List of Doctors characters (2012)

The following is a list of characters that first appeared in the BBC soap opera Doctors in 2012, by order of first appearance. All characters are introduced by the show's executive producer, Will Trotter.

Mandy Marquez

Mandy Marquez, portrayed by Danielle Henry, first appeared on 10 February 2012, and made her last appearance on 7 October 2014. Mandy is a love interest for Freya Wilson. Mandy is introduced as a bridesmaid to Cherry Malone. Freya later begins to develop feelings for Mandy, and the two meet up. The following week, Freya takes part in a football game, and Mandy comes to watch. When Mandy gets there, the team is a player short, so Mandy is asked to play. They win, and Mandy asks Freya back to her house.


Mandy begins a relationship with Freya. Lloyd told Katy Moon of Inside Soap that he believed Freya needed to grow up and have a "mature relationship" with meaning. He added that Freya's crush on Cherry and her fling with Kevin Tyler were a direct result of Freya searching for stability. However, Mandy is left to contend with Freya's prevailing feelings for Kevin. Corfield opined that the dynamic of the three characters was "glorious" and that Mandy is not sure where she fits in. Freya reassures Mandy, but "there's still such a pull towards Kevin" which she fails to hide. Corfield revealed that Freya and Mandy's romance would face problems in future episodes. Freya is "useless" in relationships because she is "petrified" that something will go wrong as she has never been treated well. While Corfield felt that the pair setting up home was moving too fast, in the long-run it would benefit Freya. She added that Freya would mess things up "quite wonderfully" which sets the scene of the relationship that will not run smoothly. It was noted that a Doctors storyline never usually develops without problems. Like Corfield; Henry also believed Freya's "love-hate relationship" with Kevin could cause issues.
Although, their relationship has positive traits which help Freya. Mandy is characterised as "honest" and "very upfront", which works out well for the indecisive Freya. Mandy's "straight-down-the-line" attitude and dislike to overcomplicate a situation; results in her just wanting to be with Freya. Mandy does not foresee the possible problems that Freya does. In one storyline, Freya promotes her blog on a radio station and gets ridiculed for her bisexuality. Mandy interrupts the broadcast to help Freya, which sets the theme of Mandy acting as her support network. Henry later told Kilkelly that she thought Doctors did a "really good job" of making their character's sexuality incidental. She branded the realism of their lesbian relationship a rare occurrence on television - adding that they made a departure from the stereotypes and dramatisation associated with gay characters, adding "I think Doctors have done a really good job I think Mandy and Freya's sexuality is just incidental a lot of the time - they're just two people who have a lot in common and really love each other. At the core of it, that's the most important thing". Freya and Kevin were revealed to be involved in a fire storyline leading to them both being seriously injured. After an argument with Kevin, Freya goes around to his house to find it on fire. Freya decides to enter the building in an attempt to save Kevin. Daniel Kilkelly of Digital Spy said that there would be a "shock ending" to the episode which would leave an "agonising" three-week wait to see if they survive. He later reported that Kevin survives the blaze, but Freya dies in hospital leaving Mandy "grief-stricken". However, despite the departure of Corfield, producer Peter Eryl Lloyd confirmed that Henry would stay in the show adding that she is "a great addition to the cast", and that she has "made an impression in her own right". He also teased that Mandy has got "some great storylines coming up".

Franklyn Ward

Franklyn Ward, portrayed by Steven Meo, first appeared on 10 February 2012, and makes his last appearance on 1 November 2012. Franklyn is Jimmi Clay's friend. On 23 October, Franklyn returned for six episodes, and departed on 1 November 2012. Franklyn appears for the wedding of Jimmi Clay to Cherry Clay. Once the wedding is over, Franklyn leaves. Months later, Franklyn returns after the news that Jimmi has split from Cherry, as she cheated on Jimmi with Daniel Granger. Franklyn does drinking games with Jimmi to cheer him up, and the two end up laughing about Cherry. Two days later, Franklyn applies for a job at the Mill, working as a security guard, alongside List of Doctors characters #Barry Biglow. Franklyn sprays "scum" over Daniel's car with shaving foam. Barry suspects Franklyn did the graffiti, however Franklyn blames it on Valerie Pitman. Barry sends a picture of Daniel's car to Jimmi. The following day, Barry questions Franklyn about the graffiti, but he once again blames it on Valerie, persuading Barry that he has an alibi for when the crime was committed.

