List of Warriors characters

The Warriors novel series is written by Erin Hunter. Due to the large number of characters present in the novel series, this list is divided by Clan, e.g., all characters in ThunderClan are put together in the allegiances list.

Naming convention

In ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, [|ShadowClan], and [|SkyClan], each cat's name has a prefix. As a kit they will have "-kit" at the end of their name. E.g. [|Dawnkit], [|Bramblekit], Lionkit, Crowkit. When they are an apprentice "-paw" will be at the end of their name. When that cat is made a warrior or medicine cat, the suffix to their name will be changed. If a cat ever becomes a leader, they will be granted the suffix "-star" at the end of their name..
In The Tribe of Rushing Water, cat's names have no set prefixes or suffixes. A cat's mother will name her kitten after the first memorable thing the mother sees after giving birth.


ThunderClan is named after its first leader and founder, Thunder. In the Warriors series, all of the protagonists are ThunderClan cats. During the original series, ThunderClan resides in the forest, sandwiched between RiverClan and ShadowClan territory. As such, ThunderClan cats are accustomed to stalking through the thick underbrush of the forest.
ThunderClan, along with the other Clans, undergoes a dramatic shift in territory during the course of The New Prophecy arc. During the time that [|Brambleclaw], Squirrelpaw, and their travelling companions are on their journey to find [|Midnight] the badger, much of ThunderClan's territory is destroyed as humans proceed with deforestation of the area. Eventually, ThunderClan and the other Clans relocate to the lake territory, where the ThunderClan camp is set in an abandoned quarry. The camp is protected by high walls of stone, but the surrounding territory is similar to the forest which ThunderClan previously inhabited.

''Bluestar's Prophecy''


A red-brown tom with green eyes, Pinestar is the leader of ThunderClan when [|Bluestar] is born. His warrior name is Pineheart. When he only has one of his nine lives remaining, he decides to step down as leader and become a kittypet, having become disillusioned with the violence and fragility of Clan life. Despite leaving the Clans, he is accepted by StarClan when he eventually loses his last life. He is Leopardfoot's mate, Tigerstar's father, grandfather to [|Tawnypelt], Brambleclaw, [|Hawkfrost], and [|Mothwing], great-grandfather to [|Flametail], [|Dawnpelt], [|Tigerheart], Sparkpelt, Alderheart, Juniperkit, and Dandelionkit, and great-great-grandfather to Sleekwhisker, Juniperclaw, Strikestone, Shadowsight, Pouncestep, and Lightleap.


Sunstar, a bright ginger tom with green eyes and yellow tabby stripes, is the leader of ThunderClan before Bluestar. His warrior name is Sunfall. He mentors Bluepaw after her first mentor, Stonepelt, retires early to the elder's den due to an injury that did not heal properly. Sunstar becomes leader of ThunderClan when Pinestar steps down to leave the Clans and become a kittypet. However, because Pinestar still has one of his nine lives when Sunstar becomes leader, StarClan gives him only eight lives instead of the usual nine, a secret he keeps from the Clan due to his fear they would feel he did not fully have StarClan's support. When Sunstar's first deputy, [|Tawnyspots], retires early due to sickness, Sunstar selects Bluefur to become deputy instead of the ambitious [|Thistleclaw], fearing Thistleclaw's violent tendencies and impressed by Bluefur's selflessness in the face of multiple personal losses. Sunstar ultimately dies when he is unable to outrun a dog, having been weakened by sickness. His brother is Featherwhisker, ThunderClan's medicine cat before [|Spottedleaf].


Moonflower is a silver-grey tabby queen with pale yellow eyes, mother of Bluestar and [|Snowfur]. Early in Bluestar's life, Moonflower and other ThunderClan warriors participate in an attack on the WindClan camp, during which Moonflower is killed by WindClan's medicine cat [|Hawkheart] when she attacks their medicine supplies. Moonflower's mate is Stormtail, and she is sister to [|Goosefeather]. She is also grandmother to [|Stonefur], [|Mistystar], and [|Mosskit].


Snowfur is a snowy white queen with blue eyes and black ear tips. She is the sister of Bluestar. She and Bluestar had a strong sibling bond which was threatened by the events in when Snowfur falls in love with Thistleclaw and Bluefur disapproves as shown in Bluestar's Prophecy. She has one kit with Thistleclaw, [|Whitekit]. Snowfur ends up dying when chasing ShadowClan intruders across the Thunderpath, and is run over by a Twoleg monster, which causes Bluefur to go into another cycle of grief. Snowfur also told her own story about what happened to Mosskit in Secrets of the Clans. She is daughter to Moonflower and Stormtail. Snowfur also gave Rosetail her name because of her pinkish-orange tail. At Bluestar's leader ceremony, she gave her the gift of pride, so that she knows her own worth and the worth of her Clan. She gave Bluestar's ninth life to her. Snowfur, while alive, teased Bluefur about liking [|Oakheart], a RiverClan warrior.


Thistleclaw is a large, grey-and-white tabby tom with amber eyes. Bluestar suggests his name due to his spiky fur when they are both kits in the nursery. He is hot-headed and aggressive, making his relationship with the more reserved Bluestar quite difficult. He is also the mate of Bluestar's sister, Snowfur, and father of [|Whitestorm], Bluestar's nephew. He is also the mentor of [|Tigerpaw] and one of the causes of Tigerstar's evil and ambitious motives. Thistleclaw at first seems only arrogant and not interested in the long run of things, but later on, it is shown that he is paranoid and bloodthirsty, and wants to keep other Clans out of ThunderClan territory by "marking the borders with blood". In Crookedstar's Promise Crookedjaw witnesses him training in the Dark Forest. He is characterized as highly violent, which was shown when he orders his apprentice, Tigerpaw, to attack the young Tiny, who had walked into ThunderClan, not knowing about the Clans, as described in the manga The Rise of Scourge and the super edition Bluestar's Prophecy. Goosefeather has a vision with Bluefur and sees Thistleclaw's pelt dripping in blood, symbolizing the trail of death that he would leave if he ever ascended to leader.
When Thistleclaw dies, he is found with claws unsheathed, lips in a snarl, and lying in a pool of his own blood, just as Bluestar and Goosefeather saw in their shared vision. In Night Whispers, he is shown as managing the training session in the [|Dark Forest]. In Sign of the Moon, he kills the living cat Antpelt during training.


Goosefeather is a speckled grey tom with pale blue eyes and brother of Moonflower. He was the medicine cat of ThunderClan when Bluestar was born and interprets a piece of prey as a warning from StarClan that WindClan will destroy ThunderClan. He suggests that the only way to stop this was to destroy WindClan's medicine supplies; in the ensuing battle, his sister is murdered and many cats are injured, with Stonepelt's injuries forcing him to retire early. Several cats, including his niece Bluestar, blame him for the results of the battle. He was the mentor of Featherwhisker, the medicine cat before Spottedleaf. He interprets a burning branch as an omen that Bluestar is fire and will burn through the ranks of ThunderClan, but will be destroyed by water. After that, Goosefeather seems to go insane. He sees [|Tigerkit] as a dangerous monster, and that Thistleclaw will lead ThunderClan to a path of blood if he becomes leader. Although many cats think Goosefeather is insane, some of his omens and prophecies are true. He even tells Bluefur that she has to give up her kits to save ThunderClan, which she reluctantly does so. At Bluestar's leader ceremony, he gave to her the gift of patience.


Featherwhisker is a pale silvery tom with amber eyes, long whiskers, and a sweeping, plumy tail. He is Goosefeather's apprentice when Bluekit is born and becomes Spottedleaf's mentor. He is more trusted in ThunderClan than his mentor Goosefeather, who was viewed as eccentric, and is often asked to help with tasks that Goosefeather should be helping with instead. He works tirelessly to treat his Clanmates during a greencough outbreak and ultimately dies of greencough himself. After his death, Spottedleaf becomes ThunderClan's medicine cat. Featherwhisker is Sunstar's brother.


Leopardfoot is a sleek black queen with green eyes. She is sister of Patchpelt, [|Redtail], [|Willowpelt], and Spottedleaf, mate of Pinestar, and mother of Mistkit and Nightkit, and Tigerkit, later known as [|Tigerstar]. She was introduced in Bluestar's Prophecy as a five-month-old kit. She later on had her kits early and was weakened. She gave Tigerkit his tough name because he was the weakest of the litter. Her parents were Adderfang and Swiftbreeze. Her mate was Pinestar, who left the Clan to be a Kittypet shortly before Mistkit and Nightkit's deaths.


Swiftbreeze is a tabby and white queen with yellow eyes. She is introduced in Bluestar's Prophecy as a queen who likes to brag about her kits, commenting, for example, that her kits opened their eyes sooner than Bluekit. She is mother to Leopardfoot, Patchpelt, Willowpelt, Spottedleaf, and Redtail, mate to Adderfang, grandmother to Tigerstar, and great-grandmother to Bramblestar, Hawkfrost, Mothwing, and Tawnypelt.


Thrushpelt is a sandy-grey tom with a white flash on his chest and green eyes. He was a newly appointed warrior when Bluestar was a kit. He had a crush on Bluestar and everyone took notice, leading the Clan to believe he was the father of Stonefur, Mistystar, and Mosskit. Thrushpelt knew that the kits were not his, but kept Bluestar's secret until his death even though he never knew who their real father was. Bluestar told him that she knew she would have been happy with him.


Mosskit is a gray she-cat with white patches and blue eyes. She is the sister of Mistystar and Stonefur, and the kit of Bluestar and Oakheart. In Bluestar's Prophecy Mosskit freezes to death on the way to RiverClan. Bluefur buries her in the dirt below the snow so Mosskit is not eaten by foxes when the winter thaws. In Bluestar's Prophecy, she gives her mother a life as she becomes ThunderClan's leader after Sunstar. She also appears in Secrets of the Clans and The Last Hope.

Original Series

The original series covers events in the story from Into the Wild to The Darkest Hour. Many characters mentioned here were introduced in the original series, but many of them play minor or significant roles in The New Prophecy and Power of Three series as well. Characters listed in the other series may have been introduced in the original series, but play larger roles in the series they are listed in.


Firestar, a handsome flame-colored tom with green eyes, is the protagonist of the original series. Initially a kittypet named Rusty, he often dreamed of hunting for his own prey in the forest beyond his owner's house. Rusty joins ThunderClan after encountering [|Graypaw], when he was caught actually trying to hunt prey in ThunderClan territory, and is initially established as an apprentice, being renamed [|Firepaw] for his flame-colored pelt. Throughout the series, Firepaw gains respect within the Clan and eventually receives his warrior name of [|Fireheart] at the end of Into the Wild, along with his best friend, Graypaw, renamed [|Graystripe].
At the end of Forest of Secrets, he becomes deputy, and finally, becomes ThunderClan's leader, Firestar at the beginning of The Darkest Hour, when Bluestar died from saving her Clan and Fireheart at the end of A Dangerous Path from the dog pack that Tigerstar used to try to destroy ThunderClan. Before Bluestar dies, she finally tells Fireheart that she was right about him, and that he was the "fire" in the prophecy, Fire alone can save the Clan, which she heard before he even joined ThunderClan. Firestar was mentored by Bluestar, and has mentored three apprentices himself: [|Cinderpelt], who later becomes a medicine cat apprentice to [|Yellowfang] due to her accident on the Thunderpath that permanently injures her leg; [|Cloudtail]; and Brambleclaw. Cloudtail is the first-born son of his kittypet sister, [|Princess].
Fireheart met Princess when she was heavily pregnant in Fire and Ice. When her kittens were born, she let Firestar have her firstborn kit to be raised as a warrior with him to ThunderClan, where Bluestar named him Cloudkit. Firestar does not possess any significant character flaws and is fully committed to the warrior code. Only sometimes will he bend the rules to help his Clan. Firestar is fiercely loyal not only to his Clan, but also to his many friends and allies that he meets along the way, regardless of their affiliation. He respects the rules of his superiors, but also has the insight to look beyond them in order to properly judge a questionable situation. As a result, he often breaks the traditional rules of the Clan in order to help his friends or rectify a situation he believes to be right. He is primarily responsible, along with his friend Graystripe, for several feats that have ensured the well-being of all the Clans, such as retrieving WindClan after they were driven out of their camp in Fire and Ice, and hunting prey for RiverClan when they were damaged and forced to move out of their territory in a flood. In A Dangerous Path, he professes his long-time love for [|Sandstorm], who is revealed to love him back. He struggled with feelings for Spottedleaf, who died in Into the Wild. As a warrior, Fireheart earned Bluestar's disapproval for frequently helping the other Clans.
He led all four Clans against the ranks of BloodClan as LionClan in The Darkest Hour. He killed their leader, Scourge. Erin Hunter also disclosed that Firestar is Scourge's half-brother through their father, Jake.
He appointed Graystripe as deputy after the battle against BloodClan in The Darkest Hour after Whitestorm, the former deputy, was killed by Bone, the BloodClan deputy. Firestar maintains a significant and often highly important presence in subsequent series, The New Prophecy, Power of Three, and Omen of the Stars as the ever-present leader of ThunderClan. Additionally, in between the original series and The New Prophecy, he travels north with his mate, Sandstorm, in order to reunite the lost and scattered descendants of SkyClan in [|Firestar's] Quest. Also, he starred in the story for the Ultimate Leader competition, when he once more briefly unites the Clans, with heavy support from his mate, Sandstorm. Sandstorm dislikes him when he first joins ThunderClan and grows jealous when he receives his warrior name before her. Firestar also saves Sandstorm from falling over the gorge during a border fight with RiverClan in Fire and Ice.
He has two daughters with his beloved and long-time mate, Sandstorm: [|Leafpool] and [|Squirrelflight]. Both have leading roles in The New Prophecy series and side parts in the Power of Three and Omen of the Stars series. Firestar's father is a plump ginger tom called Jake, who is also the father of Princess, Luna, Tommy, Filou, Ruby, Socks, and Scourge. Jake's other mate, Quince, was the mother of Scourge, Ruby, and Socks. Firestar's mother is a tabby and white she-cat named Nutmeg. It is said on the Warriors app on iPhone and iPod that just before her kits were born, Nutmeg dreamed that one of them, a ginger tom, was standing on a huge rock out of her reach. She called for him to come down, but he did not seem to hear. Princess is Firestar's sister, and her son, Cloudtail is Firestar's nephew. [|Whitewing]. and [|Dovewing] and [|Ivypool] his grandchildren. Whitewing, Cloudtail's daughter, has two kits: Ivypool and Dovewing. Dovewing is one of the Three, and completing that trio. Ivypool trained with the Dark Forest, even though she didn't want to. She serves as a spy for the Three. He is grandfather to [|Hollyleaf], [|Lionblaze], and [|Jayfeather] and Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Juniperkit, and Dandelionkit. He is also great grandfather to Lionblaze's kits, Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, and Fernsong.
In The Last Hope, Spottedleaf tells Jayfeather that the fourth cat in the prophecy "The end of the stars draws near. Three must become four to defeat the darkness that lasts forever" is Firestar. Later in the book, Firestar loses his last life after defeating the spirit of Tigerstar, getting burned to death after standing next to a tree that catches on fire from a bolt of lightning.


Bluestar is a large, lithe, pale blue-gray she-cat with luminous, ice-blue eyes. She has thick, long, soft, fur and a broad face, head, and shoulders, with a scar that parts the fur across them, and a torn ear. She has a silver-tinted muzzle and a long, sleek tail She was the leader of ThunderClan when Firestar first came to the forest which was during most of the original series. She is responsible for bringing Firestar into ThunderClan, a decision prompted by the alarmingly low number of apprentices in her Clan, and the prophecy "Fire alone can save our Clan". Bluestar serves as Firestar's mentor during his apprenticeship following a short time when Firestar is mentored by the senior warriors, and eventually appoints him as her deputy after Tigerstar's exile. She is known as a strong, wise and calm leader.
Bluestar fell in love with Oakheart, a RiverClan warrior and brother to Crookedstar, during her days as a warrior. During this time another warrior of ThunderClan began to show interest in her. She bore three of Oakheart's kits, but let the Clan believe Thrushpelt was the father, and Thrushpelt was kind enough to pretend for her. Out of her concern to the Clan, she decided to become Clan deputy instead of the violent Thistleclaw, but since she knew the Clan would never accept a queen nursing kits for a deputy, she secretly gave her kits to Oakheart to be raised in RiverClan. Only Mistykit and Stonekit made it to RiverClan; Mosskit did not survive the journey because of the cold.
After she gave them up and returned to the camp, she scratched a hole on the back of the nursery wall, went back to her nest, and then screamed "My kits are gone!", so that the rest of the Clan would think that her kits were stolen by a starving fox or badger. Bluestar is able to suppress her feelings regarding her decision until Firestar, seeking to uncover the truth about Tigerclaw's deception, causes the issue to be reopened. Her feelings of regret, combined with the shock of discovering her trusted deputy's plan to kill her, cause Bluestar to sink into a manic depression. She remains in this condition throughout the events of Rising Storm and A Dangerous Path, which worsens when the forest fire destroys the ThunderClan camp. She refuses to trust any of her warriors except Fireheart and Whitestorm, and declares war on StarClan for dooming her Clan, saying that StarClan had said fire would save the Clan, and instead fire had destroyed it. Her faith is restored in the final moments of A Dangerous Path, when in a dramatic scene she crashes into the leader of a pack of dogs, causing them to fall over the edge of the gorge and into the river. She dies shortly afterward after confiding in Fireheart that he truly was the "fire" that saved the Clan. Before she dies, her kits forgive her for giving them up to RiverClan.
Bluestar retains an authoritative role in StarClan during the events of The New Prophecy and Power of Three series. She chose the chosen one from ThunderClan. She also reluctantly told Firestar about SkyClan in Firestar's Quest.
Bluestar has two kits, Mistystar and Stonefur, in RiverClan, and is mentioned in Secrets of the Clans as having a third, Mosskit, who died young during the journey to RiverClan with her littermates due to the extreme cold. Currently Mistystar is the leader of RiverClan, while Stonefur, the previous deputy, was killed in The Darkest Hour by [|Blackfoot] and on Tigerstar's orders, because he was "half-Clan". She also has a sister named Snowfur. Whitestorm is Snowfur's son, thus making him Bluestar's nephew. Her maternal uncle was Goosefeather, the medicine cat before Featherwhisker. Goosefeather gave to Bluestar her own prophecy, "Like fire you will blaze through the forest, but beware even the strongest of flames can be destroyed by water". The prophecy meant that Bluestar's life would be destroyed by the pain of giving up her half-RiverClan kits and it can also mean that she'd die from being drowned in the river. Although Bluestar initially thought Goosefeather's prophecy her being fire and being defeated by water to be nonsense, Bluestar was indeed killed by water.
Bluestar was first mentored by Stonepelt, but after he was forced to retire due to an injury he got from battle against WindClan, Sunfall took over her training. After Yellowfang's capture, she mentors Firestar. She has also mentored Runningwind and [|Frostfur]. Her sister was named Snowfur, her mother was named Moonflower, and her father was named Stormtail.


Graystripe is a long-haired gray tom with a dark gray stripe along his back, and yellow eyes. He has also been mentioned with eyes the color amber, and green. He is Firestar's first and best friend in ThunderClan. He meets Rusty in the forest close to Rusty's kittypet home and proceeds to attack him as if he were any other intruder. When Rusty joins ThunderClan as Firepaw, the two become great friends and often train and eat together. Graypaw's mentor was Lionheart, who was killed in Into the Wild. He becomes a warrior soon after the battle with ShadowClan to rescue ThunderClan kits with Firepaw at the end of Into the Wild.
Shortly after being promoted to a full warrior, Graystripe falls in love with a RiverClan she-cat, [|Silverstream], after she saves him from drowning, and starts to sneak out of camp to meet her. His friendship with Fireheart is strained due to Fireheart's need to cover for him while he is away, which included mentoring Graystripe's apprentice Brackenpaw in his place, and for a short time the two quarrel with each other. Eventually Graystripe is able to settle his issues with Fireheart, and their friendship continues. Graystripe eventually leaves ThunderClan to live in RiverClan after Silverstream dies, but returns when Bluestar leads dogs that Tigerstar set on the clan off the gorge. In the end of the original series, he becomes ThunderClan's deputy, due to Whitestorm's death, but is replaced by Brambleclaw when he was captured in Dawn.
Graystripe is a friendly, hearty character, serving as a comic relief character to some degree. He often makes quips or jokes in order to provide relief to a tense situation, but is able to focus himself during battles and concentrate on the objective at hand. He does not have any qualms about killing hated enemies of the Clan, and is responsible for the deaths of [|Darkstripe] and also the accidental death of Whiteclaw, who fell off a gorge, Graystripe being unable to save him.
Graystripe has lived in more locations than any other cat in the series. When Silverstream died bearing his kits, Feathertail and [|Stormfur], Graystripe went to live with them in RiverClan for a while. He returned to ThunderClan in A Dangerous Path when Leopardstar tried to kill Firestar and Graystripe attacked her and saved him, upon which Leopardstar exiled him from RiverClan. In Dawn of The New Prophecy series, Graystripe was captured by humans, or "Twolegs" and lived as a kittypet for a time, which is described in further detail in The Lost Warrior manga series. While living as a kittypet, Graystripe met [|Millie], another kittypet, who helped him escape. After a long journey, the two finally returned to the Clans living at the lake. He returned to ThunderClan in The Sight of the Power of Three series, along with Millie as his new mate. He is currently a regular warrior, for Firestar lets Brambleclaw retain his position as deputy. Graystripe sometimes becomes a "substitute" deputy when Brambleclaw is out traveling.
He had two kits with Silverstream, Feathertail and Stormfur who go on to live in RiverClan. They fled to ThunderClan temporarily, along with Feathertail's mentor, Mistystar, to escape Tigerstar's rule in RiverClan. His father is Patchpelt and his mother is Willowpelt. Feathertail was killed in Moonrise. Graystripe's mate, Millie, gave birth to three kits of her own, [|Briarlight], [|Bumblestripe], and [|Blossomfall] in Eclipse. Graystripe has two grandkits, Pine that Clings to Rock and Lark that Sings at Dawn from Stormfur and his mate, [|Brook Where Small Fish Swim]. Graystripe is currently an elder.


