. Afterwards, Kyle is captured by Sarpedon and held in his lair, only to be saved by Paige later on. After a Gnome was murdered at Magic School, Paige enlists Kyle's help to find out who killed him. When Kyle opens a novel called Crossed, Double-Crossed, he found near the Gnome's body, he and Paige get sucked into the book's film noir black-and-white setting. They are later transported out of the book and start dating.
Kyle believes that The Avatars were responsible for his parents death. After he nearly kills Leo for being an avatar, Phoebe suggests that Kyle goes back in time with Paige to find out what really happened to his parents the night they died. Kyle and Paige meet his mother Ruth Brody and father Jack Brody, as well as Kyle's past self. When Ruth and Jack arrive at a warehouse near JFK to inspect some ancient artifacts, Kyle sees it was celerity demons that killed his parents. Although it was proven that The Avatars did not kill his parents, Kyle remains unconvinced of their motives and consequently forms an alliance with the demon Zankou, because they both want to keep things as they are and to not create Utopia. Although Kyle is reluctant to the idea, Zankou kills the celerity demons who murdered his parents. Kyle gets killed while taking out the avatar Beta. After his death, The Elders turned him into a whitelighter because they thought he'd done enough good in his life.