Akono Mezu

Akono Mezu, portrayed by Emmanuel Idowu, first appeared on 13 January 2012, and made his last appearance on 3 February 2012. Jane Rackham from the Radio Times stated that Akono "certainly had an eyebrow-raising introduction to the staff at the Mill yesterday", saying it was a "brave decision to let Jack give him a taste of student life", but it was unfortunate that "the first person they met was Jack’s uni friend Sarah".
Akono appears when the church asks Mrs Tembe if she would give Akono a home whilst he studies at Letherbridge University. She welcomes Akono staying, as they are both Christians. He is given a tour of the university by Jack Hollins, though begins to question whether he wants to stay in England when he sees Jack's friend Sarah Trevllin drunk. He begins to question his beliefs as he learns of Sarah's history of rape and that she is missing her university lectures, and considers returning to Nigeria. Akono begins to develop feelings for Mrs Tembe, though she does not feel the same way about him. Later on, Akono kisses her. Mrs Tembe is shocked by this, and asks Akono to move out.

Malcolm and Paula Malone

Malcolm Malone and Paula Malone, portrayed by Jeremy Swift and Tracey Childs, are Cherry Clay's parents, who arrive for Cherry's wedding to Jimmi Clay. The couple first appeared on 31 January, before departing on 14 February 2012, after the wedding was over.
Although the two first appear when they are invited to the wedding by Cherry, Paula phones Cherry three months earlier to tell her that Cherry's and Jimmi's wedding venue is burning down. Whilst Cherry and Paula go dress shopping, Malcolm and Jimmi stay at the house, drinking beers. Malcolm gets drunk, telling Jimmi all about Paula, and how because of her Malcolm had to give up his punk rock career. Malcolm then makes Jimmi promise that Cherry does not turn into another Paula, before he falls asleep. Paula and Cherry return home, to find Malcolm asleep and punk rock music playing, much to Paula's disgust. Cherry starts to have second thoughts about the wedding, but is persuaded by Paula that they are just nerves. Jimmi begins to realize the similarities between Cherry and Paula, and panics whilst at a dinner with the two and Malcolm, telling them that he has been married before to Eva Moore and about how she was presumed dead. Paula and Malcolm are shocked by this, telling Cherry that they cannot let her marry Jimmi. However, after much persuasion from Cherry, they both attend the wedding, before leaving.

Joe Granger Carmichael

Joe Granger Carmichael, portrayed by Oliver Falconer from February 2017, is the son of Zara Carmichael and Daniel Granger, who is born on 13 February 2012. When Zara goes into premature labour, Joe is delivered by Cherry Clay. Zara and Daniel decide to call the baby Joe, after Daniel's uncle, Joe Fenton.
Joe's half sister, Izzie Torres, stays in Letherbridge with Joe and his parents, and takes him out for a day, and Daniel and Zara believe they are missing. When Daniel begins dating Becky Clarke, Joe is confused by their relationship but takes a shine to Becky. Izzie tells Joe that Daniel has poor taste for women, and that he should get used to his parents fighting for Joe's love. When Daniel and Zara are invited to an online safety assembly, they insist they are busy. Al Haskey disagrees with their trust in Joe, so he pretends to be a young girl called Pixie. He chats with Joe online, and asks him to send personal details, to which Joe does. He then educates Joe on the dangers of the internet, and what not to do online. When Joe meets new classmate Ozzy Bashara who is fasting for Ramadan, Joe decides he wants to fast too. Zara explains that he is not a Muslim, so he does not have to fast, but he refuses to listen. Zara and Daniel eventually persuade Joe to not fast, after he cannot wait until sundown for food. When Daniel discovers that Joe has been using voice assistant Harper to do his homework for him, he confiscates it.