Sandstorm is a pale ginger she-cat with green eyes. Sandpaw was an apprentice when Firestar first joins the Clan, and disliked Firepaw for formerly being a kittypet. Eventually, she warms up to Fireheart, a process initiated by Fireheart preventing her from falling over a cliff during a battle in Fire and Ice, thereby saving her life. When Fireheart is forced to take Sandpaw on a patrol mission, she begins to warm up to him, and is unexpectedly friendly and cheerful toward him. Over the course of the series, it becomes obvious that Sandstorm has fallen in love with Fireheart, and by The Darkest Hour the two have become mates. Sandstorm is known for having a fierce personality and getting easily annoyed, but is also capable of being gentle, however, as seen by her interactions with Firestar, her children, Squirrelflight and Leafpool, and her grandchildren, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather.
She is noted as being the best hunter and one of the fastest runners in ThunderClan, and is an excellent fighter as well, resulting in her being present in many major battles. She was also one of the cats who volunteered to be bait for the dog pack thanks to her speed. The specifics regarding her knowledge of Firestar's ongoing relationship with her aunt Spottedleaf, his first love, are shown in Firestar's Quest in which she once again plays a major role, and in which Firestar confirms that he loves Sandstorm above all, and will 'for all the moons to come'. Also, in Cats of The Clans, Rock states that Sandstorm knows Firestar better than he realises, and better even than Spottedleaf, for all the dreams they have shared. She has two daughters, Leafpool and Squirrelflight, as well as three grandchildren, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze. She is great-grandmother to Lionblaze and Cinderheart's kits, Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, and Fernsong. They are the kits of Leafpool and [|Crowfeather] as confirmed in The Power of Three. She was mentored by Whitestorm and mentored [|Sorreltail] and [|Honeyfern]. At the end of Bramblestar's Storm, she retires to become an elder. She dies of an infected wound in The Apprentice's Quest.
Redtail is her father and [|Brindleface] is her mother. [|Ashfur] and [|Ferncloud] are her half brother and sister. She's granddaughter to Adderfang and Swiftbreeze and Fuzzypelt and Robinwing. She is niece to Frostfur, [|Dustpelt], and [|Ravenpaw] and Leopardfoot, Spottedleaf, Willowpelt, and Patchpelt. She is cousin to Tigerstar, Mistkit, and Nightkit, Graystripe and [|Longtail], Sorreltail, [|Sootfur], [|Rainwhisker] and Cinderpelt, [|Brackenfur], [|Thornclaw], and [|Brightheart].


Tigerstar, a huge, muscular dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and unusually long front claws, is the main antagonist of the original series and haunts many cats' dreams in The New Prophecy and Power of Three series. He also plays a major role in the Omen of the Stars series, leading the Dark Forest to train Clan cats and leading them into a fight against StarClan and the four Clans, and he threatens them to do so, if they back down.
Initially, he was [|Tigerclaw], a senior warrior among the ranks of ThunderClan when Firepaw is brought into the forest. The two never quite get along, and Tigerclaw's hostility towards Fireheart becomes even higher when Fireheart discovers his plan to take over the Clan. Tigerclaw is a master of deception and manipulation, and is able to go through with the death of his uncle, Redtail, as appearing to be the work of Oakheart from RiverClan. By doing so, he plans to become deputy, but Bluestar appoints Lionheart, who is older and more experienced, as her deputy instead. However, when Lionheart later dies from wounds he sustained in a ShadowClan attack in Into the Wild, Tigerclaw becomes deputy, ensuring his eventual place as leader. When he finally becomes deputy, he secretly plots with [|Brokentail] and his gang of rogue outlaws in order to kill Bluestar, while making the entire scene look like an attack that he was unable to defend against and a rogue killed Bluestar. The plan nearly succeeds, but Fireheart stops him at the last moment, and as a result, Tigerclaw is exiled from the Clan.
As a rogue, Tigerclaw gathers a band of allies and kills Mousefur's brother, Runningwind. Tigerclaw then persuades ShadowClan into accepting him as their leader and becomes Tigerstar, the rank he worked so hard to achieve. From his new position of authority, he is able to conceal his true nature from the other Clans, and secretly lures a pack of wild dogs into ThunderClan's territory in order to get revenge on his former Clanmates while saving only his kits, Bramblekit and [|Tawnykit]. He plans only to save his kits, but not his mate, [|Goldenflower]. To set the final step of his plan in place, he kills Brindleface, who happens to be the mate of Redtail, who he killed as well, to give the dogs a taste for cat blood when they enter the Thunderclan camp. When this plan, too, is foiled by Firestar and the others, Tigerstar hatches a plan to rule the entire forest while employing the services of the ruthless BloodClan in order to intimidate the other Clans into submission. Just as he has betrayed all his other former allies, he intends to betray BloodClan once he has united all the Clans under his rule. However, Tigerstar underestimates the power of Scourge, the undersized black tom who leads BloodClan. When Scourge refuses to obey Tigerstar's order to fight the Clans, Tigerstar furiously attacks him, but Scourge slays him easily by slicing him open from chin to tail with his dog-teeth-reinforced claws. This devastating blow drains all of Tigerstar's nine lives at once, causing him to die nine times over, one life after the other.
In The New Prophecy series, Tigerstar visits his sons Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost in their dreams, preparing them to take over the Clans for him. It is revealed that because of his evil actions he was denied access to StarClan, and was banished with Darkstripe to a dark, shadowy forest known as the Dark Forest. He visits his two sons, Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost, in their dreams and teaches them battle skills and leadership tactics. While Brambleclaw is hesitant to be influenced by his father, Hawkfrost welcomes his advice and plots to take control of the Clans much in the same way as his father did. Brambleclaw killed Hawkfrost in Sunset.
Tigerstar also plays a role in the Power of Three series as a battle "mentor" to Lionblaze, along with his dead son Hawkfrost. The consequences of his actions do not appear to be causing any harm to the Clans; Lionblaze becomes a masterful fighter under Tigerstar's influence and excels in battle skills far beyond any other apprentice. Whether or not Lionblaze is part of yet another plan hatched by Tigerstar from the shadows remains to be seen, though it appears unlikely. He is able to communicate with living cats; however, StarClan has said that he should not be able to. Lionblaze revolts against Tigerstar in Sunrise after learning that Tigerstar has always known that Squirrelflight wasn't Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze's mother. Lionblaze is able to defeat him, but refuses to kill him and Tigerstar remains in the Dark Forest.
In The Last Hope, Tigerstar leads the other Dark Forest cats in an attack against the Clans, and when Hawkfrost, Darkstripe, and [|Brokenstar] are killed for the second time, he steps forward, stating that the battle has only begun. After a long duel, Tigerstar is killed by his long-time rival Firestar, fading away permanently.
Tigerclaw was mentored by Thistleclaw, an ambitious and aggressive cat. Tigerclaw takes Ravenpaw as an apprentice for a short time before Firepaw and Greypaw send him to live with [|Barley]. He has taken two mates, Goldenflower and [|Sasha]. He has five direct kits: Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw from Goldenflower, and Mothwing, Hawkfrost, and Tadpole from Sasha. Tadpole is not shown in the story because he drowned as a kit. It is revealed in Firestar's Quest that Tigerstar is a direct descendant of the kits of Birdflight, a SkyClan she-cat who was the mate of Cloudstar, the SkyClan leader, and she sheltered in ThunderClan during SkyClan's exile, with her two kits, Spottedpelt and Gorseclaw, who were at the time, too young to make the journey. This makes him part-SkyClan, along with his aunt Spottedleaf.
It is also revealed in Code of the Clans and then Bluestar's Prophecy that Tigerstar was the son of Pinestar, the old ThunderClan leader who left his Clan to be a kittypet while on his last life. His mother was Leopardfoot, who was Patchpelt's, Willowpelt's, Spottedleaf's and Redtail's sister, and his siblings were Nightkit and Mistkit, both she-kits, who died shortly after birth. He was the last born, and weakest of his litter. He's also a cousin to Sorreltail, Sootfur and Rainwhisker, Longtail and Graystripe and Sandstorm. Grandcousin to [|Poppyfrost], [|Cinderheart], Molepaw, Honeyfern, [|Seedkit], and [|Lilykit], Stormfur, Feathertail, Briarlight, Bumblestripe, and Blossomfall and Squirrelflight and Leafpool. Great grandcousin to Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze Cherrykit and Molekit and Lark That Sings At Dawn and Pine That Clings To Rock . His grandsons are Flametail and Tigerheart, and his granddaughter is Dawnpelt.


Cinderpelt, a dark grey she-cat with blue eyes, is ThunderClan's medicine cat beginning in the original series, and continuing for a large part of The New Prophecy series. Originally she trains to be a warrior as an apprentice under Fireheart's mentoring, but she is critically injured and therefore crippled by a monster when she stumbles into a trap laid by Tigerclaw for Bluestar, she permanently injures her leg and cannot become a warrior. Soon after she begins training as a medicine cat apprentice under Yellowfang, she receives the title of a full medicine cat in Forest of Secrets. Cinderpelt is one of Firestar's closest friends throughout the series, and remains his trusted advisor whenever he needs spiritual guidance. Initially overexcited and bouncy, she often overwhelms Firestar as an apprentice and frequently dashes off on her own. After she begins training as a medicine cat, her personality greatly matures and she appears to possess the wisdom of a much older cat. She was in love with Firestar and she never stopped loving him, though Firestar himself never realizes this and Cinderpelt never tells him. Though she always wanted to be a warrior, she accepts her new destiny and dedicates her life to becoming a legendary medicine cat. Cinderpelt tried to save Silverstream while she was giving birth to Graystripe’s kits. She loses Silverstream, but if not for her, the kits would have died. However, Cinderpelt blames herself for Silverstream's death.
Cinderpelt is killed in Twilight of The New Prophecy series while defending Sorreltail and her newborn kits in the nursery from a marauding badger. StarClan had originally destined Cinderpelt to be a warrior, and they did not plan on her being caught in Tigerstar's trap on the Thunderpath. As a test of her loyalty, StarClan told Cinderpelt of her impending death in Twilight before it happened, a secret which Cinderpelt kept hidden even when her apprentice, Leafpool, pledged to leave the Clan.
As a reward, Cinderpelt was reincarnated after her death into one of the kits she defended, Cinderheart in the Power of Three series. Cinderheart herself is not aware of this consciously, however she occasionally exhibits knowledge that she cannot explain from her previous life, and knows of her reincarnation in dreams. The implications of this "second life", as well as Cinderpelt's true destiny, have become realized when Jayfeather reveals it to her in a dream. Just before the battle in The Last Hope, Cinderheart chooses to be a warrior and Lionblaze's mate, and Cinderpelt leaves Cinderheart's body, whispering, "Thank you". Cinderpelt was mentored by Yellowfang, and mentored her cousin Sandstorm's daughter Leafpool as her successor. Her mother is Frostfur, which makes Thornclaw and Brightheart her siblings. Her brother, Brackenfur, is the father of Cinderheart, a situation which is slightly confusing given Cinderpelt's reincarnation. This would imply, then, that Cinderpelt's brother is now her father, though the new Cinderheart is still very much an individual cat in her own right. As Cinderpelt has a reincarnation, Cinderheart is related to Bluestar since [|Sorreltail's] father was Whitestorm, who was Bluestar's nephew.


Spottedleaf is a beautiful, dark tortoiseshell she-cat, with amber eyes, a white muzzle, white paws, a white chest, a black-tipped tail, and a black, brown, and amber dappled pelt. Her eyes have circles of dark fur around them, and one is darker than the other. She also has a gold-and-black striped tail. She has played some minor and slightly major roles in series to date despite her early death in Into the Wild, after which she appeared in Firestar's dreams. Originally Spottedleaf was ThunderClan's medicine cat at the start of Into the Wild and foretold the original series prophecy "Fire alone can save our Clan". Firestar, when first introduced into the camp, immediately takes a liking to her and it is said that she begins to return his feelings. Unfortunately, she is killed by ShadowClan in an effort to protect the kits in an unfair fight with Clawface and Brokenstar during a raid by ShadowClan near the end of Into the Wild.
Spottedleaf is perhaps the most prominent member of StarClan, often serving as a spiritual guide to the main characters of each series, most notably Firestar, whom she falls in love with over the course of his adventures in the original series. She is often seen as a source of comfort, and presents cryptic warnings and messages to cats notifying them of future events. Being dead, she cannot serve any more prominent roles in the lives of the cats she watches over, a fact that is frequently a source of frustration to her regarding Firestar's budding relationship with her niece Sandstorm. It is revealed that she does indeed wish things were different between them, and continues to love Firestar despite their differences of existence. She accepts her position, however, and acknowledges Sandstorm in a dream of her own in order to reassure the living cat of Firestar's loyalty. Having not found an apprentice by the time of her death, Yellowfang is the new medicine cat when she joins ThunderClan. It is revealed in Firestar's Quest that Spottedleaf is a direct descendant of the kits of Birdflight, a SkyClan she-cat who stayed with ThunderClan during SkyClan's exile. Therefore, she is part-SkyClan and permitted to walk in the skies of SkyClan's warrior ancestors as well as StarClan. The same she-cat that stayed with ThunderClan after SkyClan left also had the ancestor of Tigerstar's line, making Spottedleaf related to Tigerstar, Brambleclaw, Mothwing, Hawkfrost, Tadpole, Tawnypelt, and Tawnypelt's kits Flametail, Dawnpelt, and Tigerheart.
Spottedleaf was mentored by Featherwhisker, the medicine cat before her. She walks in the dreams of Firestar, Leafpool, and Jayfeather. After Spottedleaf died, Yellowfang became the medicine cat, taking Cinderpelt as an apprentice following her accident. Her parents were Adderfang and Swiftbreeze, making her sister to Patchpelt, Leopardfoot, Willowpelt, and Redtail. She is also aunt to Mistkit, Nightkit and Tigerstar, Sorreltail, Rainwhisker and Sootfur, and Sandstorm, and great aunt to Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, Hawkfrost, Mothwing and Tadpole, Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Honeyfern, and Molepaw, and Leafpool and Squirrelflight. She is great-great aunt to Tigerheart, Flametail, and Dawnpelt, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather, and [|Cherryfall] and [|Molewhisker].
In The Last Hope, she and StarClan fight alongside the Ancients, Midnight the badger, and the living Clans. During the fighting, she saves Sandstorm from Mapleshade, but is killed herself in the process. As a StarClan cat, this led to her spirit fading away permanently. But she knew this had to happen, her one last gift to her beloved Firestar.


Cloudtail, a long-furred snowy white tom with round blue eyes, is a ThunderClan warrior first introduced as a kit, Cloudkit, in Fire and Ice. He is the son of Princess, Firestar's kittypet sister, and Oliver and thus is Firestar's nephew. He has four littermates, Zack, Taylor, Nami, and Livy. Upon learning that her kits are to be given away by her Twoleg owners, Princess gives her eldest kit to Firestar, because she wanted him to be a hero, like Firestar is. Initially, Cloudkit is rejected by many members of ThunderClan, including Bluestar herself, because of the Clan's reluctance to admit yet another kittypet into its ranks.
Cloudtail grew up as a disrespectful, annoying, loud-mouthed apprentice who often refuses to listen to his mentor, Firestar. He is quite slow to understand the warrior code and often takes selfish actions that benefit himself and not the Clan. His loyalty to the Clan is finally established when, after sneaking off to solicit food from Twolegs, he is captured and taken to a suburb on the other side of WindClan territory near Barley's farm. Firestar and Sandstorm rescue him with Ravenpaw's help. Upon his return to ThunderClan, he is pelted with questions and he refers to his time with the Twolegs as 'capture' and greatly exaggerates his tale. This event serves to firmly cement Cloudtail's place in the Clan, and he behaves in a much more mature manner towards his Clan thereafter.
Despite becoming a loyal warrior, Cloudtail has retained much of his attitude and is one of the most aggressive cats in the Clan; he is known for his sharp tongue and is often one of the first cats to jump at the prospect of a fight. Cloudtail did not believe in StarClan in the first series, making him one of two Clan cats in the series to do so. He does show a significantly softer side when dealing with his mate, Brightheart, however. Cloudtail is primarily responsible for training Brightheart to be able to fight effectively despite her injuries. His personality taken aside, Cloudtail is friendly to most cats. He is one of the best climbers and has the best tracking ability in the Clan.
Cloudtail has two daughters, and two sons. He first has one daughter with Brightheart, Whitewing. Later in The Last Hope, he and Brightheart have another daughter, Amberkit, and two sons, Dewkit and Snowkit. He is grandfather to [|Lilyheart] and Snowbush's kits, Honeypaw, [|Leafpaw], and Larkpaw. Being Firestar's nephew, he also shares kinship with all of Firestar's direct line, including Leafpool, Squirrelflight, and Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze. During the second half of The New Prophecy series, he shows interest in [|Daisy], a horseplace cat. He is unaware of the fact that Daisy is in love with him, but once he realizes that he is hurting his mate Brightheart, he resolves to stay with Brightheart, and rekindles his relationship with her. Cloudtail has mentored Cinderheart, Rainwhisker, and [|Toadstep] as well as temporarily training [|Flamepaw] of ShadowClan when Tawnypelt and her kits briefly left ShadowClan for ThunderClan in Long Shadows. He's grandfather to Dovewing and Ivypool.


Brightheart, a white she-cat with ginger patches along her back, a ginger tail, one missing eye and a disfigured ear, is a ThunderClan warrior introduced in Forest of Secrets. [|Brightpaw], along with her fellow apprentices [|Cloudpaw], [|Thornpaw], and [|Swiftpaw], remained apprentices for an unusually long period of time due to Bluestar's following Tigerclaw's betrayal. Brightpaw develops a strong friendship with Cloudpaw and is the first apprentice to congratulate him after his promotion to warrior status, while the other apprentices are jealous and angry that they were not promoted as well. In A Dangerous Path, Brightpaw joins an unauthorized expedition led by Swiftpaw into the lair of a dog pack in an attempt to prove themselves worthy of becoming warriors. However, the mission is a failure: Swiftpaw is killed, and Brightpaw is seriously injured by the dog pack. Half of Brightheart's face is disfigured due to her injuries, including a missing eye and a scarred ear leading Bluestar to give her the warrior name Lostface. Firestar later changes this to Brightheart when he becomes leader.
Though initially discouraged by her injuries, Brightheart is soon able to develop, with the help of Cloudtail, a system of fighting that makes use of her one-sided vision, making her as effective at fighting as any other warrior. She recoils from the sight of her own face and sometimes flinches when other cats are frightened by her scarred face. However, Brightheart is warm and kind-hearted to many warriors in the Clan. She adopts the duties of an unofficial medicine cat during the latter half of The New Prophecy series, becoming an object of Leafpool's jealousy, but quickly returns to being a warrior after Leafpool becomes ThunderClan's main medicine cat. In Twilight, Brightheart holds a grudge for Daisy, who often flirts and spends time with her mate, Cloudtail. However, after Leafpool points out to Cloudtail that he is hurting Brightheart, Daisy tells Brightheart that Cloudtail loves Brightheart.
Brightheart was mentored by Whitestorm, who also mentored her cousin Sandstorm, and had since taken Sandstorm's grandson Jayfeather as an apprentice, although this was only temporary due to Jayfeather later taking the role of medicine cat. She appears to have been hurt by this, likely due to her being desperate to prove to herself and the Clan that she can still function as well as a normal warrior. Despite Jaypaw's prickly attitude towards her during his apprenticeship, he is able to sense her feelings and is sympathetically warmer towards her upon becoming a medicine cat. Her mother is Frostfur, which makes her the sibling of Thornclaw, Cinderpelt, and Brackenfur. She and her mate, Cloudtail, currently have two daughters and two sons. Whitewing is their oldest daughter, born much earlier than her siblings. Later, Brightheart and Cloudtail have another daughter, Amberkit, and two sons, Snowkit and Dewkit, during the course of The Last Hope. She is also aunt to Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Cinderheart, and Molepaw grandaunt to Cherrykit and Molekit, and grandmother to Dovewing, Ivypool, Leafpaw, Larkpaw, and Honeypaw.


Brackenfur, a muscular golden brown tabby tom, is a ThunderClan warrior first introduced in Fire and Ice as an apprentice, Brackenpaw. He is the son of Frostfur and the littermate of Cinderpelt, Brightheart, and Thornclaw, and he trained as an apprentice under Firestar and Graystripe. Firestar, he was Fireheart then, often took over his training when Graystripe left the camp to meet with Silverstream even though meeting with cats outside one's own Clan is against the warrior code, upon becoming a warrior in Forest of Secrets. He is considered by Firestar to become ThunderClan's deputy in Sunset, but is not chosen after Leafpool receives a sign from StarClan that she interprets as an indication to select Brambleclaw instead.
In the New Prophecy series, Brackenfur takes Sorreltail as a mate, and has six kits with her: Molepaw, Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Cinderheart, later revealed to be the reincarnation of Cinderpelt, his sister, as well as Lilykit and Seedkit, who are born in the Omen of the Stars series. He is grandfather to Cherrypaw and Molepaw. Brackenfur has no apprentice currently but has mentored Tawnypelt, Whitewing, and Hollyleaf. He also trained Tigerpaw of ShadowClan for a while when Tawnypelt and her kits left ShadowClan for ThunderClan in Long Shadows.


