True Detective is an American anthologycrime dramatelevision series created and written by Nic Pizzolatto, that premiered on January 12, 2014, on HBO. The series focuses on police investigations and on the effect they have on troubled detectives that carry them out. Each season is structured as a self-contained narrative with different sets of characters and settings, and consists of eight episodes that have been between 54 and 87 minutes in length.
In 2012, two former homicide investigators with the Louisiana State Police's Criminal Investigations Division, Rustin "Rust" Cohle and Martin "Marty" Hart, are summoned for questioning by detectives Maynard Gilbough and Thomas Papania, about the Dora Lange murder investigation of 1995; they have not seen nor spoken to each other since an altercation concerning Martin's wife Maggie Hart over a decade prior. With many of the old files destroyed in Hurricane Rita, the two men are asked to recount the history of their working relationship, personal lives, and the Dora Lange murder investigation, as well as a series of other related individual cases as new evidence suggests that the perpetrator remains at large.
officer Paul Woodrugh discovers the dead body of a city manager who was involved in a major land deal. Given the ambiguous jurisdictional nature of the crime scene, two other officers, Vinci Police Department Detective Raymond Velcoro and Ventura County Sheriff's Office CID Antigone "Ani" Bezzerides, along with Woodrugh are assigned to investigate the murder. The crime soon involves Frank Semyon, a career criminal who was involved in the land deal and whose life savings were stolen when the murder took place. The three detectives, plus Semyon, quickly realize a larger conspiracy at play involving the victim's ties to the city of Vinci's deepening corrupt proliferations.
Season 3 (2019)
The story takes place in the Ozarks over three separate time periods. In 1980, partner detectives Wayne Hays and Roland West investigate a macabre crime involving two missing children. In 1990, Hays and West are subpoenaed after a major break in the case. In 2015, a retired Hays is asked by a true crime documentary producer to look back at the unsolved case.