Speaking to Digital Spy, Dermot-Walsh talked about how she prepared for Zara's labour scenes saying, "It was very daunting, really - especially as we know that so many people watching Doctors are people who are staying at home with their children. It will be fresh in their memories, so I didn't want to do it wrong! But of course, when you start researching, you discover that it's different for every woman - and if you ask people about giving birth, everybody will say something different. I've been preparing for it for a long time, though, as it's what my character has wanted ever since she came into the show. That was nearly three years ago, so to finally get the thing that I've played her as wanting for so long was quite emotional to shoot." On calling the baby Joe, she said, "I think it's really appropriate, because Daniel's father figure was Joe Fenton, who was on the show for years and was the patriarch of Doctors for a long time. So that's a very significant name for Daniel, and I think it's very loving of Zara that she doesn't insist on calling the baby something like Lysander or Demetrius - as she'd teased him that she would!" Dermot-Walsh also stated that it has been "amazing" working with babies. The character of Joe departed in August 2012, as Dermot-Walsh was expecting a baby and left to go on maternity leave. Producer Peter Eryl Lloyd said that Zara's exit storyline would air in August 2012 and would take Joe with her. However, Zara and Joe will return in the "festive season", adding that "she has to take Joe with her and have a reason to come back".


Twins Emily and Lewis Whitehead initiated the role of Joe, making their first credited appearance on 14 February 2012; the episode following Joe's birth. The Whitehead twins appeared in 8 episodes before the role was taken over by Harrison and Lily-Sue Horbury. The Horbury twins made their first appearance on 12 March 2012, and continued to play Joe for 28 episodes until 24 August 2014. During this time, Joe was also played by twins Olivia and Oscar Wilson for 5 episodes and River Mahjouri for 1. The Horbury twins departed the role when actress Elisabeth Dermot-Walsh left the show for her maternity leave. During Dermot-Walsh's leave, Joe made three appearances; each time played by a different child. Nathaniel Arthur Stocks assumed the role on 1 October 2012, George Black on 21 December 2012 and Corey and Luka Donnelly on 31 January 2013. When Elisabeth Dermot-Walsh returned to the role of Zara Carmichael, Joe was recast to twins Kori and Kaiden Leigh Miles, who made their first appearance on 9 April 2013. The Miles twins stayed with the show until 28 January 2015, appearing in a total of 28 episodes. On 18 March 2015, Roman Law made his first appearance in the role. With the recast to Roman Law, the character was aged up by one year as the actor is approximately 12 months older than the character. The role of Joe was again recast in 2017, with Oliver Falconer assuming the role on 27 February 2017.

Martin Millar

Martin Millar portrayed by Miles Anderson, first appears on 3 April 2012, and made his final appearance on 18 May 2012. Martin is introduced as a love interest for Julia Parsons. Martin first appears when Julia parks her car in front of his garage, so he has to move the car. Martin asks Julia out on a date, though at first she declines, she later goes with Martin, and the two begin a relationship. Julia worries that Martin is hiding things from her, so her and Elaine Cassidy set a trap for him, so that if he is hiding things, they'll find out. Elaine begins talking to Martin, saying that her name is Alicia. She comes on to him, but he rejects her, so Elaine phones up Julia to confirm that Martin does love her. The next day, Imogen Hollins asks Julia if she has googled Martin. She does so, and finds out that Martin is an arsonist. Julia confronts him about this, though he states that a former employee accused him of this, as he had just been fired by Martin. He is not sure whether Julia trusts him.
A week later, Julia phones Martin to apologise. The two go on a date, but Martin sees Elaine. As she does not want Martin to know who she really is, Elaine and Julia pretend that Elaine is Alicia and that the two have never met. The three have dinner together, joined by Barry Biglow, who has feelings for Julia. Elaine explains the circumstances to Barry, missing out the fact that Julia is on a date with Martin. Barry later finds out, running out the restaurant. Martin runs after him, and accidentally pushes him in the river. Barry then tells Martin that 'Alicia' is really Elaine, Julia's colleague, which leaves Martin angry. Martin later reveals that he has had five wives, and that he had a daughter with his third, Sarah. Julia is stunned by this, and rejects Martin. She meets up with Martin again, but when Martin says that he wants to retire and move to Wales, she once again rejects him, as she does not want this. He tries to persuade Julia to come to live with him to Wales, though she once again declines. They keep arguing about this, and whilst they are, their car crashes with another vehicle, and they are both knocked unconscious. Martin and Julia survive, and the two embrace. Julia's son Patrick arrives, wanting to take her to his house, so she can recover. However, after thinking about whether or not she wants a future with Martin, she decides she does, and goes to live with him in Wales.