Ravenpaw, a sleek, almost all black tom with green eyes, is a current loner, first introduced as a ThunderClan apprentice in Into the Wild. After Firepaw is accepted into the forest, he trains along with Graypaw and Firepaw and the three become good friends. Ravenpaw is nervous and shy around his Clanmates, mostly due to the fact that his mentor, Tigerclaw, treats him harshly and often belittles him in front of the other warriors. Part of this is because Ravenpaw saw Tigerclaw murder Redtail, the ThunderClan deputy. Eventually Tigerclaw decides that Ravenpaw's storytelling abilities are too dangerous, and plots to kill him to keep his secret safe. Firepaw discovers this, and along with Graypaw, shows Ravenpaw across the WindClan border to shelter in Barley's barn, while telling the rest of the Clan that he is dead.
Firepaw takes Ravenpaw to the barn, and he seems to enjoy his life with Barley. He loses his old nervousness and becomes much more confident and outgoing, while retaining a loyal debt of gratitude towards his former Clanmates. His situation is present throughout the series: while some outsiders such as kittypets appear to have been born to live in a Clan, there are also Clan-born cats whose destinies lie elsewhere. Ravenpaw returns at various times throughout the series to lend assistance or shelter to cats traveling across his territory, most notably helping to feed and shelter all of the forest Clans during the beginning of their relocation in Dawn. Ravenpaw also assists Firestar and [|Greystripe] in retrieving Graystripe's kits from RiverClan during Tigerstar's cruel leadership of the Clan in The Darkest Hour. He then returns to the Clan along with Barley to fight alongside ThunderClan and WindClan in the battle with BloodClan. While sheltering the forest cats in Dawn, Firestar asks Ravenpaw to rejoin ThunderClan and travel with them to the lake. Ravenpaw says no, stating that he is happier being a loner than he ever would be in a Clan. His parents were Robinwing and Fuzzypelt, making him brother to Frostfur, Brindleface, and Dustpelt, uncle to Brackenfur, Brightheart, Cinderpelt and Thornclaw, Sandstorm, Ashfur and Ferncloud, [|Spiderleg], [|Shrewpaw], [|Birchfall], Hollykit, Larchkit, [|Icecloud] and [|Foxleap], great-uncle to Squirrelflight and Leafpool, Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Hollykit, Larchkit, Icecloud and Foxleap, Whitewing, Dewnose, Snowbush, and Ambermoon, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, Cinderheart and Molepaw, [|Rosepetal] and Toadstep, and Dovewing and Ivypool.
Ravenpaw currently has a manga series about him and his encounter with some old BloodClan cats.
In the Ultimate Guide Ravenpaw is one of the members of Starclan to give Bramblestar his nine lives.


Dustpelt, a dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes, is a ThunderClan warrior introduced in Into the Wild as an apprentice. He had recently been made an apprentice, Dustpaw, when Firepaw initially joined the Clan. He was mentored by Redtail, and then by Darkstripe following Redtail's death. He was one of the cats that disliked Firepaw, like Sandpaw; however, this becomes less important as the story goes on. He becomes a warrior, Dustpelt, in Fire and Ice. Originally an ally and strong supporter of Tigerclaw, Dustpelt was horrified to discover that Tigerclaw murdered his mentor, Redtail, and rejected him in front of the Clan when Tigerclaw was exiled.
Though usually depicted as a grudging ally of Firestar throughout all three series, Dustpelt's loyalty to his Clan is of importance to him and he is a valued warrior as a result. Dustpelt is a skilled fighter, and is present in most attack parties. He is also a warm and dedicated father, having experienced the deaths of three of his kits, and makes sure to maintain a strong presence in both his kits' lives and that of his mate, Ferncloud.
Dustpelt's kits, both living and dead, include Hollykit, Larchkit, Shrewpaw, Foxleap, Icecloud, Birchfall, and Spiderleg, of which one, Birchfall, is still alive. His grandchildren, Toadstep and Rosepetal, are the kits of Spiderleg and his mate Daisy, and Dovewing and Ivypool who are the kits of Birchfall and Whitewing. Throughout the course of the series Dustpelt has mentored Ashfur, Squirrelflight, and [|Hazeltail], as well as briefly mentoring Sorreltail for a time.


Darkstripe, a sleek black and grey tabby tom, is an antagonist and a warrior in ThunderClan during most of the original series. He is a rude, nasty, and unpleasant individual who maintains a highly negative opinion of Firestar throughout the series. He is the closest friend and biggest supporter of Tigerstar, and as such is fiercely loyal to Tigerstar's ambitions despite their implications. Darkstripe routinely voices his negative opinions at Clan meetings, refusing to trust Firestar due to his kittypet origins and openly mocking any cat who thinks otherwise.
When Tigerclaw is exiled from ThunderClan in Forest of Secrets, Darkstripe voices his disappointment that Tigerstar did not include him in his plan to kill Bluestar. Darkstripe's lonely path of a devoted follower continues to reduce his popularity in the Clan, and in A Dangerous Path he begins secretly plotting with Tigerstar across the border in order to bring the dogs upon the camp and save only Tigerstar's children, Bramblekit and Tawnykit, from the ensuing chaos, but not Tigerstar's mate, Goldenflower. After this fails, he attempts to murder his half-sister, Sorrelkit, with deathberries when she discovers his meetings with Blackfoot, Tigerstar's deputy, and he is exiled from the Clan. Darkstripe immediately runs to Tigerstar's side and kills one of Bluestar's children, Stonefur, but when Tigerstar is killed by Scourge, Darkstripe is left completely alone. His resulting madness culminates in the battle with BloodClan during The Darkest Hour; he forsakes all loyalty to his Clan and tries to murder Firestar in "revenge" for Tigerstar's death. He is stopped and killed by his half-brother, Graystripe during the battle.
Darkstripe has mentored Longtail, Dustpelt, and Ferncloud, although his mentorship of Ferncloud was revoked when he was exiled from the Clan. He was mentored by Tigerclaw. His mother was Willowpelt and his father was Tawnyspots, and it can be implied from his personality that hardly any cat liked him very much. He is shown during the prologue of Sunset to be walking the Dark Forest/Place of No Stars like Tigerstar, Brokentail, and eventually Hawkfrost, and all of the other Clan cats that are considered traitors and evil.
In Code of the Clans, he is hunting with Longtail. When Longtail catches a plump squirrel, Darkstripe encourages them to eat it since prey is scarce. After eating it and returning to camp with a smaller catch, Poppydawn, who needs food, dies of a case of greencough. While Longtail feels guilty, Darkstripe does not care.


Longtail, a pale yellow tabby tom with black stripes and a very long tail, is a recurring ThunderClan warrior introduced in Into the Wild. He is the first to challenge Firestar due to his kittypet origins, and fights him when he first arrives in the Clan. This results in Firestar's collar being ripped off, which is then taken as a sign that he will be accepted into the Clan. Longtail's ear is torn, resulting in a scar. Longtail maintains a grudge against Firestar for much of the series, not only because an apprentice defeated him and gave him his scar, but also because he, Longtail, was a strong supporter of Tigerclaw, Firestar's chief rival.
Longtail's attitude slowly matures over the course of the series, and he develops an eventual respect for Firestar as a result of his repeatedly demonstrated courage, something Longtail lacks. He revokes his allegiance with Tigerclaw after the latter is exiled for treason, and sets himself toward becoming a respected warrior within the Clan. His loyalty is further proven when he volunteers to be bait for Tigerstar's vicious dog pack. While he still resents Firestar to some degree, he realizes his Clan's safety is far more important and warns him of his cousin Tigerstar's dark schemes from across the border as well as his cousin Darkstripe's misplaced loyalty during Rising Storm and A Dangerous Path. Longtail eventually fights alongside Firestar against BloodClan during the events of The Darkest Hour, having finally found his true place within the Clan as well as Firestar's respect.
Almost ironically, Longtail is blinded shortly thereafter by a rabbit's claws in Firestar's Quest. He remains in the Clan as an elder throughout The New Prophecy and Power of Three series, despite being only slightly older than Firestar. He was mentored by Darkstripe and he has mentored Swiftpaw, his niece Ferncloud and his cousin Sootfur. He also taught his great-great-nephew Jayfeather how to utilize his other senses without sight. He was killed by a falling tree in Fading Echoes while trying to retrieve a piece of fresh-kill for [|Mousefur]. Longtail was the oldest tom and second oldest cat in ThunderClan. His parents were Patchpelt and Robinwing. Longtail is also half-brother to Greystripe.
In Code of the Clans, he is hunting with Darkstripe. When he catches a plump squirrel, Darkstripe encourages them to eat it since prey is scarce. After eating it and returning to camp, Poppydawn, who needs food, dies of a case of greencough. Longtail feels guilty, while Darkstripe does not.


Mousefur, a small dusky brown she-cat, is a ThunderClan warrior introduced in Into the Wild. She is a respected warrior in the Clan and is known for having a fierce personality, similar to Cloudtail and Speckletail. Mousefur was one of the cats who volunteered to be bait for the dog pack. Mousefur is usually friendly to Firestar, but has been known to change her attitude towards him depending on the situation. Mousefur is often among any group of cats voicing a counter-opinion to a major decision, forcing the Clan to look at an issue from an opposite perspective. Despite her many arguments and aggressive pride, however, she usually ends up agreeing with the correct choice in a given situation.
Mousefur's age causes her to join the elders in Starlight in The New Prophecy series, where she currently remains. Since then she has fallen ill a number of times, more recently catching greencough and causing [|Jaypaw] to experience his first medical epidemic as a medicine cat in The Sight. Mousefur and Longtail have become unlikely friends due to their sharing of the elders' den, and often playfully bicker back and forth similar to Yellowfang and Cinderpelt. Although, due to her stubbornness she sometimes refuses to take herbs or prey, insisting the younger cats need it more. She even volunteers to help take care of the sick cats in Long Shadows as she thinks that being an elder, her life is less valuable than the younger cats. She asked Brambleclaw this even though Firestar had already turned down her request, only to be turned down by Brambleclaw as well. Mousefur was killed in The Last Hope by a Dark Forest warrior.
Mousefur has been a mentor to Thornclaw and Spiderleg. Mousefur's parents are Halftail and One-eye, and her brother is Runningwind.


Thornclaw, a golden brown tabby tom, first appears in Forest of Secrets as a young ThunderClan apprentice, Thornpaw. He is an apprentice for a large part of the original series, along with Brightpaw, Cloudpaw and Swiftpaw, mainly due to Bluestar's descent into paranoia during the last half of the original series and her refusing to trust any of her warriors. When she died, the newly appointed Firestar conducted his first naming ceremony on Thornclaw, finally making the young tom into a warrior.
Thornclaw's personality begins to show during The New Prophecy and Power of Three, where he is shown to be a warrior very similar to Brackenfur in manner and attitude. He is an excellent fighter and is often chosen to assist in battle parties and long-range patrols. Thornclaw, like Brackenfur, becomes slightly worried about the increasing numbers of non-Clan cats present in ThunderClan during the Power of Three series, as well as at Firestar for being too accepting of them. This is primarily due to increasing hostility from the other three Clans, who begin to make claims that ThunderClan is becoming diluted and weak. Despite these feelings, Thornclaw is always portrayed as a kind, caring, and patient cat and has never been shown to be disloyal. When Hollyleaf returns in The Forgotten Warrior he is among the cats who distrust her.
Thornclaw's mother is Frostfur and his father is Lionheart. His siblings are Brightheart, Brackenfur and Cinderpelt. As a result, Thornclaw is uncle to both Brightheart's and Brackenfur's kits, including Whitewing, Cinderheart, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, Lilyheart, [|Seedpaw], Cherrypaw and Molepaw, and great uncle to Dovewing and Ivypool and Cherrykit and Molekit. He was mentored by Mousefur and has mentored Sootfur, Shrewpaw, Poppyfrost and Briarlight. Thornclaw's also nephew to Brindleface, grandson to Robinwing and Fuzzypelt, cousin to Sandstorm, Ashfur and Ferncloud, second cousin to Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Hollykit, Larchkit, Foxleap and Icecloud and third cousin to Toadstep and Rosepetal and Dovewing and Ivypool.


Whitestorm, a large white tom with yellow eyes, was a senior ThunderClan warrior in the original series. He was one of the few cats who always treated Firestar with kindness when he is first brought into ThunderClan, and often gave him advice when he sensed that he was troubled. Whitestorm was a gallant fighter, but was always more reserved rather than bloodthirsty and carries a thoughtful demeanor.
Though he was one of the most experienced senior warriors in the Clan, Whitestorm does not harbor any ambition toward becoming Clan leader and as such offers his wisdom to younger cats entirely out of good will. He assisted Firestar with the burdens of being Clan deputy during Bluestar's depression, and takes over for him occasionally when Firestar's duties call him elsewhere. Being Bluestar's nephew, as her sister Snowfur was his mother, Whitestorm was one of the warriors who were closest to her, and often stayed by her side in order to comfort her and maintain her sanity when she succumbed into paranoia through the later books. Eventually Firestar appointed Whitestorm as his deputy in appreciation for all his advice, a promotion he was unexpectedly pleased about. Whitestorm was killed by Bone during the battle with BloodClan in The Darkest Hour, his last wish being that Firestar appoint Graystripe as his new deputy, which is granted.
Whitestorm's mate was Willowpelt. With Willowpelt he fathered Sorreltail, Sootfur and Rainwhisker. As such he was the grandfather of Sorreltail's kits, Cinderheart, Molekit, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, Seedpaw,and Lilyheart. And is the great-grandfather of Molepaw and Cherrypaw. Snowfur's parents were Stormtail and Moonflower making them his other set of grandparents. His aunts were Bluestar, Sweetpaw and Rosetail, because their brother, Thistleclaw, was his father, making Poppydawn and Windflight, their parents, his paternal grandparents.
He was mentored by Patchpelt, and later mentored Patchpelt's niece, Sandstorm, and later, Sandstorm's cousin Brightheart. He is great-nephew to Pinestar, and great-great-grandson to Sweetbriar.


Yellowfang, a dark grey she-cat with bright orange eyes and a flat, broad face with two scars on her muzzle. She is ThunderClan's medicine cat for much of the duration of the original series. She was originally the medicine cat of ShadowClan, and formed a forbidden relationship with ShadowClan's leader, [|Raggedstar], which resulted in her giving birth to three kits. Two of these kits died, and the third, Brokentail, lived and eventually forced his way into becoming ShadowClan's leader by killing his father, Raggedstar. Yellowfang believed that the consequences of her actions weren't that her other two kits died, but that Brokenstar survived to take over ShadowClan. Yellowfang was exiled from the camp when Brokenstar, who had never known who his true mother was, blamed her for the death of two kits he had forced into training too early. Yellowfang was found by Firepaw, who took her back to camp as a prisoner. After Spottedleaf's death, Yellowfang succeeded her as ThunderClan's new medicine cat. Later Yellowfang feeds deathberries to Brokenstar, after his capture by ThunderClan, killing him.
Yellowfang displays a rough and irritable personality to most cats who encounter her, especially Cinderpelt and Fireheart. She speaks the blunt truth rather often, refusing to soften her words, as she feels this would dilute the truth of the matter. Yellowfang has a close friendship with Firepaw beyond their initial meeting, during which the two attack each other. She is struck by Firepaw's potential and acts as a surrogate mother to him throughout his training. When Cinderpelt is injured and her chances of becoming a warrior forfeited, Yellowfang trains her as a medicine cat. Her personality clashes with that of Cinderpelt's, and the two often bicker playfully back and forth; Yellowfang greatly respects Cinderpelt as a result due to her courage to fire her words right back at her.
Yellowfang dies from smoke inhalation in the great fire that destroys much of ThunderClan's camp during the events of Rising Storm. Her last words are to Fireheart, telling him that he was the son she always wished she had. Yellowfang mentored [|Runningnose] as a medicine cat in ShadowClan, who retained a great deal of respect for her despite her exile. She then mentored Cinderpelt in ThunderClan. Yellowfang's mentor is Sagewhisker.
In the Power of Three series, Yellowfang is one of the first StarClan cats to realize Jaypaw's ability to transcend dreams. She attempts to stop him from abusing his power, but Jaypaw stubbornly refuses. She also argues with Bluestar and other members of StarClan regarding the prophecy concerning Jaypaw and his siblings, saying that the cats of StarClan are intentionally deceiving the three for an as yet undisclosed reason, however most likely referring to the fact that Leafpool is their mother. She also gave the crow's feather to Jayfeather in Sunrise to figure out who his father was. She appears in "The Forgotten Warrior" to tell Jayfeather that Cinderheart needs to know who she really is.
In The Last Hope, Yellowfang kills the spirit of Brokenstar, causing him to fade away forever.

''The New Prophecy Series''

The New Prophecy series covers events in the story from Midnight to Sunset. Many characters here were first mentioned in the original series, but had minor or insignificant roles. In addition, as with the original series, most characters listed here play minor or significant roles in the following series, Power of Three, as well. The series circles around Tigerstar's and Firestar's children as the Clans have to find a new home, thanks to the twolegs who are destroying it.


Ashfur, a pale gray tom with darker flecks and dark blue eyes, was a ThunderClan warrior who was introduced in the original series as Ashkit and later [|Ashpaw] along with his sister, Fernpaw. During the original series, he and Fernpaw willingly served as bait for the pack of dogs threatening ThunderClan's camp and ran ahead of them in order to lead them off course, because they lost their mother, Brindleface, to Tigerstar. In Into the Wild, there is a ShadowClan elder named Ashfur. He died in Rising Storm, but since ThunderClan's Ashfur was still Ashpaw at the time, there was no colliding of names. Ashfur is shown to be deeply committed to the warrior code, and, like other warriors such as his brother-in-law Dustpelt and his cousin Thornclaw, has concerns about the increasing amount of half-Clan and rogue cats that have been allowed to join ThunderClan.
During the events of The New Prophecy, he falls in love with Squirrelflight, and attempts to get closer to her while she struggles with Brambleclaw. He is dismayed when Squirrelflight eventually tells him she was in love with Brambleclaw instead of him. Ashfur's resentment of Brambleclaw is also subconsciously motivated; he has never been able to forgive Brambleclaw for his father Tigerstar's actions, mainly his killing of his mother, Brindleface.
In the Power of Three series, Ashfur starts showing his resentment towards Squirrelflight's decision to raise a family with Brambleclaw. For example, during a sparring match between him and his apprentice, [|Lionpaw], Brambleclaw's son, he turns ferociously hostile. However, it is revealed in Long Shadows that he has never been angry with Brambleclaw, just Squirrelflight. It was he who helped Hawkfrost try to kill Firestar in Sunset since he wanted Squirrelflight to suffer the pain of losing her father in retaliation for her choosing Brambleclaw over him. He tries to do this again by attempting to kill Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf in the forest fire in Long Shadows, but he releases them when Squirrelflight reveals they aren't her kits. He vows to tell all of the cats at the upcoming Gathering, which he claims will destroy Squirrelflight, in that she will lose Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf, Brambleclaw will want nothing to do with her, and no cat in any Clan would respect her. At the end of Long Shadows, before he gets the chance, he is mysteriously killed and his body was found floating in the stream of WindClan territory. Most of the cats of ThunderClan suspect it was a WindClan patrol, but it seemed to be implied that Squirrelflight killed him. The fact that Firestar did not mention the death of Ashfur at the Gathering might have been significant. Many people felt that Squirrelflight did not kill Ashfur, and the authors were instead trying to surprise the readers. Another suspected killer among fans was [|Sol]. In Sunrise, his killer was revealed to be Hollyleaf, rather than Squirrelflight.
Ashfur's mentor was Dustpelt. He has mentored Lionblaze as well as his nephew Birchfall. His mother is Brindleface. Brindleface was killed by Tigerstar in A Dangerous Path. He had a sister, Ferncloud, and as such is the uncle of Ferncloud's kits including Larchkit, Hollykit, Icecloud, Foxleap, Shrewpaw, Spiderleg, and Birchfall. He is also the foster brother of Cloudtail, due to his mother Brindleface's serving as Cloudtail's surrogate mother in the Clan. His aunt was Frostfur, making him cousin to Brackenfur, Brightheart, Cinderpelt and Thornclaw. In Omen of the Stars, it is revealed that he was allowed to join StarClan instead of being sent to the Dark Forest because his only fault was loving Squirrelflight too much. He is believed to have forgiven Hollyleaf for killing him when she enters the ranks of StarClan. Ashfur presumably fought in the battle against the Dark Forest, although this has not been confirmed.