Martin was brought into the soap to coincide with the departure of Julia, after Keen made the decision to leave the soap after nine years. Digital Spy said of Martin's first appearance; "Fans should also keep an eye out for a possible new love interest for Julia when she gets to know garage owner Martin Millar in a few weeks' time. It sounds like there's lots on the way for Julia in the next few weeks". Keen said of Martin's and Julia's relationship; "She's fighting it all the way, because she's had so many disastrous relationships in her life, so now she tends to take the negative point of view towards how something will turn out. Martin's really great because he won't take any nonsense and he's not taking no for an answer. He's forcing Julia to really give it a shot, and she needs that. She's obviously very attracted to him, too, so they could be very good together". Of the car stunt she said that it was filmed "on a mad, stormy, windy, rainy day". She called the stunt "phenomenal" and "amazing" saying, "In the end the scenes looked incredible because of that. It was very exciting for everybody, as we don't often get to do stunts like that on Doctors".


"Doctor", portrayed by John Dalziel, appeared on 15 May 2012. Dalziel made a cameo appearance, therefore his character was not named, nor was he credited for his role. Dalziel, often known as "JD", is a DJ for Free Radio Coventry & Warwickshire. He appears when he rushes to the aid of Bazza Rogers. Of his role, Dalziel commenter, "It was exciting to be on the set of one of the country's biggest soap operas. I'd say that my interpretation of the character was very convincing but I certainly wouldn't fancy being a real doctor, there would be far too much blood".

[|Howard Bellamy]

Howard Bellamy, portrayed by Ian Kelsey, first appeared on 28 May 2012, and made his last appearance on 22 October 2015. Howard first appears when he is introduced by Heston Carter as the new replacement of Julia Parsons as the new Practice Manager of The Mill. Howard is a last minute applicant for the job, and asks for a big salary in comparison to the other candidate, Mrs Tembe. However, Howard is chosen as there is a re-accreditation at The Mill, needing someone to take charge throughout this. Howard divides opinion between the team, as Kevin Tyler begins to like him, however Freya Wilson, Zara Carmichael and Elaine Cassidy dislike him in contrast to Julia.


The former Emmerdale and Casualty actor's casting was announced on 7 May 2012. Described as a "confident, divorced ex-army captain", Kelsey was cast in replacement of Diane Keen's character Julia Parsons, after the actress decided to leave the show. Howard is said to have "highly different and strict outlook on working life" in comparison to Julia. Digital Spy reported that he "looks set to ruffle feathers at work". In an interview with Digital Spy, Kelsey said of Doctors; "It's a lovely environment to work in, with a great cast and crew. It's quite easy to settle into something when it's such a laugh to work on! There's great banter between the cast and crew all day long. It's just a load of old mates thrown in a studio with lights and cameras, and everyone cracks on and has a laugh".
Of how the role came about Kelsey said, "I went to an audition and was given three scenes which were very, very different from each other. As I was looking at the scenes and working on them, I could see that each one showed a different side of Howard. That made it a gem to audition for, because if you get something like this, you can really go for it." Kelsey added that Howard is an "extreme character" and that there was pressure about taking over from Keen's role but added; "They are big shoes to fill, but hopefully I can do it". On why Howard chose to join the National Health Service, "He's now decided that he wants to get his hands mucky and that's why he wants to be the practice manager at The Mill. He wants to try his hand at leadership again, so he comes in and starts to lead everybody like they're part of his old military unit - which is quite hilarious!". Producer Peter Eryl Lloyd said that he knew the character of Howard would be "loathed" when he first arrived, "everyone's missing Julia and we deliberately decided to go in a completely different direction with her replacement". "I love what Ian's doing and I think the audience will come to realise that Howard isn't quite the ramrod disciplinarian he seems - there's a lot more to Howard than that. It's exciting because there's so much to find out about him, and he's going to be loosened up, whether he likes it or not!". In a poll conducted by Digital Spy, the five main soaps in the United Kingdom, EastEnders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Hollyoaks and Doctors storylines were judged by viewers of the website, with the Doctors storyline of Howard's arrival coming last with 3.8% of the vote.