Bramblestar, first introduced as Bramblekit, and later known as Brambleclaw, is a large, muscular dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. In A Dangerous Path, he becomes Firestar's apprentice and is known as Bramblepaw for the remainder of the original series. He receives his warrior name, Brambleclaw, in the beginning of Firestar's Quest.
Bramblestar is the current ThunderClan leader, but he is often questioned about his loyalties because of his murderous dead father, Tigerstar. He receives a message from the dead Bluestar, where she tells him that he must travel with cats from each Clan to go to the sun-drown place. That leads him to be traveling with his sister Tawnypelt, Crowfeather, Feathertail, and her brother Stormfur, and Firestar's daughter Squirrelflight. The cats journey to the sun-drown-place to find the badger, Midnight, who tells them that the Clans must find a new home. Brambleclaw seems to take a leadership role on their journey.
Brambleclaw and the others help to find the Clans a new home around the lake. Once the four Clans had settled in their new homes, Tigerstar began to walk in the dreams of Brambleclaw and Brambleclaw's half-brother, Hawkfrost, both Tigerstar's kin. Tigerstar's goal was to make his two sons ambitious for power, like he was when he was alive. However, he believes that Brambleclaw is too weak to take power by himself, so he plots with his evil son, Hawkfrost, to create a trap for Firestar. Hawkfrost shares his plot with Ashfur, who agrees to help, wanting to cause terrible pain for Squirrelflight because she chose Brambleclaw instead of him. Under the false assumption that [|Blackstar] was waiting at the border, Firestar falls victim to a fox trap. Hawkfrost reveals that he was the one who led Firestar there, hoping Bramblestar would kill Firestar, and planning to kill Brambleclaw if he refused. However, Brambleclaw kills Hawkfrost and frees Firestar. Brambleclaw is later named deputy of ThunderClan after Leafpool has a vision of thorn-sharp brambles encircling the camp.
In Sunset, Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, who had been quarreling before, realize how important they truly are to each other and become mates, angering Ashfur. They apparently have three kits, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze – however, in Long Shadows, Squirrelflight admits that Brambleclaw is not the father of her kits, and she never even had kits in the first place. Brambleclaw himself is unaware of this, according to Squirrelflight, until the end of Sunrise. He becomes furious at Squirrelflight for lying to him. In The Fourth Apprentice, it's revealed that they are not mates anymore due to this.
In The Last Hope, Brambleclaw succeeds Firestar as leader of ThunderClan, and appoints Squirrelflight his deputy, having finally forgiven her for her deception.
Brambleclaw has mentored [|Berrynose]. Brambleclaw's siblings include Tawnypelt and four half siblings: Hawkfrost, Mothwing, Tadpole and Swiftpaw. He is uncle to Tawnypelt's kits, including Tigerheart, Dawnpelt, and Flametail.
Brambleclaw's parents are Goldenflower and Tigerstar, and it is revealed in Code of the Clans that Brambleclaw's grandparents are Pinestar and Leopardfoot. He is great-grandson to Sweetbriar, Adderfang and Swiftbreeze ; his both great-grandmothers being SkyClan's direct descendants, Brambleclaw is himself part-SkyClan. He is also nephew to Mistkit and Nightkit, Lionheart and Snowkit, and great-nephew to Patchpelt, Willowpelt, Redtail and Spottedleaf.


Squirrelflight, a dark ginger she-cat with green eyes, is the daughter of Firestar and Sandstorm, as well as the littermate of Leafpool. She and Leafpool share a special telepathic connection, in which one can always know what the other is thinking or feeling. She and Leafpool are first introduced as kits, Squirrelkit and Leafkit, in the epilogue of Firestar's Quest. In The New Prophecy, Squirrelflight joins the prophesied cats to find Midnight at the sun-drown place, the prophesied cats being [|Crowpaw], Feathertail, Brambleclaw and his sister Tawnypelt. Stormfur tags along as well so he can be with Feathertail, his sister. Squirrelflight is shown to be arrogant with a temper as an apprentice, but gradually matures during The New Prophecy series.
At first, she taunted and resented Brambleclaw, but later fell in love with him during their journey, similar to what happened with her parents, Firestar and Sandstorm. However, when Brambleclaw warms up to his half-brother and RiverClan warrior, Hawkfrost, Squirrelflight begins to lose her trust in him, believing that Hawkfrost is as murderously ambitious as his father, Tigerstar, and that Brambleclaw will follow in his footsteps. During this time, Squirrelflight began to get closer to Ashfur. During the badger attack in ThunderClan camp that kills Cinderpelt, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw realize how much they really mean to each other, and Squirrelflight leaves Ashfur to be with Brambleclaw. She tries to remain friends with Ashfur, but he rejects her friendship, feeling betrayed.
At the end of The New Prophecy series, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw apparently have three kits; Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze. Ashfur seems to have gotten over Squirrelflight, however he behaves rather strangely. In Long Shadows, Ashfur admits that he was the one who helped Hawkfrost try to kill Firestar in Sunset, in an attempt to hurt Squirrelflight emotionally. He then tries to kill her three kits in a forest fire, but Squirrelflight reveals that they aren't hers, so it would not hurt her that way. At the end of Long Shadows, Ashfur is found mysteriously murdered by WindClan territory, Squirrelflight being a major suspect, but it is revealed in Sunrise that actually Hollyleaf killed Ashfur, trying to keep him quiet, as he was planning to tell the secret that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw weren't her parents at a Gathering.
Brambleclaw is furious that Squirrelflight lied to him about Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather, and in Omen of the Stars, they are not mates anymore. At the end of The Last Hope, he finally forgives her.
When her father dies and Brambleclaw becomes leader, she becomes his deputy. In the manga at the end of Bramblestar's Storm, it is revealed that she is not barren, as indicated earlier by Yellowfang, as she is expecting Bramblestar's kits. In The Apprentice's Quest, she has kits Alderpaw and Sparkpaw. Alderpaw looks like his father Bramblestar and Sparkpaw looks like her grandfather Firestar.
Squirrelflight was mentored by Dustpelt and has mentored Foxleap and Rosepetal.


Leafpool, a slender light brown tabby she-cat with white paws and amber eyes, is the medicine cat of ThunderClan. She is the daughter of Firestar and Sandstorm, and the sister of Squirrelflight, with whom she shares a unique telepathic connection, in which each can always know what the other is feeling. She is mentioned as a kit, Leafkit, named for [|Leafstar] and Spottedleaf, in the epilogue of Firestar's Quest, and later as a medicine cat apprentice, Leafpaw, in Midnight, mentored by her mother's cousin Cinderpelt.
She makes the Great Journey along with the four Clans in Dawn and discovers the Moonpool in Starlight, the Moonstone equivalent in their new territory. Because of this, Cinderpelt gives Leafpaw her full medicine cat name, Leafpool. Leafpool also receives a frightening prophecy from StarClan: Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red.
This prophecy meant Brambleclaw killing Hawkfrost to save Firestar, Leafpool's father. When Leafpool arrives a little after Hawkfrost dies, not going to StarClan but to the Dark Forest seeing that he is just as evil as Tigerstar, she believes that Brambleclaw is a traitor, but when she sees that the blood on his pads weren't her father's but Hawkfrost's, she understood the prophecy at last.
Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost were kin; Blood had indeed spilled blood. Brambleclaw had killed his half brother to save Firestar. She had been right about Hawkfrost – he was too ambitious, too much like his father, Tigerstar-but she has never imagined that Brambleclaw would be the cat to stop him.
Leafpool starts to develop feelings for Crowfeather, though they are from different Clans and Leafpool is not allowed to take a mate, being a medicine cat. After Cinderpelt finds out that she has been meeting Crowfeather, they attempt to run away to be able to be together in Twilight. However, when Midnight the badger arrives to warn the Clans of a badger attack, Crowfeather and Leafpool realize how much their Clans mean to them, and they decide to return. Unfortunately, Leafpool arrives too late to save Cinderpelt when the horde of badgers attack the ThunderClan camp, and continually expresses guilt because of her mentor's death throughout the rest of the series. She and Crowfeather agree never to see each other again, though for the rest of the books they are both oddly tense whenever they meet on occasion. Leafpool becomes the new ThunderClan medicine cat in Sunset, and discovers that Brambleclaw is to be the new deputy in [|Greystripe's] absence and that he and Squirrelflight are destined to be mates, as well as the fact that her mentor, Cinderpelt, has been reincarnated as one of Sorreltail's kits, Cinderheart. Spottedleaf also reveals to her that Mothwing, the RiverClan medicine cat and Leafpool's friend, does not believe in StarClan, a result of Hawkfrost, her brother, tricking Mudfur into taking her as his apprentice and then openly sharing with her what truly happened. Leafpool is also featured in a play written by Victoria Holmes, titled After Sunset: We Need to Talk, in which she appears to have something to tell Crowfeather, but then denies it after Crowfeather confesses that he has taken a new mate, [|Nightcloud], in WindClan.
Later, in The Sight, she takes [|Hollypaw] as her apprentice, who later decides to quit and become a warrior instead, confessing that she only wanted to be a medicine cat because of the position it would give her. Then, Jaypaw, Hollypaw's brother, receives a message from StarClan telling him that he must become a medicine cat, and becomes Leafpool's new apprentice. Leafpool gives him his full medicine cat name Jayfeather, in Long Shadows.
In "Sunrise" it is revealed that Leafpool is Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze's mother, and Crowfeather is their father. Hollyleaf tells the truth at the Gathering and Crowfeather says that Leafpool, Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Hollyleaf mean nothing to him. Leafpool apologizes to the Clan for her deception and wilingly steps down as a medicine cat. Afterwards, Hollyleaf tries to kill her by forcing her to eat deathberries in the ThunderClan camp. Leafpool asks Hollyleaf what would be worse: if she stayed alive, disowned by Crowfeather, living without the love of her own kits, and no longer a medicine cat, or died; Hollyleaf stops forcing her and Leafpool walks out of the medicine cat's den.
In Omen of the Stars, she has become a warrior because she broke the Warrior Code by having kits. However, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf seem to view her as being incompetent as a warrior and are still furious about her deception. Lionblaze, however, seems to have forgiven her and respects and loves her as his mother. After the events of The Last Hope, she becomes a medicine cat again, sharing the role with Jayfeather.
She is also niece to Princess, half-niece to Scourge, Ruby and Socks, Ashfur and Ferncloud, cousin to Cloudtail, granddaughter to Redtail and Brindleface, Jake and Nutmeg, great-niece to Willowpelt, Spottedleaf, Patchpelt and Leopardfoot, Dustpelt, Longtail, Ravenpaw and Frostfur, and great-granddaughter to Adderfang and Swiftbreeze, and Fuzzypelt and Robinwing.


Daisy is a beautiful cream-colored long-furred she-cat with dazzling ice blue eyes who lived at the horseplace with two other cats named [|Smoky] and Floss. She was afraid that the twolegs at horseplace were going to take away her kits fathered by Smoky because they had taken away Floss's litter, so she brought them to ThunderClan to keep them safe. Cloudtail volunteers to help teach her battle moves, and she develops feelings for him over time. She does not enjoy training and complains frequently about the safety of her kits. She decides to go back to the horseplace following the badger attack in Twilight, worried that Clan life is too dangerous for her kits, but is persuaded to return to ThunderClan by her kits, Berrykit, Mousekit and Hazelkit along with Brambleclaw and Cloudtail. It is also revealed that another reason that she left is because she realizes that Cloudtail will never return her feelings for him after she sees the way he loves Brightheart, his mate. Her kits trained as ThunderClan warriors and received their warrior names, Berrynose, [|Mousewhisker], and Hazeltail, in Outcast. Daisy's first litter was fathered by Smoky, but her recent mate is Spiderleg, with whom she has two kits; [|Rosekit] and [|Toadkit]. In Long Shadows, it is revealed that Spiderleg and Daisy are no longer mates, and that Spiderleg "never really wanted kits in the first place." Daisy is a permanent member of ThunderClan, but she is not a warrior; she remains in the nursery throughout the series to help the queens. In Fading Echoes, she becomes grandmother to Cherrykit and Molekit.


Ferncloud is a pale gray she-cat with darker flecks and pale green eyes. She is mentored by Darkstripe as an apprentice, Fernpaw, during the original series. In A Dangerous Path she helps to lure the dog pack away from the ThunderClan camp along with her brother, Ashpaw, to avenge the death of their mother, Brindleface. She is the mate of Dustpelt, and mother of three litters: first litter: Spiderleg and Shrewpaw; second litter: Hollykit, Larchkit, and Birchfall; third litter: Foxleap and Icecloud. Unfortunately, Hollykit and Larchkit die from starvation, while Shrewpaw dies when he is run over by a monster while hunting a pheasant in Dawn. Ferncloud is depicted as a gentle, motherly cat who remains in the nursery, where she is suited best. She helps to look after new kits with Daisy. Like Daisy and Goldenflower she usually doesn't leave the nursery but cares for kits.
Ferncloud is also niece to Frostfur, Dustpelt and Ravenpaw, granddaughter to Robinwing and Fuzzypelt and Adderfang and Swiftbreeze, cousin to Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, Thornclaw and Brightheart, grandcousin to Whitewing, Honeyfern, Molepaw, Poppyfrost and Cinderheart, great-grandcousin to Cherrypaw and Molepaw Dovewing and Ivypool, recently grandmother to Rosepetal and Toadstep, half-aunt to Squirrelflight and Leafpool and great-half-aunt to Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze.
Ferncloud is killed by Brokenstar during the Great Battle and eventually is reunited with Dustpelt in StarClan.


A dark grey tom with blue eyes, Rainwhisker is a ThunderClan warrior first introduced in The Darkest Hour as a kit, Rainkit. He is the brother of Sorreltail and Sootfur and the son of Willowpelt and Whitestorm. He is later an apprentice, Rainpaw, mentored by Cloudtail, in Firestar's Quest. As an apprentice, he was often sent to assist Cinderpelt. He becomes a warrior sometime between Firestar's Quest and Midnight. It is revealed in that he was killed by a falling tree branch during a storm between Sunset and The Sight. He is uncle of Sorreltail's kits, including Poppyfrost, Honeyfern Cinderheart, and Molepaw. Rainwhisker is also nephew to Patchpelt, Leopardfoot, Spottedleaf and Redtail, grandson to Swiftbreeze and Adderfang and Snowfur and Thistleclaw, grandnephew to Rosetail, Sweetpaw and Bluestar, great-grandson to Windflight and Poppydawn and Moonflower and Stormtail, great-grandnephew to Goosefeather and Pinestar, great-great-grandson to Sweetbriar, cousin to Tigerstar, Mistkit and Nightkit, Sandstorm and Longtail and Greystripe, grandcousin to Bramblestar, Tawnypelt, Tadpole, Mothwing and Hawkfrost, Squirrelflight and Leafpool and Feathertail, Stormfur, Briarlight, Bumblestripe, and Blossomfall and great-grandcousin to Dawnpelt, Tigerheart and Flametail, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf Lark That Sings At Dawn and Pine That Clings To Rock and kin to Mistystar, Stonefur, Mosskit, Reedwhisker, Primrosepaw, Pikepaw, and Perchkit, Mallownose and Sneezepaw.


Spiderleg is a long-limbed black tom with a brown underbelly and amber eyes, is briefly seen in Firestar's Quest as a kit, Spiderkit. He is the son of Ferncloud and Dustpelt, and his siblings include Birchfall, Icecloud, Foxleap, Hollykit, Larchkit, and Shrewpaw, the later three being deceased. His mentor was Cloudtail, and he temporarily mentored [|Dawnpaw] of ShadowClan when Tawnypelt and her kits briefly left ShadowClan for ThunderClan in Long Shadows. Spiderleg's former mate was Daisy and they had two kits, Rosekit and Toadkit. In Long Shadows, it is revealed that Spiderleg no longer loves Daisy and that he "never really wanted kits." Spiderleg is overall a loyal warrior, but shares his sharp tongue with his father, Dustpelt, and is often one of the key characters to protest against something unusual. He shares the belief with Dustpelt, Thornclaw, and Ashfur that there are too many non-Clanborn cats in ThunderClan. He is one of the few completely "forest-blooded" cats left in ThunderClan. He is not one of the main characters, and often flits in and out of scenes in the books since his first real introduction as an apprentice, Spiderpaw, in Midnight.
Spiderleg's also nephew to Ashfur, grandson to Brindleface, great-grandson to Fuzzypelt and Robinwing, great-nephew to Frostfur, Longtail, Dustpelt and Ravenpaw, uncle to Dovewing and Ivypool and kin to Cinderpelt, Thornclaw, Brightheart, Brackenfur, Whitewing, Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Cinderheart and Molepaw


Sootfur, a light grey tom with amber eyes, is a ThunderClan warrior first introduced in The Darkest Hour, the brother of Sorreltail and Rainwhisker and the son of Willowpelt and Whitestorm. He was seen as an apprentice, Sootpaw, in Firestar's Quest. During the events of the book, his mother Willowpelt dies saving him from a badger. Sootpaw is made a warrior, Sootfur, sometime between the events of Firestar's Quest and Midnight. Sootfur appears to be hotheaded and sometimes says somewhat rude things such as when he remarks that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw may have made the right decision getting out of the forest when they did and when he remarks that Daisy would be too fat and lazy to run fast enough to catch mice. In the fifth book of The New Prophecy series, Twilight, Sootfur is killed during the attack of the badgers invading ThunderClan camp.
Sootfur's mentor was originally Longtail, but after Longtail was blinded by a rabbit in Firestar's Quest, his mentor was changed to Thornclaw. He is uncle of Sorreltail's kits, including Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Cinderheart, and Molepaw. Sootfur's also nephew to Patchpelt, Lepardfoot, Spottedleaf and Redtail, grandson to Swiftbreeze and Adderfang and Snowfur and Thistleclaw, grandnephew to Rosetail, Sweetpaw and Bluestar, great-grandson to Windflight and Poppydawn and Moonflower and Stormtail, great-grandnephew to Goosefeather, cousin to Tigerstar, Mistkit and Nightkit, Sandstorm, grandcousin to Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, Tadpole, Mothwing and Hawkfrost and kin to Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit, and Reedwhisker.


Sorreltail, a tortoiseshell and white she-cat with amber eyes, is a ThunderClan warrior, the only daughter of Willowpelt and Whitestorm and only sister of Sootfur and Rainwhisker. Introduced in The Darkest Hour as Sorrelkit, an adventurous young kit, she followed her half-brother Darkstripe and caught him speaking to Blackfoot, the ShadowClan deputy, on ThunderClan territory during the events of the book. She was seen by Darkstripe, who then tricked her into eating deathberries to keep her quiet about his treachery. After recovering, she told Firestar what Darkstripe did to her, bringing about his exile from ThunderClan.
She is an apprentice, Sorrelpaw, in Firestar's Quest, mentored by her cousin Sandstorm, although due to Sandstorm's being away from ThunderClan on the journey to find SkyClan during the events of the book, Sorrelpaw is temporarily mentored by Dustpelt. In between Firestar's Quest and Midnight, Sorrelpaw is struck by a monster, injuring her shoulder. Sorrelpaw eventually recovers under Cinderpelt's care, but has to train for longer than that of a usual apprentice. In Midnight, Sorrelpaw finally receives her warrior name, Sorreltail, and becomes best friends with Leafpool. Whenever Leafpool needs to go out, she always asks Sorreltail to go with her. When the four Clans reach their new lake home, Sorreltail falls in love with Brackenfur and they became mates. Sorreltail gives birth to her kits in Twilight during an unexpected badger attack, but was saved by Cinderpelt, who died trying to defend Sorreltail and her kits. In the end, she gives birth to four kits, Molepaw, Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, and Cinderheart, named in honor of Cinderpelt, which is ironic because Cinderheart is the reincarnated form of Cinderpelt - even though Cinderheart doesn't know it herself. Later in The Forgotten Warrior, Sorreltail and Brackenfur announce that she is carrying kits again, and in the ending chapter of the book, Sorreltail gives birth to two kits, which she names Seedkit and Lilykit. After 'The Last Hope', Sorreltail dies of her wounds. Sorreltail is also niece to Patchpelt, Leopardfoot, Spottedleaf and Redtail, granddaughter to Swiftbreeze and Adderfang and Snowfur and Thistleclaw, grandniece to Rosetail, Sweetpaw and Bluestar, great-granddaughter to Windflight and Poppydawn and Moonflower and Stormtail, great-great-niece to Goosefeather, and Pinestar, cousin to Tigerstar, Mistkit and Nightkit, Longtail, and Sandstorm, second cousin to Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, Tadpole, Mothwing and Hawkfrost, Squirrelflight and Leafpool, and kin to Mistyfoot, Stonefur, Mosskit, Greymist, Reedwhisker, Mallownose and Sneezepaw, and Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze. She is half-sister to Greystripe, making her aunt to Stormfur, Feathertail, Briarlight, Blossomfall, and Bumblestripe.

''Power of Three Series''

The Power of Three series covers events in the story from The Sight to Sunrise. The series is centered on the apparent children of Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather, and the prophecy that was made about them.


Berrynose is a cream-colored tom, the son of Daisy and Smoky, the littermate of Mousewhisker and Hazeltail, and the half-brother of Rosepetal and Toadstep. He is first introduced as a young kit named Berry in Twilight. His mother, Daisy, takes him and his littermates away from the horseplace where they were born so the Twolegs inhabiting it would not take them away. After a ThunderClan patrol finds them, they join ThunderClan and Berry is given the Clan name of Berrykit. He is the most adventurous of his littermates, and he accidentally ventures into a fox trap while sneaking out of camp exploring in Sunset and loses half of his tail. This event causes him to be paranoid about his warrior name, afraid Firestar would give him a ridiculous name, such as 'Berrystumpytail'. He is first introduced as an apprentice, Berrypaw, in The Sight, mentored by Brambleclaw. He is shown to be an arrogant and disrespectful cat similar to Darkstripe, especially after he is made a warrior in Outcast. He criticizes even the littlest mistakes made by apprentices and refuses to listen to any criticism directed at him. It is revealed that Honeyfern has a crush on him. In Sunrise the two are seen getting along well and are assumed to be in love considering they were suggesting that they would have kits together. He is grief-stricken when she dies from a snake bite. In the Omen of the Stars series, Berrynose is the father of Cherryfall and Molewhisker by Poppyfrost, Honeyfern's sister. Poppyfrost is extremely worried because she thinks Berrynose is still in love with Honeyfern, but it is revealed that Berrynose loves her as much, even more, and is just anxious to keep her safe.


A tortoiseshell she-cat with white patches on her pelt, Blossomfall is the daughter of Greystripe and Millie and the littermate of Bumblestripe and Briarlight as well as the half-sister of Feathertail and Stormfur. She was first introduced in Eclipse, along with her littermates. She joined the Dark Forest to become a better warrior, but later finds out that the Dark Forest was going to kill Toadstep
Her mentor is Hazeltail. She also develops a crush on Toadstep. In Sign of the Moon, Ivypool
discovers that Blossomfall is being trained in the Dark Forest. She becomes very jealous of Briarlight because Millie acts as if Briarlight is her only kit. She also has Thornclaw as her mate.