Jas Khella

Dr. Jas Khella, portrayed by Vineeta Rishi, first appears on 21 August 2012, and made her last appearance on 23 November 2013. Jas appears at The Mill when the surgery are holding interviews for a new employee. Jas is interviewed by Heston Carter and Howard Bellamy, and the interview proves successful. Jas arrives at The Mill later on, and is surprised to see her friend Kevin Tyler working there, knowing him from medical school. Jas asks Kevin if she can sleep at his house as she is struggling for cash. Kevin refuses at first, but laters agrees. Jas is displeased that the job at The Mill is only temporary, so begins to look for other jobs. Jas finds a job as a waitress, and begins working there, making a friendship with colleague Grace Jacobs. She later moves into a bedsit. Grace suffers an allergic reaction, causing Jas to use her medical skills to save Grace. Jas later quits her job, not being able to be a doctor and waitress at once.
The character and casting of Rishi was announced on 11 August 2012. Jas was described as "honest" and "refreshing". Jas has a connection to already established character Kevin Tyler. Producer Peter Eryl Lloyd had previously said in an interview that a "young female doctor" would be arriving, saying that Jas would be involved in a "big, dark storyline" where Jas "will take us into that rather dark world, from a female perspective". Rivers said that they would form a "relationship" saying that, "As the new character Jas has come into the show and she's an old medical friend of Kevin's, we've got a relationship forming there, where there's a bit of banter!" She was also recently involved in a storyline where she was being stalked. She originally thought it was her colleague, Al Haskey, but it was revealed to be a patient of hers, Gus Harper.

Grace Jacobs

Grace Jacobs, portrayed by Naomi Battrick, first appears on 5 September 2012, and made her last appearance on 1 October 2013. Grace is Jas Khella's colleague at a cafe she works at as a waitress. Upon her return in October, the BBC stated that Grace would "throw a spanner in the works" for Jas. Digital Spy also said that for Jas, "Grace proves to be her downfall".
She and Jas become friends, and when Jas' colleague at the Mill, Kevin Tyler arrives, he begins flirting with Grace, which ultimately fails. When the Practice Manager of The Mill, Howard Bellamy, arrives in the cafe, Jas hides from him, pleading Grace not to tell him that she is there, as Jas does not want Howard to find out that she is working in the cafe. Grace believes that Jas is in a relationship with Howard, though that she is cheating on him with Kevin, which Jas lets her believe. Grace suffers an allergic reaction, causing Jas to use her medical skills to save Grace. Jas later quits her job, not being able to be a doctor and waitress at once. Grace returns a month later, after Jas needs a reference to get a full-time job at The Mill, after a placement for a full-time doctor opens. Howard interviews Grace, where she speaks badly of Jas, so Howard decides not to give the full-time job to her. However, three weeks later, Jas receives the full-time job.

Kingsley Apollo

Kingsley Apollo, portrayed by Charlie Hollway, first appears on 13 September 2012, and makes his last appearance on 24 September 2012. Kingsley is a famous contemporary artist who meets Imogen Hollins.
Kingsley first appears when he talks to Imogen after seeing her artwork. He meets with Imogen, unannounced, wanting her to join him at her work, to which she agrees, much to the dislike of Imogen's father, Rob. The next day, Imogen arrives at Kingsley's art gallery, where he shows her around his work. The next day, whilst Imogen is painting a portrait for a piece in Kingsley's art gallery, her kisses her, and the two have sex. Imogen become smitten with Kingsley, and invites him to stay at her house. He arrives at her house, where Imogen's mother Karen tries to persuade Kingsley that he cannot stay round, but he persuades her to allow him to.
Kingsley decided to center his next art piece on the Hollins family, using the topic of their relationship with murderer Harrison Kellor as the main subject. Rob, Karen and Imogen's brother Jack then tell Kingsley to leave their house, but Imogen follows, going to live in a squat with him. Imogen becomes unsure whether to stay with Kingsley or to take a place at art college. She talks to one of Kingsley's ex lovers Bex Houghton who gives her advice on what to choose. Bex states that Kingsley taught her more than what any art college would, before revealing that she and Kingsley are still together. Imogen subsequently chooses to stay with Kingsley, wanting to be his only girlfriend. However, her plan backfires, as she finds Kingsley in bed with a man, but he tells her that she can join them. Imogen runs off crying, ruining Kingsley's artwork in the process. She then leaves Letherbridge, choosing to go to art college.

Helen Callaway

Helen Callaway, portrayed by Jade Williams, first appears on 17 September 2012. She departed in Fallout: Part 5, which aired on 21 September 2012. Helen appeared in three episodes in the main series, as well as three spin-off episodes, which aired on the red button. The red button episodes are an extension of the main episodes. Helen first appears when she poses as a patient to get Elaine Cassidy's side of the story when Elaine's ex-boyfriend, Harrison Kellor, changes his plea for the murder of Lauren Porter. When Elaine asks Helen to leave, she refuses, which leads to Karen Hollins kicking her out. Helen later publishes a story about Elaine's reactions as well as questioning Harrison's ex-wife Fiona. Helen approaches Elaine, asking if she read the article. She tries to persuade Elaine to do an interview about Harrison. However, Elaine stills refuses, not wanting anything to do with it. Helen finds a man called [|Alex Redmond] had a wife, Kate, who had an affair with Harrison, and he believes that Harrison killed Kate. Helen phones Alex, wanting an interview about Harrison and his wife Kate. She meets with Alex at his house, asking questions about this. When Helen tells Alex that she knows that Kate did not die but just left Alex, he gets angry, and strangles Helen with a towel. However, she is later found alive at Alex's house.
Williams was involved in a major storyline which saw the return of Harrison, a major character who appeared towards the end of 2011. A statement said, "Discovering that Alex's wife went missing after an affair with Harrison, Elaine is forced to consider that he may have killed other women too. Plagued by phone calls from Harrison in prison, will Elaine be able to confront her former lover and resist his charms?". Series producer Mike Hobson said, "Lauren's murder was one of Doctors most popular storylines, and this Red Button event picks up on one of the show's most chilling villains, building across the week to a dramatic conclusion". The storyline also saw the departure of Elaine from the soap.

Alex Redmond

Alex Redmond, portrayed by Stuart Laing, made his first appearance in Fallout: Part 1, which aired on 17 September 2012. He departed in Fallout: Part 5, which aired on 21 September 2012. Alex appeared in a three episodes in the main series, as well as four spin-off episodes, which aired on the red button. The red button episodes are an extension of the main episodes. Alex first appears when he follows Elaine Cassidy to her home. Alex explains to Elaine that his wife, Kate, had an affair with Elaine's ex-boyfriend Harrison Kellor, who killed Lauren Porter. Alex wants to know if Harrison killed Kate, as she went missing after the affair. Elaine talks to Alex's doctor Jimmi Clay about Alex, who reveals that he has suffered from depression. Alex talks to Elaine as she is leaving The Mill, and she agrees to meet with him, and the two talk the next day. Alex is sure that Harrison murdered Kate, although there is no evidence to support this. Elaine wants nothing to do with Harrison nor Alex, so makes Alex leave the Mill. A journalist, Helen Callaway phones Alex, wanting an interview about Harrison and his wife Kate. Elaine finds out that Harrison did not kill Kate, and that she is still alive. Alex does not believe Elaine and threatens her to tell him the truth, and tells Elaine how he killed Helen, and plans to do the same to Elaine. However, Elaine persuades him not to kill her, before he is arrested. Before leaving, Alex tells Elaine that Helen is actually alive and tries to apologise to Elaine, but she rejects him.


Laing's casting was announced in a news release of Harrison Kellor's return, a major character who appeared towards the end of 2011. Alex is the husband of one of Harrison's possible victims, when his wife had an affair with Harrison, she went missing after the affair ended. Alex asks for Harrison's former lover Elaine Cassidy's help, putting Elaine in a "difficult position". A statement said, "Discovering that Alex's wife went missing after an affair with Harrison, Elaine is forced to consider that he may have killed other women too. Plagued by phone calls from Harrison in prison, will Elaine be able to confront her former lover and resist his charms?". Series producer Mike Hobson finished in saying, "Lauren's murder was one of Doctors most popular storylines, and this Red Button event picks up on one of the show's most chilling villains, building across the week to a dramatic conclusion". The storyline also saw the departure of Elaine from the soap.