A light brown tabby tom, Birchfall is Birchkit and Birchpaw in the New Prophecy series, and is first seen as a warrior in The Sight. Birchfall is the son of Ferncloud and Dustpelt, and as such is the brother of Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Icecloud, Foxleap, Hollykit, and Larchkit, of which the later two are his littermates. During the destruction of the forest in The New Prophecy, his littermates, Hollykit and Larchkit, die of starvation, while his brother Shrewpaw dies when a tree cutter runs over him. As Birchkit, he makes the Great Journey across the mountains with the Clans to their new home, and becomes the first apprentice, Birchpaw, in ThunderClan's new camp. He was mentored by Ashfur. [|Birchfall's] current mate, Whitewing, stayed an apprentice waiting for Birchfall to be able to get his warrior name with her. Birchfall is also nephew to Ashfur, and Sandstorm, grandson to Brindleface, great-grandson to Robinwing and Fuzzypelt, grandnephew to Frostfur, and kin to Cinderpelt, Thornclaw, Brightheart, Brackenfur, Whitewing, Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Cinderheart and Molepaw. Birchfall fathered Dovewing and Ivypool with his mate, Whitewing. Birchfall was seen training in the Dark Forest by his daughter, Ivypool.


A dark brown she-cat, Briarlight is the daughter of Greystripe and Millie and the littermate of Bumblestripe and Blossomfall, as well as the half-sister of Feathertail and Stormfur. She is first introduced in Eclipse, along with her littermates. She got sick with greencough when her mother, Millie, fell ill, but was in decent health by Sunrise. She is nearly bitten by a snake in Sunrise, but is saved by her cousin Honeyfern, who died. In The Fourth Apprentice she is mentored by Thornclaw. She becomes a warrior in Fading Echoes after being injured by a tree falling on her hind legs, permanently paralyzing them.
She feels very guilty, for not being able to hunt, or patrol for her Clan. As a result, she won't eat anything Millie brings her. [|Jayfeather's] solution is for Briarlight to help him in his den. She also finds a small scrap of Hollyleaf's fur in The Forgotten Warrior.


A pale grey tom with dark black stripes, Bumblestripe is the son of Greystripe and Millie and the littermate of Blossomfall and Briarlight, as well as the half-brother of Feathertail and Stormfur. He is said to be the biggest kit in his litter and was named for the stripes on his back, making him look like a bumblebee. He was first introduced in Eclipse, along with his littermates. In The Fourth Apprentice he is mentored by Mousewhisker. It is hinted by Blossomfall that Bumblestripe is in love with Dovewing in Sign of the Moon.
In The Forgotten Warrior, he is seen spending a lot of time with Dovewing and by the end of the book, he confesses to Dovewing that he wants to be more than friends. Following The Last Hope, Dovewing begins a relationship with Bumblestripe, but in Bramblestar's Storm, their relationship ends.


Cinderheart, a grey tabby she-cat with blue eyes, is a ThunderClan warrior first mentioned at the end of Twilight and formally introduced in The Sight. She is initially revealed to be the reincarnation of Cinderpelt, the former ThunderClan medicine cat. This fact becomes clear to Leafpool in Sunset when Spottedleaf tells her where to find Cinderpelt and shows her Cinderkit. Cinderheart is not consciously aware of her situation and is very much her own character, though her personality is similar to Cinderpelt's before she was injured; Jayfeather's attempts to walk in her dreams result in the personality of the original Cinderpelt revealing herself in the former ThunderClan camp in the forest, implying that Cinderpelt's spirit does indeed reside within Cinderheart's subconsciousness. Leafpool and Jayfeather are the only cats that are aware of Cinderheart's true identity; while Leafpool wants to keep it a secret from Cinderheart indefinitely, Jayfeather wants to reveal the truth to her, thus adding heat to the already obvious indifferences of these two cats.
She and Lionblaze seemed to become mates between Fading Echoes, and Night Whispers. She and Lionblaze seemed to be deeply in love, but Cinderheart breaks the relationship when Lionblaze tells her that he is part of the prophecy. She tells him that they can't be mates, and as a result, she breaks Lionblaze's heart. In The Forgotten Warrior, Jayfeather convinces her that she and Lionblaze can become mates.
Cinderheart is StarClan's answer to Cinderpelt's dreams of becoming a warrior. She becomes an apprentice under Cloudtail along with Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Hollyleaf, her best friend, and others. In an ironic twist of fate, however, she falls from a tree branch in Dark River and injures her leg, in fact the same leg that Cinderpelt injured. She is able to recover partially, but reinjures it during her assessment in Eclipse and is thrown into a state of depression. Jayfeather teaches her to swim in order to stretch and build the muscles without straining them, and by the end of Eclipse, Cinderpaw is able to walk and run normally and receives her warrior name. Cinderpelt's original destiny having been fulfilled, it is unknown whether or not Cinderheart's reincarnation will contribute to future events.
At the end of Eclipse, when she is given her warrior name, Firestar names her Cinderheart " honor of those warriors who have gone before." It is unclear whether Firestar is referencing Cinderpelt or not. Though Cinderheart is a reincarnation of Cinderpelt, in this new life she is the daughter of Sorreltail and Brackenfur and the sister of Molepaw, who died from a sickness that didn't react to Leafpool's herbs. Poppyfrost and Honeyfern are also her siblings. Brackenfur and Cinderpelt are siblings so Cinderpelt and her reincarnation are actually related, Cinderheart being her niece. During Sunrise, Honeyfern dies, and Cinderheart is grief-stricken. She tells Hollyleaf she shouldn't have said anything at the Gathering. In "Omen of the Stars", Cinderheart is Ivypaw's mentor. Cinderheart and Cinderpelt both fell in love with similar tom cats, since Lionblaze is Firestar's kin, that might also be part of Cinderheart's destiny.
In The Last Hope, she still cannot decide whether to stay a warrior or be a medicine cat as in her past life. Lionblaze confronts her and tells her that she has a destiny, but she can choose. When she chooses to be a warrior and chooses to be Lionblaze's mate, Cinderpelt's spirit comes out of her body and mouths "Thank you" to Lionblaze before she goes to StarClan.
In Bramblestar's Storm, she has three kits with Lionblaze: Hollykit, Fernkit, and Sorrelkit, later Hollytuft, Fernsong, and Sorrelstripe.


A reddish tabby tom, Foxleap was first introduced as a kit, Foxkit, in The Sight. He is the son of Ferncloud and Dustpelt and the littermate of Icecloud as well as the brother of Shrewpaw, Hollykit, Larchkit, Spiderleg, and Birchfall. He becomes an apprentice, Foxpaw, in Outcast, and is mentored by his cousin Squirrelflight, but due to Squirrelflight's temporary departure to the Tribe of Rushing Water during the book, he is mentored by his aunt Sandstorm's cousin Sorreltail for a while. His aunt Sandstorm also takes over as his mentor for Squirrelflight when she becomes ill in Long Shadows. It is said that he wishes his warrior name to be Foxcatcher. Foxleap is nephew to Ashfur grandson to Brindleface, kin to Cinderpelt, Thornclaw, Brackenfur, Brightheart, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, Molepaw, Cinderheart and Whitewing. He's also uncle to Dovewing, Ivypool, Rosepetal and Toadstep.
In Bramblestar's Storm, Foxleap is said to have died of his wounds shortly after the great battle. This is confirmed in Dovewing's Silence.


Hazeltail is a small grey-and-white she-cat, the daughter of Daisy and Smoky, the littermate of Berrynose and Mousewhisker, and the half-sister of Rosepetal and Toadstep. She is first introduced as a kit named Hazel in Twilight, when her mother Daisy took her and her littermates away from the horseplace where they were born so the Twolegs there would not take them away. After a ThunderClan patrol found them, they joined ThunderClan and Hazel was given the Clan name of Hazelkit. In Sunset, Spottedleaf visits the nursery and shows her and Mousewhisker a butterfly, which she says they can catch, leading Leafpool to discover the truth about the RiverClan medicine cat, Mothwing. She was introduced as an apprentice, Hazelpaw, in The Sight, mentored by Dustpelt, and continues this apprenticeship until she becomes a warrior, Hazeltail, in Outcast, along with her littermates.
In Sunrise, she meets her father, Smoky, and Floss for the first time. Smoky appears proud of her and Floss is concerned when she mentions that Berrynose lost half his tail in a fox trap.
She was the mentor of Blossomfall.
In Bramblestar's Storm, she is said to be killed by greencough.


Hollyleaf, a slender black she-cat with green eyes, is a ThunderClan kit, apprentice and warrior introduced in The Sight. She is one of the protagonists of the Power of Three series with her ThunderClan brothers Jayfeather and Lionblaze, and is on the cover of Sunrise. Initially, Hollyleaf chooses to become a medicine cat as a result of the respect she sees other cats giving Leafpool, the current medicine cat, and wants to be considered extremely important to her Clan. She abandons this choice after a short time, as she cannot remember herbs very well and gets easily disgusted when dealing with wounds and injuries. She develops an affinity for battle training and realizes that she would best serve her Clan as a warrior, and begins training under Brackenfur. Hollyleaf learned under her mentor to be incredibly loyal and devoted to follow the warrior code. As a result, Hollyleaf highly disapproved of her brother Lionblaze's affinity for [|Heathertail], a WindClan she-cat.
Hollyleaf is considered the most cunning and bound to the warrior code of the three siblings, prone to thinking out strategies carefully rather than rushing in blindly. She is not one of the Three in the prophecy, even though both of her brothers are. As a result, she has no power. She is devoted to the warrior code and considers it to be the foundation of Clan life, and is terrified to think of a Clan operating without it. She has aspirations about becoming Clan leader, a function that she feels would best serve her Clan. Her ideologies differ from her brothers in this respect, in that she is always trying to think of what would benefit all cats and not just herself. Hollyleaf seems deeply burdened by responsibility upon learning of the prophecy concerning herself and her siblings. It was revealed in Long Shadows that Squirrelflight is not her mother. Her real parents are Leafpool and Crowfeather. In Long Shadows, Hollyleaf becomes so obsessed with the code, she scares Jayfeather at one point. At the end of the book, she kills Ashfur to stop him from telling the clans that Squirrelflight is not her mother. In Sunrise, she goes mad having been the daughter of a medicine cat and a WindClan warrior thus breaking the warrior code. Eventually, in a Gathering, she reveals to every cat that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw weren't the parents of her and Lionblaze and Jayfeather, but it was Leafpool and Crowfeather. Then, she runs into a tunnel which collapses onto her, leading most cats to believe she is dead.
She also tries to kill Leafpool by forcing her eat deathberries, but lets her go when Leafpool points out that it would be more painful for her to live on than die. Hollyleaf's extreme devotion to the warrior code eventually led to her downfall. While most thought that Hollyleaf was part of the Three, she truly was not. Rather, the three relates to Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing. She is proven alive in The Forgotten Warrior and she returns to ThunderClan.
She is killed by Dark Forest warrior Hawkfrost while helping defeat Hawkfrost with Ivypool, who brought Hollyleaf back to ThunderClan in The Last Hope and is seen walking out with the rest of the spirits of StarClan when they retrieve Firestar to go to StarClan.
She is great-granddaughter to Jake and Nutmeg, and Redtail and Brindleface, she is half-sister to [|Breezepelt], granddaughter to Firestar and Sandstorm and Ashfoot, the WindClan deputy, niece to Eaglekit and Squirrelflight, grandniece to Princess, half-grand-niece to Scourge, Ruby and Socks and kin to Cloudtail, Whitewing, [|Dovepaw] and Ivypaw. As her father, Crowfeather, is a direct descendant to Windstar and Gorsestar, Hollyleaf is their descendant too. She's half-WindClan, almost one-quarter ThunderClan, one-quarter kittypet, and part SkyClan, because Spottedleaf is Sandstorm's aunt. As Spottedleaf is related directly to Birdflight's kits, and Sandstorm is Hollyleaf's grandmother.


Honeyfern is a light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes and the daughter of Brackenfur and Sorreltail. She is sister to Cinderheart, Poppyfrost, and Molepaw. She was first introduced as a kit, Honeykit, near the end of Twilight, and as an apprentice, Honeypaw, in The Sight. She was mentored by Sandstorm, who also mentored her mother, Sorreltail. She continues her apprenticeship for the rest of the series until she receives her warrior name, Honeyfern, in Eclipse. It is revealed that she has a crush on Berrynose. In Sunrise Berrynose starts to return the affection. Soon after, she dies of a snake bite while saving Briarkit, however. In The Fourth Apprentice, Honeyfern saves Jayfeather from Breezepelt when Breezepelt attacks the ThunderClan medicine cat at the Moonpool.


Icecloud is a white she-cat with bright blue eyes, first introduced as a kit, Icekit, in The Sight. She is the daughter of Ferncloud and Dustpelt and the littermate of Foxleap, as well as the younger sister of Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Hollykit and Larchkit. [|Icepaw] and Foxpaw shared dens with Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf before the three later became apprentices. She became an apprentice in Outcast, mentored by Whitewing. It is said that she wishes her warrior name to be Icestorm. Icecloud is a niece to Ashfur, granddaughter to Brindleface, great-granddaughter to Robinwing and Fuzzypelt, grandniece to Frostfur, kin to Cinderpelt, Thornclaw, Brackenfur, Brightheart, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, Molepaw, Cinderheart and Whitewing. She's also aunt to Dovepaw, Ivypaw, Rosepetal and Toadstep.
In Bramblestar's Storm, she is said to be killed by greencough.


Jayfeather is a grey tabby tom with blue eyes, and he is blind. He is the brother of Hollyleaf and Lionblaze as well as the half-brother of Breezepelt, and one of the protagonists of the Power of Three series with his siblings. Jayfeather is currently a full medicine cat in
ThunderClan. Initially, Jayfeather wanted to become a warrior, because he desired to be just as important as his littermates to the Clan and felt that the duties of a medicine cat were insignificant compared to the glories a warrior could experience. He began warrior training under his grandmother's cousin Brightheart, but soon tired of it. He did not receive much training and barely explored ThunderClan's territory. In a rebellious act, Jayfeather decides to explore himself. This led to him walking over a cliff in the middle of WindClan's territory and falling into the lake. Luckily, a WindClan patrol consisting of Crowfeather, [|Heatherpaw], [|Breezepaw], and Whitetail was nearby, but because of this, Jayfeather is afraid of water after his father, Crowfeather, pulls him out. Later, Spottedleaf persuaded him to become a medicine cat. Jayfeather is very conscious of his condition and adamantly refuses to be treated differently because of it, as he hates the thought of being pitied.
Despite his inability to see, Jayfeather's other senses are greatly magnified and he is often able to navigate just as well as any other cat. His superior sense of smell enables him to diagnose medicinal ailments instantly and from a great distance away, a trait that is obviously ideal for a medicine cat. Jayfeather is able to hear and smell cats approaching from a great distance, well before any other cat nearby. In addition to his heightened senses, Jayfeather was born with a form of extrasensory perception which enables him to read other cats' minds, as well as enter the dreams of other cats and listen in on their conversations with members of StarClan. It is shown in Outcast that this ability extends to cats who do not fall under the jurisdiction of StarClan, such as cats of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Jayfeather's mind-reading abilities can be blocked, however, if the intended target is aware of his intention; Leafpool is aware of her son's ability and consciously damps her thoughts whenever she does not want him in her head. Jayfeather is also unable to read the mind of Sol because his thoughts are so rapid and many that he can't focus on him.
Jayfeather's personality is somewhat on par with Yellowfang in that he is typically grumpy and easily angered. Jayfeather is the first to learn of the prophecy concerning himself and his siblings, and takes its meaning to imply that they are more important than any of the other cats and as such do not have to follow their rules. He has stumbled upon a seemingly insignificant stick which inexplicably emanates the thoughts and feelings of past members of the Ancient Clans, who used to live by the lake long ago. Many fans have claimed that he had a "relationship" with it until he broke it deliberately in The Fourth Apprentice, after finding out that Rock had been lying to him. Jayfeather feels he is on the verge of a great discovery, the implications of which have greater importance than StarClan. He is also aware of Cinderheart's reincarnation. Despite these pieces of knowledge, Jayfeather seems to care about his Clanmates and performs quite well as a medicine cat. Jayfeather has abilities that other medicine cats don't, such as walking in other cat's dreams. One of the first times he did this was when he followed Leafpool to the Moonpool and overheard her dream. Over the course of the series he has become more tolerant of his Clanmates and less irritable, mainly due to his liberal use of mind-reading and being able to sympathize with their thoughts. It was revealed in Long Shadows that Squirrelflight is not his mother. Prior to the release of Sunrise, it was rumoured Leafpool and Crowfeather are his parents because of the attitude and coloring. This is found true which leads to Hollyleaf's so-called "death" and during his naming ceremony, Leafpool felt a feeling of love to him, and, in The New Prophecy series, Leafpool and Crowfeather were alone together at one point when they ran off. He saves Firestar after he is attacked by a fox in "The Fourth Apprentice," although it was too late and he lost another life. He follows Poppyfrost to the Moonpool when she wants to see Honeyfern again, and gets attacked by Breezepelt, but Honeyfern drives him and another cat from the Dark Forest away. He is the first of the Three to learn about the battle between StarClan and the Dark Forest. Jayfeather is a reincarnation of Jay's Wing, who was an [|ancient cat]. In "Long Shadows", he meets the cat he loves, Half Moon, who later becomes the first Teller of the Pointed Stones. Half Moon reappears in "The Forgotten Warrior" and says that she waits for him forever.
He is great-grandson to Jake and Nutmeg, Firestar's parents. He is also related to the leader of BloodClan, Scourge, because Firestar and Scourge are half brothers.


Lionblaze, a muscular golden brown tabby tom with amber eyes and thick fur around his neck, is a protagonist of the Power of Three series with his siblings Jayfeather and Hollyleaf and is the half brother of Breezepelt, a WindClan warrior. He is secretly taught by the spirits of Tigerstar and Hawkfrost about different battle moves in Dark River. A young WindClan apprentice named Heatherpaw convinces him to form a play Clan called DarkClan inside the underground tunnels, with the leader being Heatherpaw and the deputy being Lionblaze, under the assumed names Heatherstar and Lionclaw, respectively. Lionblaze unknowingly falls in love with her, and she falls in love with him. Hollyleaf and Cinderheart find out about the meetings, and Hollyleaf threatens to tell. Lionblaze hates her nosiness. He enjoys the secret night meetings immensely, but falls behind in his training. One night, Lionblaze teaches Heatherpaw some of Tigerstar's moves and Hawkfrost gets angry, later rebuking him for teaching battle techniques to the enemy. He tells Lionblaze that Heatherpaw will probably use them against him in battle. Lionblaze is devastated, and tells Heatherpaw that he won't see her anymore. She is deeply hurt, but Lionblaze stays true to his word. Soon his battle and hunting skills improve again and his mentor, Ashfur, is pleased. No one is aware of his haunted visits with his apparent grandfather and uncle, and Hollyleaf notices that his fighting skills exceed the level for normal apprentices, and Brambleclaw recognizes his father's fighting moves. She and the other apprentices are horrified as Ashfur and Lionblaze begin a dangerous sort of play-fight, where they act as if the other is an enemy. Hollyleaf notes that Ashfur looked as if he hated Lionblaze with all his heart during the fight, but afterward praised him and acted proud. His power is the ability to remain unharmed during fighting. At the end of Eclipse, Lionblaze has an argument with Tigerstar and Hawkfrost. This could be because of Tigerstar's teaching method and his constant bullying if Lionblaze doesn't train the way Tigerstar wants him to or if Lionblaze tries to talk to Tigerstar and Hawkfrost about the prophecy. He is chosen to mentor Dovepaw, the last of the Three in The Fourth Apprentice. He is chosen to go find out what is causing the water not to flow along with Dovepaw, Tigerheart and Toadfoot of ShadowClan, Petalfur and Rippletail of RiverClan, and Sedgewhisker and Whitetail of WindClan.
Since the beginning of the Omen of the Stars series, Lionblaze has been growing closer to Cinderheart. In Night Whispers, he asks Cinderheart if they are becoming more than friends and she agrees that they are. However, she later learns that Lionblaze is a part of the prophecy and claims that, since StarClan has chosen him to be someone with a greater destiny, she can not become his mate. She grows even more distant when her life as Cinderpelt's reincarnation is revealed. However, in The Last Hope, he confronts Cinderheart about their destinies and they become mates, while Cinderpelt's spirit finally joins StarClan.
Prior to the release of Sunrise, it was speculated that Leafpool and Crowfeather were his parents. Also, in the latest "Warriors New" E-Mail, it mentioned "the parentage of a certain trio of ThunderClan cats" as well as "the shocking rumors about who might really be their mother," hinting that the rumor may be true. It was revealed in Long Shadows that Squirrelflight is not his mother, and in Sunrise that Leafpool and Crowfeather are his true parents. Lionblaze's also half-brother to Breezepelt, grandson to Firestar and Sandstorm and Ashfoot, the ex-WindClan deputy, nephew to Eaglekit and Squirrelflight, grandnephew to Princess,great-grandson to Jake and Nutmeg, half-grandnephew to Scourge, Ruby, and Socks and Ashfur and Ferncloud and kin to Cloudtail, Whitewing, Dovewing and Ivypool. He is also kin to Tigerstar, Nightkit and Mistkit. He is father to Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, and Fernsong. As his father, Crowfeather, is a direct descendant to Wind and Gorsestar, Lionblaze is their descendant too. He's half WindClan, a quarter ThunderClan, a quarter kittypet and a part SkyClan, because Sandstorm's aunt is Spottedleaf. He is the reincarnation of Lion's Roar, an ancient Tribe cat.


Mousewhisker is a grey-and-white tom, the son of Daisy and Smoky, the brother of Berrynose and Hazeltail, and the half-brother of Rosepetal and Toadstep. He was first introduced as a kit named Mouse in Twilight, when his mother Daisy took him and his littermates away from the horseplace where they were born so the Twolegs there would not take them away. After a ThunderClan patrol found them, they joined ThunderClan and Mouse was given the Clan name of Mousekit. In Sunset, Spottedleaf visits the nursery and shows him and Hazelkit a butterfly, which she says they can hunt, leading Leafpool to discover the truth about the RiverClan medicine cat, Mothwing. He is later an apprentice, Mousepaw, in The Sight, mentored by Spiderleg, and becomes a warrior, Mousewhisker, in Outcast. In the battle in Eclipse he wounds his eye so Hollypaw guides him out of battle. He was the mentor of Bumblestripe. He also trains in the Dark Forest.


Millie is a silver tabby she-cat, a former kittypet. She is first formally introduced in The Sight, when she and her mate Greystripe show up on the island that the Clan cats use for Gatherings. Though all the cats in every Clan were glad to see Greystripe alive, they were worried about his kittypet mate. She later has three kits: Bumblestripe, Briarlight and Blossomfall. In Long Shadows, Millie is infected with greencough. Silverstream watches over her, because "Greystripe doesn't deserve to have his heart broken again" due to Greystripe going into a cycle of grief after Silverstream died having his kits. In Sunrise, Honeyfern died saving Briarkit from being bitten by a venomous snake. In The Fourth Apprentice, her kits are seen as apprentices. In Fading Echoes her kits receive their warrior names, Briarlight, Blossomfall, and Bumblestripe. In Apprentice's Quest, she is an elder.


Poppyfrost is a tortoiseshell and white she-cat and the daughter of Brackenfur and Sorreltail. She is also the sister of Cinderheart, Honeyfern, and Molepaw. She was first introduced as a kit, Poppykit, near the end of Twilight, and as an apprentice, Poppypaw, in The Sight, mentored by her uncle, Thornclaw. In The Sight, Poppypaw comes close to dying due to an extreme case of greencough, but Jayfeather heals her by entering her dreams and leading her away from StarClan, and she recovers. She continues her apprenticeship until Eclipse, when she receives her warrior name, Poppyfrost, along with her sister Honeyfern. At the end of The Fourth Apprentice, she gave birth to two unnamed kits, with Berrynose being the father. Later in Fading Echoes, they are called Cherrykit and Molekit. In "The Fourth Apprentice", she tells Jayfeather that she has always loved Berrynose, even when Honeyfern was alive.
She is niece to Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Brightheart, Thornclaw and Cinderpelt, granddaughter to Willowpelt and Whitestorm and Frostfur, grandniece to Spottedleaf, Redtail, Patchpelt, Leopardfoot and Brindleface, Dustpelt and Ravenpaw, great-granddaughter to Snowfur and Thistleclaw, Swiftbreeze and Adderfang and Robinwing and Fuzzypelt, great-grandniece to Sweetpaw, Rosetail and Bluestar, great-great-granddaughter to Windflight and Poppydawn, Stormtail and Moonflower, great-great-grandniece to Goosefeather, cousin to Whitewing, grandcousin to Dovewing and Ivypool and kin to Ferncloud, Ashfur, Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Larchkit, Hollykit, Birchfall, Foxleap, Icecloud, Toadstep, Rosepetal, Tigerstar, Mistkit, Nightkit, Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, Hawkfrost, Mothwing, Tadpole, Tigerheart, Dawnpelt, Flametail, Stonefur, Mistyfoot, Mosskit. Poppyfrost's also related to SkyClan by Swiftbreeze being a direct descendant of Spottedpelt, Cloudstar and Birdflight's daughter, and sister to Gorseclaw, whose direct descendant is Sweetbriar, mother to Pinestar, former leader of ThunderClan.


Whitewing is a white she-cat with green eyes. She is first introduced as a kit, Whitekit, in the epilogue of Firestar's Quest though she is almost an apprentice already, and as an apprentice, Whitepaw, throughout the New Prophecy series. She is one of two daughters of Cloudtail and Brightheart. In between Sunset and The Sight, she becomes a warrior, Whitewing. She was appointed much later than she could have been because she herself had wanted to remain behind so Birchpaw would not be the only apprentice. This is later confirmed when Birchfall complains about her getting an apprentice, with Sandstorm reminding him that Whitewing requested to stay an apprentice. She was mentored by her uncle Brackenfur and received her first apprentice, Icepaw, in Outcast. It is confirmed by the end of Long Shadows that she is carrying Birchfall's kits, so therefore her status is now a queen. In Sunrise she gave birth to two kits, Dovewing and Ivypool, of which Dovewing will become the last cat in the prophecy of the Power of Three, but as revealed in The Last Hope, Dovewing is, in fact, the third cat, with Firestar being the last and the fourth. Whitewing's also granddaughter to Princess and Frostfur, great-niece to Firestar, Brindleface, Longtail, Dustpelt and Ravenpaw, great-granddaughter to Fuzzypelt and Robinwing, half-great-niece to Scourge, Ruby and Socks, niece to Cinderpelt, Thornclaw and Brackenfur, cousin to Honeyfern, Molepaw, Poppyfrost and Cinderheart and kin to Leafpool, Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Sandstorm, Ferncloud and Ashfur, Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Hollykit, Larchkit, Birchfall, Icecloud and Foxleap and Toadstep and Rosepetal.


Rosepetal is a dark cream she-cat first introduced in Outcast. It is revealed she has a crush on a ThunderClan tom, Foxleap. She is the daughter of Daisy and Spiderleg, the littermate of Toadstep, and the half-sister of Mousewhisker, Berrynose, and Hazeltail. She and Toadstep are made warriors in The Fourth Apprentice. Her warrior name is Rosepetal, her mentor was Squirrelflight. Rosepetal's also niece to Shrewpaw, Larchkit, Hollykit, Birchfall, Icecloud and Foxleap, cousin to Ivypool and Dovewing, granddaughter to Ferncloud and Dustpelt, grandniece to Ashfur, great-granddaughter to Brindleface, great-great-granddaughter to Robinwing and Fuzzypelt, great-grandniece to Frostfur and kin to Cinderpelt, Thornclaw, Brightheart, Brackenfur, Honeyfern, Molepaw, Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Lilyheart, and Seedpaw, Cherrypaw and Molepaw, Dewnose, Ambermoon, Whitewing, and Snowbush. Also related to Firestar, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf.


Toadstep is a black-and-white tom, first introduced in Outcast, along with his sister Rosepetal. He is the son of Daisy and Spiderleg, and the half-brother of Mousewhisker, Berrynose, and Hazeltail. In The Fourth Apprentice, Toadstep was given his warrior name. He was mentored by Cloudtail.
Toadstep's also nephew to Shrewpaw, Larchkit, Hollykit, Birchfall, Icecloud and Foxleap, cousin to Ivypool and Dovewing, grandson to Ferncloud and Dustpelt, grandnephew to Ashfur, great-grandson to Brindleface, great-great-grandson to Robinwing and Fuzzypelt, great-grandnephew to Frostfur and kin to Cinderpelt, Thornclaw, Brightheart, Brackenfur, Honeyfern, Molepaw, Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Lilykit, Seedkit, Cherrypaw and Molepaw and Whitewing.
In Bramblestar's Storm, he is said to have died of greencough.

''Omen of the Stars Series''

Omen of the Stars is the fourth series in Warriors. The titles of all six books have been revealed: The Fourth Apprentice and Fading Echoes. The third book's title is Night Whispers. A fourth book has also come out, called Sign of the Moon, which came out in April 2011. The fifth book is called The Forgotten Warrior. The final book in the series is titled The Last Hope. The fourth series is centered on two sisters, Dovewing and Ivypool, and which one of them is the third cat in the prophecy, as well as around Lionblaze and Jayfeather, the other two cats in the prophecy.


Dovewing is a fluffy pale grey she-cat whose eye color has been described as green, blue, and golden. She is the daughter of Whitewing and Birchfall, and sister of Ivypool. She was born at the end of Sunrise and it is mentioned that either she or her sister is the third cat of the prophecy, as Hollyleaf wasn't really part of the prophecy. Her mentor was Lionblaze.
In The Fourth Apprentice, it is revealed that her power is the ability to hear and see things that are very far away. Dovepaw is later found to be the third cat of the prophecy. Even though Dovepaw is excited about being the third cat in the prophecy, she hates to hide the secret from her clanmates. In Night Whispers, Dovepaw ends up telling Ivypaw why she has such good senses; Ivypaw forgives her for not telling her for such a long time. When she asks Jayfeather why she has to keep the secret from every cat, he asks her if she even wants to be special. She says yes, even though she doesn't. During her warrior assessment, when she decides to turn off her powers because other cats can hunt without special powers, she admits in her thoughts that Ivypool deserves to be a warrior more than she does because she is spying for Thunderclan in the Dark Forest each night.
It is also rumored that Dovepaw may have a crush on Tigerheart of ShadowClan. This is confirmed in Night Whispers, when the two of them admitted their feelings for each other. They began meeting on the ShadowClan-ThunderClan border by night, and at one point Dovepaw mentioned to Tigerheart that ThunderClan had some catmint, a herb which could cure ShadowClan's sick medicine cat Littlecloud, but which was supposed to be a secret. Tigerheart told ShadowClan this information, and Ivypaw was captured and traded for the catmint. In the books afterwards, Tigerheart seems to want to stay away from Dovewing to avoid speaking to her, though he does not believe that Jayfeather killed his brother Flametail, unlike their littermate Dawnpelt. In the Sign of the Moon, Dovepaw earns her warrior name: Dovewing. In The Forgotten Warrior, she falls in love with her clanmate Bumblestripe.
Dovewing is also granddaughter to Cloudtail and Brightheart and Dustpelt and Ferncloud, great-granddaughter to Princess, Frostfur, Brindleface and kin to Leafpool, Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, Sorreltail, Honeyfern, Molepaw, Cinderheart and Poppyfrost. During her warrior assessment, Icecloud falls through the tunnels that supposedly buried Hollyleaf. Dovewing then rescues her. Jayfeather and Lionblaze later investigate the tunnel for themselves, and come to the conclusion that their sister Hollyleaf might not be dead, as previously thought.


Ivypool, a silver tabby-and-white she-cat with dark blue eyes, is the daughter of Whitewing and Birchfall, and sister of Dovewing. She was born at the end of Sunrise and it is mentioned that either she or her sister is the third cat of the prophecy, as Hollyleaf wasn't really part of the prophecy. When revealed by Vicky Holmes that Dovepaw will be the Fourth Apprentice, she also stated that Ivypaw will not be happy about her sister's new found powers. Ivypaw's mentor is Cinderheart. In The Fourth Apprentice, Ivypaw becomes jealous of Dovepaw because she gets to go on the journey upriver to find the source of the problem of the drying up lake. At the end of the book when Lionblaze and Dovepaw return, she seems to get over her jealousy. But in Fading Echoes, Ivypaw becomes jealous of her sister again. Later on she begins to be trained in her dreams by Hawkfrost, thinking he's a StarClan warrior. Ivypaw then begins to feel special because "Dovepaw has never been visited by a StarClan warrior, she would have told me". At first Ivypaw seems happy to inform her sister that she was visited by a StarClan cat in her dreams, but decides against it later out of jealousy. She also does this because she "wants to have a secret too". In Night Whispers, she is kidnapped by ShadowClan and traded for catmint because Littlecloud is ill with greencough.
She continues to visit the Dark Forest in Night Whispers, but realizes their evil intentions towards the end of the book and decides to keep going to the Dark Forest to spy on them for Dovepaw, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze. While there, Brokenstar tells her to kill the already dead Flametail, to keep him from helping ShadowClan. She agrees in order to gain Brokenstar's trust, but is stopped by Tigerheart. In the Sign of the Moon, she earns her warrior name Ivypool.
Ivypaw's also niece to Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Icecloud, Foxleap, Hollykit, and Larchkit, cousin to Rosepetal and Toadstep, granddaughter to Cloudtail and Brightheart and Dustpelt and Ferncloud, greatniece to Thornclaw, Cinderpelt, and Brackenfur, Frostfur, Brindleface, and Ravenpaw and Ashfur, half-greatniece to Sandstorm and Longtail, great-granddaughter to Princess, Frostfur and Brindleface, great-greatniece to Firestar, and kin to Leafpool, Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, Honeyfern, Molepaw, Cinderheart and Poppyfrost.


Mapleshade is a large, primarily ginger, tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with amber eyes and a long, thick, fluffy, white tail. She is a warrior of the Dark Forest who was originally a ThunderClan warrior. However, she ended up falling in love with RiverClan tom called Appledusk and they had kits together. When ThunderClan discovered this, Mapleshade and her kits were exiled as traitors. While fleeing from ThunderClan to RiverClan along with her three kits to be with her mate, Mapleshade's kits were swept away and drowned in the raging river. Appledusk blamed Mapleshade for the kits' deaths, and she found herself unwelcome in RiverClan as well.
Heartbroken and enraged, Mapleshade swore eternal vengeance on the Clans. She murdered Ravinwing, the ThunderClan medicine cat who had revealed her secret and then Frecklewish, the ThunderClan leader's daughter who had watched her kits drown and made no move to help. Finally, when Appledusk took another she-cat as his mate, after having promised to love Mapleshade forever, she murdered Appledusk. However, by then, Appledusk's new mate was already expecting kits. Mapleshade knew Appledusk would live on in these kits and so swore revenge on her former mate's descendants. Because of the murders she committed, Mapleshade's spirit was denied entry into StarClan and instead sent to the Dark Forest.
Mapleshade visits Crookedkit of RiverClan in dreams and visions starting before his apprenticeship, training him in exchange for his promise that he would place loyalty to his Clan above all other concerns. At first Crookedkit believes Mapleshade is one of StarClan. Her anger at his attachment to individual Clanmates confuses him. He obeys her when a dog attacks the RiverClan camp, chasing the dog and protecting the Clan instead of tending to the fatal injury delivered to his mother, Rainflower. Crookedstar suspects Mapleshade is responsible for sending the crooked-jawed squirrel sign that convinces Hailstar to make Crookedjaw his deputy after Shellheart retires to the elders' den. When Hailstar is injured on his last life, she headbutts Crookedjaw away while he attempts to save Hailstar's life.
Eventually, Mapleshade acknowledges to Crookedstar that she is not of StarClan but from the Dark Forest, and explains her evil actions and deception before explaing her tragic past. Lastly Mapleshade reveals that Shellheart, Crookedstar's father, was the grandson of her former mate, and that she feels her own descendants should have attained the greatness that is Crookedstar's destiny. Crookedstar blames Mapleshade for the illness and death of his mate Willowbreeze and two of their newborn kits, Willowkit and Minnowkit, in addition to the earlier deaths of Rainflower and Hailstar. She is responsible for killing Spottedleaf a second time.


Cherryfall is the daughter of Berrynose and Poppyfrost, sister of Molewhisker. Cherryfall is a ginger she-cat. When she was being born, Jayfeather saw that the Dark Forest cats were watching her and her brother. In The Forgotten Warrior, Cherrykit and Molekit receive their apprentice names Cherrypaw and Molepaw. In The Forgotten Warrior, she ate a rotten vole and took the wrong herb, along with Mousewhisker. Cinderheart and Leafpool had to help them. In Bramblestar's Storm her warrior name, Cherryfall, is revealed.


Molewhisker is the son of Berrynose and Poppyfrost, brother of Cherryfall. Named after Poppyfrost's brother Molepaw, who died young. Molewhisker is a brown-and-cream tom. In The Forgotten Warrior, he and Cherrykit receive their apprentice names. In Bramblestar's Storm, he has his warrior name, Molewhisker.


Seedpaw is the daughter of Brackenfur and Sorreltail, and sister of Lilykit. Seedkit is also sister to Poppyfrost and Cinderheart, and aunt to Cherryfall and Molewhisker. She was born out in the forest, where Sorreltail had been taking a walk and began to feel pains.
In Bramblestar's Storm, she is an apprentice, Seedpaw, and is mentored by Bumblestripe. However, Seedpaw dies in an effort to retrieve the lost stick of the fallen warriors from the great battle when it is washed away by floods.


Lilyheart is the daughter of Brackenfur and Sorreltail, sister of Seedkit. Lilykit is a tortoiseshell she-cat. She and Seedkit are not mentioned very much in The Forgotten Warrior. At the end of The Forgotten Warrior, the kits are about two moons old. They are the fifth and sixth children of Brackenfur and Sorreltail.
In Bramblestar's Storm, she is Lilypaw and is mentored by Poppyfrost. She gets her warrior name, Lilyheart at the end of the book. In Warriors: A Vision of Shadows: The Apprentice's Quest, she and Snowbush have had kits together, named Leafkit, Larkkit, and Honeykit.

Minor ThunderClan characters

The following are ThunderClan characters introduced or appearing in the Warriors novel series, having small, less significant, and/or single instances in the story. It was revealed in an Erin Hunter Chat that the warriors family tree from the "official" warriors site was made up by fans with overactive imaginations, so most lineages from the site are false.


WindClan cats live on a territory located on the open moors in the plains north of the forest. As such, WindClan cats are known for their speed and endurance, a skill that is imperative for hunting their main source of prey, rabbits. WindClan have been driven off their territory by ShadowClan by the time Firepaw enters the forest, but are soon brought back with the aid of Fireheart and Graystripe. WindClan are forced to deal with attacks from both ShadowClan and RiverClan throughout the series, since they are seen as being the weakest Clan. As a result, WindClan often allies itself with ThunderClan, a recurring relationship that has further repercussions in later series.
WindClan, along with the other Clans, undergoes a dramatic shift in territory during the course of The New Prophecy series. During the time that Crowpaw and the others are on their journey, much of WindClan territory is destroyed as the Two Legs proceed with their deforestation of the area. Eventually, WindClan and the other Clans are able to relocate to the lake territory, the WindClan camp of which is an area much resembling their old territory: wide-open hills and moors. Their territory is between ThunderClan's and RiverClan. A Twoleg horse place is located nearby, and occasionally dogs living there are set loose and chase the WindClan cats. The open hills give the greatest view of the surrounding area, and a WindClan cat is typically positioned on top of one of them as a lookout, able to detect threats much more quickly than in the forests. WindClan undergo a rather stressful period in leadership when [|Tallstar], their wise leader, dies of old age and changes his successor from [|Mudclaw] to [|Onewhisker] at the last minute.
By the time of the Power of Three series, WindClan have resolved to become more hostile towards ThunderClan as a result of their being viewed as ThunderClan's "puppets" in the past. [|Onestar], once a warm and thoughtful friend of Firestar, has completely withdrawn his previous relationship with the ThunderClan leader. WindClan cats often hunt prey near and over ThunderClan's borders, the reasoning being that ThunderClan is stretched too thin to defend itself. This attitude climaxes in Eclipse, when the entirety of WindClan sneak into ThunderClan's camp to start the largest battle ever conceived in the history of the series.


Heatherstar is a pinkish-gray she-cat with blue eyes. She was leader when ThunderClan attacked WindClan and accused ThunderClan for their unjust act. She chose Talltail as WindClan deputy, who soon became Tallstar. Near the end of Tallstar's Revenge, she dies of greencough, a respiratory infection.


Hawkheart is a mottled dark brown tom with yellow eyes. He was once a fierce WindClan warrior who had little patience for kits, but StarClan later chose him to become a medicine cat. He murdered Moonflower, Bluestar's mother, when Moonflower tried to destroy WindClan herbs and threatened Bluepaw when she was in the camp.

''Warriors'' (Original Series)

The original series covers events in the story from Into the Wild to The Darkest Hour. Many characters mentioned here were introduced in the original series, but play minor or significant roles in The New Prophecy and Power of Three series as well.