Emma Reid

Dr. Emma Reid, portrayed by Dido Miles, made her first appearance on 2 October 2012. It was first announced that Miles was to play a new regular character on her official credits in June 2012. Described as "attractive", "more than qualified", and set to "cause quite a stir" by Digital Spy, Miles's casting was confirmed on 23 September 2012. Emma is introduced as knowing Howard Bellamy, but when she arrives, her and Howard both "clearly decide not to acknowledge that they know each other at all". Although Emma is only meant to be a temporary replacement, The Mill is suffering from staffing issues, so Howard is "forced to accept defeat", despite him not being pleased that Emma has arrived.
In 2016, Emma explores her sexuality by getting into a relationship with female friend Lena Baker, despite Lena being married. However, the pair split. In 2019, Emma gets into a relationship with Gareth Regan, but when she discovers that he is a drug addict and he attempts to rape her close friend Zara Carmichael, the relationship ends. Emma later begins dating colleague Jasmine Dajani, which causes confusion for Valerie Pitman, who is unsure about Emma's sexuality. Emma confirms that she is pansexual. When Emma and Jasmine are assaulted in a homophobic attack, the pair break up. Emma opens up about the attack on a radio show with Tammy Beckworth, and after the success of her segment, Tammy offers her a regular radio show.
On her official BBC profile, it describes Emma as "fun", "flirty", "teasing" and "selfish", adding that she uses "charm to get what she wants". Nathan Wright, who plays Emma's onscreen son Chris, said that Miles is "wonderful". "She's a fine actress and a joy to work with. We have a strong friendship off screen which naturally makes our job easier and more enjoyable. We live together in Birmingham and love naff TV shows". Off Chris and Emma's family, the BBC said, "mother to Chris and wife to the ailing Sam, her difficult relationship with her son is a constant thorn in her side, since she feels that she was never the best wife or mother. Her husband, Sam has sanctioned her to have flings. Emma doesn’t wear a wedding ring to work which can cause confusion – something she enjoys".
In a poll conducted by Digital Spy, the five main soaps in the United Kingdom, EastEnders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Hollyoaks and Doctors storylines were judged by viewers of the website, with the Doctors storyline of Emma's arrival coming last with 1.7% of the vote.

Valerie Pitman

Chris Reid

Chris Reid, portrayed by Nathan Wright, first appears on 23 October 2012, and makes his final appearance on 11 April 2014. Chris is introduced as the son of Emma Reid. It was first announced that Wright was to play a new regular character on his official credits. Digital Spy confirmed Miles' casting on 14 October 2012. Chris is a newly graduated nurse. Emma suggests to Howard Bellamy that Chris could be a replacement to the departed Cherry Clay, to which Howard agrees.
On his official BBC profile, it describes Chris as "dedicated", "earnest", "stubborn" and "resentful", adding that his relationship with his mother "is already complicated", never understanding his parent's marriage. It finished in saying, "He felt neglected by his mum, which as a result Chris is much closer to his paraplegic father", stating that his mother "can never do anything right". In an interview with the BBC, Wright said of Chris,
Wright said he was "pretty nervous" on his first day on Doctors but was put at "ease very quickly". He called it a "special place to work", calling the team "supportive" and "incredible", adding "I can remember the very first scene I filmed. I loved it to bits!". He also talked about Dido Miles, who plays his on-screen mother, saying that she is "wonderful". "She's a fine actress and a joy to work with. We have a strong friendship off screen which naturally makes our job easier and more enjoyable. We live together in Birmingham and love naff TV shows".

Colin and Laura Mowbray

Colin Mowbray and Lisa Mowbray, portrayed by Steve Money and Lisa Riley, are a couple who appeared on 1 November 2012.
On 5 October 2012, it was announced that Riley, known for her role as Mandy Dingle in Emmerdale, and Money, were both to appear in Doctors. Riley portrayed the role of Lisa, a "tragic would-be mother". The couple arrive at Letherbridge Police Station, where they meet Lynette Driver and Jimmi Clay and report that the Sofia, the child they are adopting, is missing. However, Driver and Jimmi learn that the adoption process wasn't legitimate. Show bosses stated that this discovery will "open up a shocking new investigation that threatens to shake some of Doctors most loved characters to the core". Digital Spy called this an "intense new storyline" for Doctors.

Al Haskey