Onestar, a small, mottled-brown tabby tom with amber eyes, is the leader of WindClan for the last two books of the second series, the entirety of the third and fourth series, and the first three books of the fifth series.
When Fireheart and Greystripe brought WindClan home in Fire and Ice, Onewhisker became close friends with Fireheart and still retained this friendship even when WindClan were angry with ThunderClan for sheltering Brokentail. In The Darkest Hour, in the battle with BloodClan, Onewhisker was nearly killed by the BloodClan leader, Scourge, if not for Firestar saving him.
Later, in Starlight, Tallstar appoints Onewhisker deputy on the brink of death, which meant that Onestar was now the leader of WindClan, though Tallstar didn't use the right words for appointing a deputy. At first Onestar is very timid about his new position, but after he receives his nine lives and name from StarClan, he becomes more confident and concludes that there can be no more friendship between WindClan and ThunderClan, and WindClan must prove itself capable of taking care of itself without help from others. He then assumes a more leader-like attitude and abandons his friendship with Firestar. Rock states in Cats of the Clans that Onestar knows more than any other cat thui
in the Clans about the loneliness that power brings and that he truly misses Firestar.
Throughout the story arc Power of the Three, Onestar becomes increasingly hostile towards Firestar and ThunderClan, occasionally ordering his warriors hunt both near and over their borders. He claims ThunderClan thinks it's better than the other Clans and ignores the warrior code by taking in non-Clan born cats. In the book Eclipse, he decides to teach Firestar a lesson and launches an attack with the whole of WindClan on ThunderClan through the tunnels. This leads to all four Clans fighting, with ShadowClan siding with ThunderClan and RiverClan siding with WindClan. The battle is only stopped by an eclipse.
Throughout the next story arc Omen of the Stars, Onestar remains largely hostile towards ThunderClan, even accusing them of plotting an invasion against WindClan in The Forgotten Warrior, even though, as it turns out, he has no evidence for his false accusation. However, in the final book, The Last Hope, he unites with the other Clans to defeat the Dark Forest cats. In the super edition Bramblestar's Storm, however, Onestar resumes his hostile attitude towards ThunderClan, now led by Bramblestar. During the flood, he orders his warriors to shift the border between WindClan and ThunderClan without talking to them so that WindClan can have the water in the stream all to themselves, as it's their only source. However, Bramblestar and his warriors later revert the border back to its original setting after chasing out the trespassing WindClan warriors and dislodging the fallen tree trunk which they have been using to cross the stream. At the end of the super edition, Onestar agrees to Bramblestar's proposal of adding a new law to the warrior code only reluctantly.
By the time of fourth series, A Vision of Shadows, Onestar is now very old and has a graying muzzle. In the second book Thunder and Shadow, Onestar loses a life to the rogue cat Darktail. This incident causes him to go rather mad, punishing his Clanmates for breaking the warrior code the slightest. He holds ShadowClan responsible for the rogues because they didn't drive them out sooner and refuses to give them a special herb which can cure the sickness that's spreading through their Clan. After several failed attempts to reason with Onestar, ShadowClan holds Twigpaw, a ThunderClan apprentice, hostage in return for ThunderClan giving them the herb. However, Onestar realizes what Jayfeather and Alderpaw are trying to do, and refuses to give ThunderClan the herb. Kestrelflight and Harespring are forced to go behind his back to bring the herb to ShadowClan, outraging Onestar. However, many cats, including some from his own Clan, look at him accusingly when Rowanstar blames Onestar. Nevertheless, Onestar refuses to accept his mistake, calling ShadowClan a bunch of rogues.
In the next book, Shattered Sky, it is revealed that Darktail is actually Onestar's biological son. Onestar reveals that when he was still known as Onewhisker, he fell in love with a kittypet called Smoke. He refused to let her join WindClan when she revealed she was expecting his kits, partly because it wasn't the life for her and partly because he was afraid of what would happen to him if his Clan found out he'd mated with a kittypet. The only one of their litter to survive was Darktail, whom Onewhisker turned away for the same reason as his mother. This rejection caused Smoke to raise Darktail to hate his father, the Clans and their way of life.
Because he has made many mistakes which led to terrible consequences, Onestar is afraid that he will be sent to the Dark Forest when he dies. Kestrelflight points out that the Dark Forest is for cats who are pure evil and assures Onestar that he was never evil. Onestar admits that his fears where selfish and apologizes for his actions. Onestar rights his wrongs when he confronts Darktail, and engages him in a fight that results in both cats drowning each other.


Tallstar, a black and white tom with amber eyes and a very long tail, was the leader of WindClan before Onestar. Tallstar and his Clan were chased off from their territory by ShadowClan under Brokenstar's rule until Fireheart and Greystripe brought them back. WindClan began a friendship with ThunderClan afterward as a result of this, although it faltered when Tallstar became furious with ThunderClan for sheltering Brokentail, the cat who drove them out of their territory. When Bluestar suspects WindClan of allegedly stealing prey, Fireheart seeks Tallstar to talk with Bluestar in peace. In The Darkest Hour, when Tigerstar announces joining all four Clans and territories into a single alliance, Tallstar and Firestar both reject his offer. After BloodClan attacks, Tallstar and Firestar agree to fight them with the other Clans in a temporary alliance, called LionClan.
Tallstar loses his last life in Starlight with Onewhisker and Firestar at his side, making him the only cat to have served as a Clan leader throughout the entire original series. He switched the deputy from Mudclaw to Onewhisker on his deathbed, fearing that Mudclaw was not the right cat to lead WindClan after his death because, in the end, he wanted to keep the friendship with ThunderClan. He feared that Mudclaw would do harm to ThunderClan because he had shown signs of bloodthirstiness. He mentors Morningflower and Deadfoot. His warrior name was Talltail. He is born Tallkit, but another kit, a tom named Shrewkit, calls him Wormkit because of his expected destiny of digging tunnels. Both his mother and father want him to be a tunneler, but Tallkit wishes to be a moor-runner, free to run and catch prey out on the open moors. Heatherstar, the leader of WindClan in Tallkit's days, recognizes his eagerness to run and apprentices him to be a moor-runner. Sandgorse is especially displeased, and he despises Tallkit as he reveals his true wishes. When Sandgorse dies in a tunnel collapse apparently due to the actions of a loner named Sparrow, Palebird mates with another tunneler named Woolytail and gives birth to his half-siblings. Tallpaw takes offense that his own mother is not grieving for Sandgorse and instead mated with another cat and says that her kits are another excuse to stay in the nursery as Palebird had been in the nursery ever since he was born and when his littermate, Finchkit died right after being born. Tallpaw swears vengeance upon Sparrow. After completing his training, he leaves the clan to pursue Sparrow, and, after days of traveling, he finds where Sparrow and his traveling friends are making camp. Talltail plans to attack Sparrow at night, but after Talltail has a talk with Sparrow, the night he was supposed to kill Sparrow, the loner reveals that Sandgorse actually sacrificed himself so he could escape. Talltail has mixed emotions that night, and the next day, he decides to go back to WindClan in peace. When Talltail comes back, Heatherstar reveals that she knew this was going to happen and when she got her 9 lives, StarClan warned her that a cat would have to travel far to realize where his true destiny lied and that warrior leader cat was him not a kittypet.


Deadfoot, a black cat with a crooked front paw, was the former deputy of WindClan under Tallstar, and was deputy when ShadowClan chased them out of their territory. Like Onewhisker, Deadfoot became friends with Fireheart when he and Graystripe brought WindClan home. Deadfoot wasn't seen alive after The Darkest Hour. He appears in StarClan as the cat who chooses Crowpaw to go on the journey to the sun-drown place. Victoria Holmes confirmed that he died in the battle with BloodClan. He was the mate of Ashfoot and was the father of Crowfeather and Eaglekit. He was originally a kit of Meadowslip named Hopkit, but he twisted his paw and when he was apprenticed, Heatherstar named him Deadpaw. Meadowslip is horrified, and states that Heatherstar can't change Hopkit's name because of the way he looks, but
Deadpaw says it's fine.

''The New Prophecy Series''

The New Prophecy series covers events in the story from Midnight to Sunset. Many characters here were first mentioned in the original series, but had minor or insignificant roles. In addition, as with the original series, most characters listed here play minor or significant roles in the following series, Power of Three, as well.


Crowfeather is a muscular, smoky grey tom with blue eyes, first introduced in Midnight as an apprentice, Crowpaw. He was chosen to be the WindClan representative on the journey to the sun-drown-place. Fiercely loyal to his Clan and sharp-tongued, he found it hard to make friends with the other cats on the journey. Amazingly, he got along best with Feathertail, and they both grew to love each other over the course of the journey. However, she died killing the mountain lion Sharptooth to save his life and the Tribe of Rushing Water. This only increased his hostility toward the other cats and made him feel utterly alone. He chose his warrior name based on her to honor her memory.
Not long after they reached their new home, he fell in love with Leafpaw, the ThunderClan medicine cat. He revealed his affections in Starlight, when he saves Leafpaw from falling to her death. It has been revealed that his relationship with Feathertail was more like "highschool romance", and his relationship with Leafpaw was the real thing. She returned his feelings and the two decided to meet on the border between their Clans, where a stream runs through. Eventually Leafpool's mentor, Cinderpelt, finds out, and the two leave their Clans in order to be together. However, they weren't away for long before they returned and broke off their connections, as Midnight had told them about a plot her kin had made to destroy the Clans. Crowfeather moves on to mate with a she-cat named Nightcloud and has a son, Breezepelt. He is the father of Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf, with Leafpool being the mother. Crowfeather shows little affection to Nightcloud and even less paternal love for his son, due to the fear he'd lose him. Nightcloud loved Crowfeather, but he never returned her love, making them an awful couple. However, in The Sight, a den collapses on Breezepelt and Lionblaze, and Crowfeather is worried for his son's life. Crowfeather even states that Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather mean nothing to him in Sunrise. When his son Lionblaze is seen about to killed by Breezepelt, Crowfeather just in time counter Breezepelt's attack. He states that he doesn't regret having kits with Leafpool. When he sees the dead body of Hollyleaf laying on the floor he shuns Breezepelt away and says that Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf are his kits. Crowfeather has also appeared in Outcast, when he and his son join the cats from the sun-drown-place journey to aid the Tribe of Rushing Water in defending against intruders.
Crowfeather is the son of Deadfoot and Ashfoot, and the brother of Eaglekit. He has mentored Heathertail, and was mentored by Mudclaw. He has fathered 6 kits: Breezepelt, two unnamed kits, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather. In Secrets of the Clans, it is revealed that Crowfeather is kin of WindClan first two leaders, Windstar and Gorsestar.


Mudclaw, a mottled dark brown tom, is a WindClan warrior introduced in Fire and Ice of the original series, and is the WindClan deputy from Firestar's Quest to Starlight. Typically, he is hostile and easy to anger. He routinely attacks cats he finds on WindClan territory without asking for explanations first. Mudclaw is the leader of the patrol that prevents Bluestar from reaching Highstones in Rising Storm, causing her to renounce faith in and declare war on StarClan. Fiercely loyal to WindClan and highly aggressive to all other cats, Mudclaw was appointed deputy of WindClan after the death of Deadfoot. As The New Prophecy series continues, Tallstar continues to grow more ill and Mudclaw takes over many of his duties, often acting as a secondary leader. It also implied that he even occasionally steals prey from the other Clans without his leader's knowledge.
When Tallstar is about to die, he abruptly replaces Mudclaw with Onewhisker as deputy, thus effectively revoking Mudclaw right to become leader. His reasons for doing so involve Mudclaw hostile demeanour, which he fears would lead WindClan into a state of chaos. Mudclaw is outraged by this and conspires with Hawkfrost of RiverClan in order to overthrow Onewhisker and take back the position he believes is rightfully his. Before his plan can succeed, however, Brambleclaw and a number of ThunderClan cats interfere, resulting in Mudclaw being crushed by a falling tree. The tree now serves as a bridge to an island where the Clans now have Gatherings. Mudclaw does not reside in the Dark Forest/Place of No Stars with Tigerstar, Darkstripe, and Hawkfrost as a result of his revolt, as he truly felt he was doing the right thing.

''Power of Three Series''

The Power of Three series covers events in the story from The Sight to Sunrise.


A pretty, well-mannered light brown tabby WindClan she-cat with stunning heather-colored eyes, Heathertail develops a close friendship with Lionblaze during The Sight and Dark River. Heathertail discovers a series of secret tunnels connecting WindClan and ThunderClan's territories and shares this knowledge with Lionblaze. The two then begin to meet each other during the night in the tunnels, pretending to be members of the fictional DarkClan, of which Heathertail is the leader and Lionblaze is deputy. These meetings eventually take a toll on both cats' daily lives, and Heathertail is hurt when Lionblaze decides that they must put their respective Clans first and that their relationship can no longer continue. Heathertail's relationship with Lionblaze is further strained in Eclipse when Lionblaze, in a bloodlust caused from the Clan-wide battle started by WindClan, where he accuses her of betraying the secret of the tunnels to her Clanmates. Heathertail denies this, but Lionblaze does not believe her and vows to forever be her enemy, thus shattering their friendship. Lionblaze might have realized what he has done, but when he attempted to speak with Heathertail and possibly say he was sorry, she acted as if she didn't want to be near him. In a Wands and World chat it is revealed that she feels no affection toward Breezepelt, and still loves Lionblaze.
In Long Shadows of the Power of Three series, Lionblaze takes catmint from WindClan territory to treat a large breakout of greencough. Heathertail confronts him, reminding him to not become a bully like his kin Tigerstar.


A black tom with amber eyes, Breezepelt, the son of Crowfeather and Nightcloud, is a headstrong WindClan warrior first introduced as an apprentice, Breezepaw, in The Sight. He often makes tactless remarks and is not afraid to voice his negative opinions. He has been shown to panic during times of crisis, and is quick to argue. Despite his grumpy demeanor, Breezepelt has been known to cooperate on a few occasions, losing his hostile attitude almost completely in favor of the task at hand. In Outcast, he joins his father and the other Clan cats on the journey to the Tribe of Rushing Water to aid them in defeating a group of intruders. It has been revealed that much of Breezepelt errant behavior stems from a lack of support from his father, Crowfeather, who shows little regard for his well-being. Crowfeather's reasons for rejecting his son are most likely due to his past love interest in Leafpool. He is also half-brother to Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze, because they all have the same father: Crowfeather. Mentored by Whitetail. When it is revealed, he takes the fact his father has three kits in another Clan very badly. In The Fourth Apprentice, he follows Poppyfrost to the Moonpool. He threatens to kill her when Jayfeather shows up, stating that he hates his half-siblings and would never forgive them for what their mother did. Ignoring Jayfeather's pleas, he attacks the two ThunderClan cats. Poppyfrost, who is pregnant, is unable to fight him off, so Jayfeather is forced to fight his half-brother himself, along with Honeyfern, who helps Jayfeather, and Brokenstar, who helps Breezepelt. It is revealed that he is being trained by Dark Forest, and is part of the battle between StarClan and the Dark Forest. During the Great Battle, his father, Crowfeather stops him from killing Lionblaze. In Crowfeather's Trail, Breezepelt reconciles with his Father and Lionblaze.


A black she-cat, Nightcloud is introduced in The Sight as the mate of Crowfeather and the mother of their son, Breezepelt. Her relationship with Crowfeather is depicted as somewhat distant, as Crowfeather does not seem to have any genuine affection for her. Nightcloud is clearly aware of Crowfeather's past relationship with Leafpool and resents Leafpool for Crowfeather's ongoing affection for her, even though Leafpool is a medicine cat from another Clan and she can never love him. This implies that Crowfeather took Nightcloud as a mate only out of necessity in an attempt to either "move on", or, as Rock states in Cats of the Clans, to prove his loyalty to WindClan. Nightcloud cherishes her son, Breezepelt, and is shown to be angered by Crowfeather's lack of affection for him. Later on in Sunrise, she gets furious when Hollyleaf says Crowfeather is also mates with Leafpool. Crowfeather's inability to love Nightcloud causes them to break up. However they reconcile in Crowfeather's Trail even though they never become mates again.

Minor WindClan characters

The following are WindClan characters introduced or appearing in the Warriors novel series, having small, less significant, and/or single instances in the story.


ShadowClan territory is mainly in a giant collection of swamps and bogs and thick wet grass covered in thick pine trees, giving the area a dark and gloomy feel. ShadowClan cats are skilled at hunting and navigating in near-complete darkness, because the night is when their main sources of prey are active. Along with lizards, frogs, and small forest animals, such as voles, ShadowClan also occasionally catch rats who reside in the nearby Carrionplace ; however, they must be careful when eating these rats as they occasionally carry harmful diseases. ShadowClan are often depicted as the primary antagonists of the series, and as such many of their individual members are rude and hostile. However, many ShadowClan cats are completely devoted to their leader; since a number of ShadowClan's leaders have been truly villainous, the actions of their followers have expectedly followed suit. Some cats say that ShadowClan cats are so mean because the cold wind in their territory supposedly chills their hearts.
ShadowClan, along with the other Clans, undergoes a dramatic shift in territory during the course of The New Prophecy series. During the time that Tawnypelt and the others are on their journey, much of ShadowClan's territory is destroyed as the Twolegs proceed with their deforestation of the area. Eventually ShadowClan and the other Clans are able to relocate to the lake territory, the ShadowClan camp of which is located in a dense pine forest. Though not quite the same as the marshes they used to inhabit, the thickness of the forest often shrouds the territory in gloom and darkness, perfectly suited for ShadowClan's stealth prowess. The area is not very suitable for prey, however, resulting in ShadowClan inhabiting the least desirable territory once again. Despite their bad luck, they manage to feed themselves decently enough. The forest's primary hazard is a Twoleg house on the northern fringes of ShadowClan's territory, home to two violent kittypets who often attack Clan cats who stray too close and call their Twolegs to fend off patrols. ThunderClan assists in telling these two cats to leave the Clan cats alone in Twilight.

''Warriors'' (original series)

The original series covers events in the story from Into the Wild to The Darkest Hour. Many characters mentioned here were introduced in the original series, but may play minor or significant roles in The New Prophecy and Power of Three series as well.


Boulder, a skinny silver tabby tom with a ragged ear and bright watchful eyes, is a former member of BloodClan and a member of ShadowClan. In the book Cats of the Clans, he was actually invited to join ShadowClan, inspired by the hunting patrols and battles, he decided to leave BloodClan and join ShadowClan. He was one of the few cats who were chased out of ThunderClan territory by Firepaw and Yellowfang. When Tigerclaw became leader, Boulder and Blackfoot came back to ShadowClan. In The Darkest Hour, Boulder brought Tigerstar to BloodClan to meet its leader Scourge. Boulder revealed to Firestar that after Tigerstar was killed, BloodClan attacked their Clan and some ShadowClan warriors had joined them. In the end, Boulder fought alongside LionClan to defeat BloodClan. After the battle, Boulder lived in ShadowClan as an elder throughout the second series and died of greencough sometime between Sunset and The Sight.


Blackstar, a large white tom with black paws and ears and amber eyes, was ShadowClan's deputy, Blackfoot, when Brokenstar was leader and was succeeded by Rowanstar. He was first introduced in Into the Wild. He was one of Brokenstar's followers and killed one of ThunderClan's elders, Rosetail, in an attempt to steal their kits, but was fought off by Yellowfang. Blackfoot, along with Brokenstar, Clawface and Boulder, were chased out of their territory. Blackfoot lived as a rogue with Brokenstar and attacked the ThunderClan camp under his command. When Tigerstar became leader of ShadowClan, Blackfoot was appointed deputy again. In TigerClan, Blackfoot helped Darkstripe kill Stonefur because he was a half-Clan cat, causing Firestar to view him as untrustworthy, even when he agreed to fight on their side with LionClan. After the battle with BloodClan, he announced that he would prepare for his journey to Highstones to receive his nine lives and his new name, as he was now leader of ShadowClan due to Tigerstar's death. He is introduced as a leader in Firestar's Quest. In Outcast, Blackstar seems to lose some hostility towards ThunderClan, as he reminisces with Firestar about the old forest after two ThunderClan warriors were found in ShadowClan territory.
Blackstar begins to lose faith in StarClan in Eclipse, however, after a strange cat named Sol comes to live with ShadowClan and questions StarClan's existence and power, leading Blackstar to lose faith in them, to the point of changing his name back to Blackfoot. This changes in Long Shadows, however, when Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and three ShadowClan apprentices fake a sign from StarClan to restore Blackstar's faith in his warrior ancestors. Real StarClan warriors appear to complete the sign, and Blackstar and ShadowClan begin to believe in StarClan again, later driving Sol out of the Clan. Blackstar has mentored Tallpoppy. During the battle in The Last Hope, Blackstar kills Redwillow for training in the Dark Forest and later loses a life due to an attack on the ShadowClan camp, but quickly recovers and thanks Firestar for his help in back-up warriors.
In Bramblestar's Storm, he dies as a result of a flood, making Rowanclaw leader.


Clawface is a warrior. In Into the Wild he steals ThunderClan kits and kills Spottedleaf. In Fire and Ice Clawface is severely injured by Fireheart and killed by Graystripe.
Clawface is implied to be in the Dark Forest.


Brokenstar is a huge long-furred, dark brown tabby tom with bright amber eyes, torn ears, a broad, flat face, a battle-scarred muzzle, and a tail that is bent in the middle like a broken branch. He was the former leader of ShadowClan before Nightstar and is depicted somewhat as the primary antagonist of Into the Wild. He was a cruel cat who turned kits into apprentices three moons too soon, which in turn led to their deaths. He was the son of Raggedstar and Yellowfang, but didn't know that the latter was his mother, who bore him and two she-kits in secret. He was given to an ambitious queen named Lizardstripe to be fostered instead. Lizardstripe would not accept Brokentail in her den when he was a kit, purely because he had a crooked tail. Brokentail grew into a great warrior and eventually became deputy, but he murdered his own father, Raggedstar, so that he could become leader and exiled Yellowfang from ShadowClan, falsely accusing her of murdering two apprentices that he himself killed by forcing them into warrior training too soon. This banishment led to Yellowfang's acceptance into ThunderClan. In Into The Wild, when Brokenstar is first introduced, Yellowfang and Firepaw drove Brokenstar and his supporters out of ShadowClan in a revolt. Brokentail lived as a rogue in Fire and Ice, and attacked the ThunderClan camp in an attempt to kill Fireheart but was blinded by Yellowfang. He was then taken prisoner and stripped of his leadership status, renamed to his old warrior name of Brokentail. He plotted with Tigerclaw in Forest of Secrets to attack ThunderClan along with his rogue allies, though the attack failed. When the rogues were chased out and Tigerclaw was exiled, Yellowfang decided to end Brokentail's life by feeding him deathberries, also revealing to him that she was really his mother. Later, in Sunset, he is implied to be in the Dark Forest/Place of No Stars with Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, and Darkstripe after the latter scents him.
Brokenstar mentored Mosspaw and Volepaw despite their being only three moons old.
Brokentail may have made an appearance in The Rise of Scourge, when Scourge scents a forest cat, believing that he's Tigerstar. Instead, a tom with a bent tail and two rogue friends are found, with the latter calling him "boss". After one is killed, the tom with the bent tail states, "I've had my fill of this place. It's time to return to the forest... where we belong."
He has also made an appearance in The Fourth Apprentice where he attacks Jayfeather along with Breezepelt as a "ghost cat". They were both driven off by Honeyfern before they could kill him or Poppyfrost. He, along with Tigerstar and Hawkfrost, watch over Poppyfrost's kits greedily at the end of the book. He also makes Ivypool attempt to kill Flametail, before Tigerheart stops her and Tigerstar agrees with Tigerheart.
He appears again in The Last Hope where he and the other Dark Forest cats invade the ThunderClan camp. During the battle he kills Ferncloud who was guarding the nursery before being killed by Yellowfang a second time causing him to die and fade away forever.


Nightstar, a lean, but frail, black tom with amber eyes and a long tail, was the leader of ShadowClan before Tigerstar. After Brokenstar was driven out of ShadowClan in Into the Wild, Nightpelt, one of the Clan's senior warriors, offered to take leadership of ShadowClan and appointed Cinderfur as his deputy. However, in Rising Storm, he became violently ill due to the sickness from Carrionplace raging through the ShadowClan camp at the time and died, though he apparently had nine lives to spare. Runningnose, ShadowClan's medicine cat at the time, later told Fireheart that Nightstar had never actually received his nine lives when he first journeyed to the Moonstone, perhaps due to the fact that Brokentail, ex-leader of ShadowClan, was still alive and remained ShadowClan's leader in the eyes of StarClan. Following Brokentail's death, Nightstar was too weak to travel back to the Moonstone and died sometime in Rising Storm, thus allowing Tigerclaw to take control of ShadowClan. Nightpelt has mentored Dawncloud.


Tigerstar is a huge dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and unusually long front claws. He is born in ThunderClan, son of Pinestar and Leopardfoot, but is exiled for attempting to murder Bluestar, the former leader of ThunderClan. He is mentored by Thistleclaw, and because his father, Pinestar, left the Clan to become a kittypet, and he tries to prove he will not leave ThunderClan as his father did, but Tigerclaw was enraged by the fact that his own Clan didn't trust him. Before he is exiled, he accuses his apprentice, Ravenpaw, of treason, and mates with Goldenflower, a ThunderClan she-cat. They have two kits, Tawnykit and Bramblekit. He then retreats with a sworn vengeance on ThunderClan. He reappears in ShadowClan as Tigerstar. At the time, Shadowclan is in need of a strong leader; they are in chaos because of the sudden death of Nightstar, the leader who never receives the traditional nine lives from StarClan. Tigerstar is more than willing to lead them. He brings rogues to the Clan, and when his cats question his leadership, Tigerstar meets it with violence and ferocity. He spends the rest of his life plotting against Fireheart, and one of his plans includes leading wild dogs directly into the ThunderClan camp. Bluestar is killed while saving Firestar. Since he is deputy before she dies, he becomes Firestar, leader of ThunderClan. Before Tigerstar dies at the claws of Scourge, a vicious cat and the leader of BloodClan, he becomes mates with a loner named Sasha. They have three kits, Tadpole, Hawk, and Moth. Tadpole dies, drowning in a basement flood. Instead of going to StarClan, Tigerstar is sent to the Place of No Stars, or the Dark Forest. There he still plans his "revenge" on Firestar. In the end, in The Last Hope, his spirit is finally and permanently destroyed by Firestar.

Tall Shadow

Appearing in the Dawn of the Clans series, Tall Shadow is a night black she-cat with dark green eyes. Her only known family is her brother, Moon Shadow, and nephew, Sun Shadow. Born in the mountains, she leaves with a fraction of the Tribe to find a new home. After the leader of the group, Shaded Moss, dies, she takes up the leadership position. She sets up the camp in the moor. She eventually steps down and becomes a co-leader with Gray Wing after Moon Shadow dies. Eventually, she leaves the moor and sets up a new camp in the marsh. She appoints Sun Shadow deputy and Pebble Heart medicine cat. She later receives her nine lives and is renamed Shadowstar. She is the first leader to lose their nine lives.

''The New Prophecy Series''

The New Prophecy series covers events in the story from Midnight to Sunset. Many characters here were first mentioned in the original series, but had minor or insignificant roles. In addition, as with the original series, most characters listed here play minor or significant roles in the following series, Power of Three, as well.


A slender, mottled, calico she-cat with green eyes and well-muscled shoulders, Tawnypelt is the daughter of Goldenflower and Tigerstar, as well as the littermate of Brambleclaw and half-sister of Hawkfrost, Mothwing, Tadpole and Swiftpaw. When she lived in ThunderClan as an apprentice, Tawnypaw, most of her Clanmates did not trust her because her father was Tigerstar, so instead of putting up with their suspicions, she left ThunderClan to join ShadowClan, then part of an alliance under Tigerstar's rule called TigerClan, in The Darkest Hour. She became a loyal ShadowClan warrior, though some of her Clanmates still doubt her allegiances because she was born in ThunderClan. Her full warrior name is revealed in Firestar's Quest. In Midnight, she is chosen as the ShadowClan representative on the quest to find a new home for the Clans. Coincidentally, her brother, Brambleclaw, is also chosen, as the ThunderClan representative.
Tigerstar offered her the same plan of power he offered to her brothers, Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw, to make her leader of ShadowClan, but she rejected him, saying that if she were ever to become leader, it would be through honesty and loyalty. In the Power of Three series, she mates with Rowanclaw to have three kits: Dawnkit, Tigerkit and [|Flamekit].
She goes with her brother, Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Stormfur, [|Brook], Crowfeather and his son Breezepaw, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw in Outcast to help the Tribe of Rushing Water deal with a group of rogues that have invaded their territory. In Long Shadows, Tawnypelt and her kits leave ShadowClan temporarily and go to ThunderClan after Blackstar loses faith and denounces StarClan. Tawnypelt is tough and stands for nothing from no one, but has an affectionate side that comes through when her friends need her.

'' Power of Three ''

The Power of Three series covers events in the story from The Sight to Sunrise.


The son of Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw and the brother of Dawnpelt and Flametail, Tigerheart is a handsome, sleek dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and straight, thick whiskers. He is the grandson of Tigerstar, whom he is named after. While resembling the latter, he is very cheerful and kind.
He is first introduced as a kit, Tigerkit, in Dark River and later as an apprentice in Long Shadows. He is the best hunter out of his siblings. In Long Shadows, Tigerheart, along with his siblings and Tawnypelt, leave ShadowClan temporarily for ThunderClan after ShadowClan loses its faith in StarClan. He also helps Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather to convince Blackstar to believe that StarClan still watch over them by creating a fake StarClan sign. Tigerheart had the same mentors that his mother Tawnypelt did, both when she was in ThunderClan and ShadowClan. He was temporarily mentored by Brackenfur, while staying in ThunderClan and was mentored by Oakfur when he returned to ShadowClan. In The Fourth Apprentice, there are hints about him having a crush on Dovepaw, Lionblaze's apprentice. This is confirmed in Night Whispers, when the two of them admitted their feelings for each other. In Sign of the Moon and The Forgotten Warrior, Tigerheart's relationship with Dovewing is damaged after Dovewing's sister, Ivypaw, is captured and traded for catmint, a result of Tigerheart telling his Clan about the herb.


The second son of Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw, and the brother of Dawnpelt and Tigerheart, Flametail has a bright ginger pelt like his father and faded light green eyes, thick fur, a bushy tail, and short, pudgy legs. He dreams of becoming a medicine cat under Littlecloud instead of a warrior, probably based on his bond with Jayfeather and curiosity. He was first introduced as a kit, Flamekit, in Outcast, and as an apprentice in Long Shadows. In Long Shadows he leaves ShadowClan for ThunderClan with his siblings and Tawnypelt after ShadowClan loses faith in StarClan, and also helps create the fake StarClan sign. He was temporarily mentored by Cloudtail while staying in ThunderClan, and is being trained to be a medicine cat in Sunrise by Littlecloud. Flametail died when he drowned in the frozen lake in Night Whispers. His sister Dawnpelt thinks that Jayfeather is the one who drowns him, but it is because of Rock, an ancient cat, that Jayfeather is not able to save Flametail.


The only daughter of Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw and the sister of Flametail and Tigerheart, Dawnpelt has a creamy pelt and a fiery personality much like her mother, and seems to be closer to Hollyleaf than her other apparent cousins, Lionblaze and Jayfeather, and is the best fighter out of her siblings. She was first introduced as a kit, Dawnkit, in Outcast, and as an apprentice in Long Shadows. She left ShadowClan for ThunderClan with her mother and littermates after it lost faith in StarClan, and helped to create the fake StarClan sign. She was temporarily mentored by Spiderleg when she stayed in ThunderClan. Her mentor was revealed in Sunrise as Ivytail. In The Forgotten Warrior, she blames Jayfeather for Flametail's death.
In Thunder and Shadow, the second book of A Vision of Shadows, Dawnpelt is one of the many ShadowClan cats who choose to desert Rowanstar and join Darktail's rogues. She does this mainly because her rebellious kits have joined the rogues and she doesn't want to leave them or her home. In the next book, Shattered Sky, Dawnpelt, along with most of the deserters, grows to regret her decision after seeing how cruel and dishonourable Darktail and his rogues truly are. She decides to leave along with her sons Strikestone and Juniperclaw, but not her daughter Sleekwhisker, who is implied to have a crush on Darktail. However, just as Dawnpelt is leaving, she is caught by Darktail and disappears after an argument with him. It is unknown exactly what happens to her, but is heavily implied that Darktail took her to the lake and drowned her, along with several other former ShadowClan cats who tried to leave. Dawnpelt is confirmed to be deceased in Darkest Night, when she appears among the spirit of the cats who died during Darktail's reign. She is shown to deeply regret her decision to abandon the Clans and the fact that she gave up her life trying to make it right. She later gives her brother Tigerstar, one of his nine lives.

'' A Vision of Shadows ''


A silver-grey she-cat with a white chest and bold green eyes, Needletail is the daughter of Berryheart and Sparrowtail.
In The Apprentice's Quest and Thunder and Shadow, she is a rebellious and disrespectful apprentice, who, along with many others feels that ShadowClan needs to be feared again. She is angry when Rowanstar turned away Darktail's rogues. Needlepaw openly criticized Rowanstar, and she was punished for speaking out against her leader. Her words later spark controversy within ShadowClan. When Darktail asks again to join ShadowClan, Rowanstar denies them, and Needlepaw leads an apprentice rebellion against Rowanstar, claiming she, along with the other apprentices do not want to live like Clan cats and leave to join the rogues. Needlepaw, Juniperpaw, and Sleekpaw leave, and Needlepaw taking the young Violetkit with her. Although their fellow apprentices Yarrowpaw, Beepaw, and Strikepaw decide to stay in ShadowClan, Cloverfoot and Berryheart follow in suit. Upon joining the rogues, Needlepaw grants herself her warrior name, Needletail, along with Sleekpaw and Juniperpaw, who become Sleekwhisker and Juniperclaw. She is kind of like Violetpaw's sister.
In the Thunder and Shadow Barnes & Noble exclusive chapter, Needletail, then Needlepaw, is shown training with Tawnypelt. An owl takes her and no patrols are sent out to search for her. She meets a rogue named Tree, and he takes her back to ShadowClan. Needlepaw is deeply hurt and disappointed to learn that her Clanmates assumed she was dead, sending her on the path of rebelliousness.
In Shattered Sky, Needletail is shown to have become one of Darktail's most loyal followers, and is perfectly content when Darktail makes them into the Kin and leaves the weaker cats to fend for themselves. Needletail becomes Violetpaw's only friend during the reign and believes Darktail to be the true leader ShadowClan needs. However, along with the majority of the former ShadowClan cats, she grows to regret her betrayal after realizing that Darktail is a brutal tyrant who wishes nothing more than to inflict harm onto other cats. She becomes part of the plot to get rid him, but this backfires when Sleekwhisker notices Violetpaw putting poppy seeds in Darktail's prey. Darktail decides to punish Violetpaw by killing the one thing she has left, Needletail. Needletail sacrifices herself to allow Violetpaw to escape to ThunderClan, and as a result is drowned by Darktail, Sleekwhisker, and Roach.
Needletail's actions are remembered by Violetpaw, and Needletail's parents, Berryheart and Sparrowtail, greatly miss their daughter and are distraught to know that she, at the time, was one of Darktail's most devoted followers.
In Darkest Night, it is revealed that along with all the other cats who were drowned by Darktail, Needletail was not granted entry into StarClan, nor the Place of No Stars. Instead, she has been sent to an unnamed residence where she connects with Tree, to who she admits she was wrong to trust Darktail, and later her childhood friend, Alderheart, giving him a prophecy to not dispel the incoming shadows. Upon doing so, Needletail and the other cats are allowed into StarClan. In River of Fire, Needletail, despite having previously acknowledged her mistakes, continues to blame Rowanstar for ShadowClan's downfall for being a "weak leader". Shadowstar rebukes her statement, saying there is more to it than that, and Needletail seemingly accepts her point.
On Kate's Blog, Kate Cary stated that she has sympathy for Needletail, but she can't understand why she was so "crabby".

Minor ShadowClan characters

The following are ShadowClan characters introduced or appearing in the Warriors novel series, having small, less significant, and/or single instances in the story.


SkyClan is the fifth Clan of the original forest territories, a fact that was unknown to all cats except for Firestar, Sandstorm, Greystripe, Cinderpelt, Bramblestar, Squirrelflight, Alderheart, the new SkyClan, and StarClan. Their camp was located where the Twolegplace where Barley's farm currently sits and they have the unique ability to jump very high, a technique that has been passed on to some kittypets and rogues in the rocky canyon. SkyClan's camp also spread over to where Firestar's friend, Smudge, lives. They were driven out when their part of the forest was excavated to create Twolegplace. Homeless and starving, SkyClan appealed to the other Clans for help, but none of them wanted to redivide their territory and as such SkyClan was forced to leave the forest. They traveled north along the river before finally settling in a rocky canyon. Before long, however, an intelligent and malicious horde of rats attacked and killed most of the Clan, forcing the remnants to scatter across the nearby forest and Twolegplaces.
Modern SkyClan was reformed when Firestar, with the help of Sandstorm, set out to reunite the lost descendants of the Clan throughout the nearby area. Later, after rebuilding the lost Clan, SkyClan was able to defeat the rat pack and live in peace for moons to come under leadership of Leafstar. SkyClan is still trying to make their clan larger since at the moment it is very small. SkyClan have warriors that are at the gorge in the morning but sleep with their human owners at night. These cats are called "Daylight warriors", but the warriors in the clan sometimes call them "Kitty warriors".
They are eventually driven out by The Kin who claim the Gorge as their own. During their exile, SkyClan is discovered by a ThunderClan apprentice named Twigpaw who is revealed to be Hawkwing's daughter shortly afterwards. Twigpaw brings her kin back to the Lake Territories where she Introduces Hawkwing to her sister Violetpaw. With all of the five clans together, Darktail and his rouges are defeated.

Current SkyClan


Leafstar, a brown and cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes, was a rogue named Leaf before she came to SkyClan. After she joined, Firestar gave her the warrior name of Leafdapple, and she mentored Sparrowpelt. StarClan later chose Leafdapple to be leader because of her thoughtful personality and understanding of the warrior code. Firestar at first doesn't feel comfortable with her being the leader, but he realizes how perceptive she is when she tells him that she knows his first loyalty is to his own Clan at home. During her leader ceremony, the ancient leaders of the four Clans come together to give her four of her nine lives as an apology to SkyClan for driving them out. Leafstar is also in love with Billystorm, a daylight-warrior, and they became mates. They have Firekit, Stormkit, and Harrykit.


A dark ginger tabby tom with broad shoulders and green eyes, Sharpclaw was first a rogue named Scratch. After he joined SkyClan he received his warrior name Sharpclaw. He was a mentor to Cherrytail and is currently SkyClan's deputy. He tends to have a quick temper and sharp tongue. In the SkyClan manga, it is revealed that he has a crush on Cherrytail. He was killed by the rouge leader Darktail. Hawkwing, his son, succeeds him as deputy.


A silver-grey tabby she-cat with dark grey paws and green eyes and a white chest and a fluffy tail, Echosong was a former kittypet named Echo, but was given the role of SkyClan's medicine cat after she began to have dreams of the ancient SkyClan and StarClan. At first she was unsure of interpreting dreams from her warrior ancestors, but later grew into her role as a medicine cat. Later, Fawnstep, the medicine cat of SkyClan at the time of its exile, said she would be sharing dreams with her, implying that Fawnstep would be Echosong's mentor, in the way that Leafpool was Willowshine's mentor when Mothwing could not teach her about StarClan. She receives the vision that makes Leafstar leader.


A scarred, very old, dark grey tom with matted fur and pale blue eyes, Skywatcher was also known as Moony. Skywatcher was an old cat who was the last true warrior of SkyClan, named Sky, until Firestar and Sandstorm rebuilt SkyClan. He was the one to show them around SkyClan territory. He died in his sleep, but Firestar believes that he wanted to live to see SkyClan rebuilt. He returns to give Leafstar one of her nine lives and he is also the cat to inform Firestar of the Power of Three prophecy: "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws."


A small tortoiseshell and white she-cat, Cherrytail was a former kittypet named Cherry, and teased Skywatcher for his strange behaviors, but later learns she is a SkyClan cat and becomes Cherrypaw, mentored by Sharpclaw. At the end of Firestar's Quest she receives her warrior name, and mentors Rockshade. She is the sister of Sparrowpelt. She is very brave, excitable, and lively. She also mates with Sharpclaw, giving birth to Hawkkit, Cloudkit, and Blossomkit. The three cats' warrior names are Hawkwing, Cloudmist, and Blossomheart.


A pale grey she-cat with blue eyes, Petalnose was a former kittypet named Petal who was rescued by Firestar, Sandstorm, and SkyClan from an abusive Twoleg. Her mate is Rainfur, who died in the battle with the rats, and her two kits are Mintfur and Sagenose. After she was rescued she decided to stay in SkyClan with her mate and serve as a warrior once her kits were ready to be apprenticed.


A black-and-white tom with green eyes, Patchfoot was formerly a rogue named Patch. Due to a rat attack, his shoulder was injured. When he recovered, thanks to Spottedleaf showing Sandstorm and Firestar how to treat rat bites with burdock root, Patchfoot joined the fight against the rats. At the end of Firestar's Quest, he mentors Bouncepaw, who later turns into Bouncefire. In SkyClan's Destiny, Clovertail is expecting his kits.


A dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes, Sparrowpelt was formerly a kittypet named Boris. He and his sister Cherrytail teased Skywatcher for his strange behaviors. Later, however, he learns he is a SkyClan cat and becomes Sparrowpaw and was mentored by Leafdapple. In the end, he receives his warrior name and mentors Tinycloud.


A light grey tom with dark grey flecks, Rainfur was formerly a rogue. At first, he didn't want to join SkyClan but later was forced to ask for the Clan's help to rescue his mate, Petal, from her cruel Twoleg owner. In the end, he decided to join SkyClan but was killed in the battle against the rats. He appeared in Leafstar's leader ceremony to reassure Firestar that his death wasn't his fault. He is also the father of Mintfur and Sagenose.


A light brown she-cat with a white belly and legs and green eyes, Clovertail was formerly a loner named Clover. She first met Firestar and Sandstorm while defending her kits against a fox. Afterwards, she joins SkyClan, but initially only for protection. In the end, her loyalty for SkyClan is proven when she fought in the battle against the rats. Apparently, she is partly descended from RiverClan, given that she is an avid swimmer and the fact that Firestar saw that Birchstar and Heavystep looked very much like Clovertail at Leafstar's leader ceremony. She is the mother of Rockshade, Bouncefire, and Tinycloud. She had three kits with Patchfoot: Birdpaw, Honeypaw, and Sandypaw.


A black tom with a torn ear, Rockshade is one of the three kits of Clovertail's litter, formerly a loner named Rock. His mentor is Cherrytail. His warrior name is revealed to be Rockshade in SkyClan's Destiny.


A white she-cat with deep blue eyes, Tinycloud is one of the three kits of Clovertail's litter, formerly a loner named Tiny. Her mentor is Sparrowpelt. Her warrior name, Tinycloud, is revealed in SkyClan's Destiny. When she is given her warrior name, she disapproves of it. She says she is no longer tiny and should be named differently. Later, she changes her mind, knowing that it is part of the warrior naming ritual.


A ginger tom, Bouncefire is one of the three kits of Clovertail's litter, formerly a loner named Bounce, he is later named Bouncefire by Leafstar. Is a littermate to Tinycloud and Rockshade.


Sagenose is a pale grey tom named after the sage in his former Twoleg's garden. He is one of Petalnose and Rainfur's two kits, formerly a kittypet named Sage. His sister is Mintfur. Erin Hunter said that Sagenose did become a warrior after SkyClan's Destiny, but they forgot what his warrior name was. He is revealed to be Petalnose's apprentice in SkyClan's Destiny.


Mintfur is a grey tabby she-cat named after the mint in her former Twoleg's garden. She is one of Petalnose and Rainfur's two kits, formerly a kittypet named Mint. Her brother is Sagepaw. Her warrior name is revealed to be Mintfur. She is Waspwhisker's apprentice at the time of SkyClan's Destiny.


Lichenfur is a former loner that refused to join SkyClan in Firestar's Quest, but joined sometime between that book and SkyClan's Destiny. In Firestar's Quest, her name was Lichen. She is described as a mottled grey she-cat with amber eyes.


Tangle is a bad-tempered rogue that comes to the SkyClan territory occasionally for shelter in SkyClan's Destiny. He refused to listen to Firestar's offer to join SkyClan in Firestar's Quest. But a little later on he decided to join SkyClan as an elder. He is described as a large tabby tom with ragged fur and amber eyes.


Egg is a long-legged, sleek, cream-colored tom with blue eyes and a shredded ear. He joined SkyClan after Sharpclaw told him that the fox that had invaded his home was staying there for good. His mentor was Sharpclaw.


Waspwhisker is a grey and white tom with a scar that wraps around his belly down to his tail. Formerly a lost kittypet until SkyClan found him. His mate is Fallowfern and his kits are Nettlesplash, Plumwillow, Rabbitleap, and Creekfeather. In the allegiances of SkyClan's Destiny, he is mistakenly called Hunchfoot because his name was changed at the last moment.