List of renamed places in Romania

During the twentieth century, a number of places in Romania had their names changed for various reasons. For instance, Brașov was called Orașul Stalin by the Communist regime in order to pay homage to the Soviet leader. Some of those names were changed back to the original; Brașov regained its old name as Romania's leadership began to develop policies more independent of the Soviet Union. The reason for many Transylvanian name changes was to give a more "Romanian-sounding" name to certain settlements, since in many case the original Romanian name was too close to the Hungarian or German one, from which it was derived.
This list enumerates the changes made from 1921 onwards.
Not included are the names of localities in the Banat, in Transylvania, and in Bukovina that were changed from Hungarian and/or German to Romanian immediately after World War I, the names of localities in Northern Transylvania that were changed back to Hungarian from 1940 to 1944, and those of localities in Greater Romania that today no longer form part of Romania, such as Southern Dobrudja and the Bugeac.
Original nameNew namePeriod
AkbașAlbești, Constanța Countyunknown
AlakapPoarta Albă, Constanța Countyunknown
ArpătacAraci, Covasna County1925
AzizaSaligny, Constanța Countyunknown
BairamdedeIndependența, Constanța Countysince the 1930s
BendorfBenești, Sibiu County1925
BeșeneuPădureni, Covasna County1960
Biulbiul Ciocârlia, Constanța Countyunknown
BințințiAurel Vlaicu, Hunedoara County1925
BrașovOrașul Stalin, Brașov County8 September 1950 - 24 December 1960
BrătieniBrăduleț, Argeș Countysince 1949
Budiul de CâmpiePapiu Ilarian, Mureș County1925
Canara, KanaraOvidiu, Constanța County1930
Caracoium, CarachioiNăvodari, Constanța County1927
CaraciculaLimanu, Constanța County1920-1940
Caraomer, Cara Omer Negru Vodă, Constanța Countysince 1926
CaranasufIstria, Constanța County1920 - 1940
Carasu Medgidia, Constanța Countysince 02.09.1856
Cartal Vulturu, Constanța Countyunknown
CerchezchioiCerchezu, Constanța Countyunknown
Chiostel Castelu, Constanța Countyunknown
CioaraBărăganul, Brăila Countysince the 1950s
CioaraSăliștea, Alba County1960
CoroniniPescari, Caraș-Severin County1960–1996
Cogealia, Kogea Ali ; Valea NeagrăLumina, Constanța CountyCogealia until 1929; Valea Neagră between 1929 and 1965
CoșlarCoșlariu, Alba County1956
CoaciuFăureni, Cluj County1925
Cristuru SecuiescI. G. Duca, Odorhei County1933–1940
CuheaBogdan Vodă, Maramureș County1974
Cuzgun Ion Corvin, Constanța County1920 - 1940
CetadLenauheim, Timiș County1925
Danachioi, Carol INicolae Bălcescu, Constanța Countyunknown
Dealul CaluluiPoiana Horea, Cluj County1956
DiciosânmărtinTârnăveni, Mureș Countysince 3 May 1941
DocuzolCuza Vodă, Constanța Countyunknown
DomneștiCogealac, Constanța Countyunknown
Eforie SudVasile Roaită, Constanța County1949–1965
Enge-MahaleMereni, Constanța County1920-1940
Fărcădinul de JosGeneral Berthelot, Hunedoara CountyBerthelot 1923-1960, Unirea 1965 and 2001
FărcașfalăuLupeni, Harghita County1921
FelțaFlorești, Sibiu County1950
Feneșul SăsescFlorești, Cluj County1925
FloricaȘtefănești, Argeș Countysince 1949
FrâuaAxente Sever, Sibiu County1950
Gargalâcul-MicCorbu, Constanța Countyunknown
Gherengic Pecineaga, Constanța Countyunknown, I.G. Duca between 1933-1940
GhiurfalăuGheorgheni, Cluj County1925
Ghiuvenlia Chirnogeni, Constanța Countyunknown
GhirișCâmpia Turzii, Cluj County1925
Hairanchioi Dumbrăveni, Constanța Countyunknown
HasanceaValu lui Traian, Constanța Countysince 1925
HașidulucCumpăna, Constanța Countysince 1926
HărăstașCălărași, Cluj County1925
HermeziuLunca Prutului, Iași Countyunknown-1996
HidișPodeni, Cluj County1925
HususăuValea Lungă, Alba County1925
IadLivezile, Bistriţa-Năsăud County1960
IbașfalăuDumbrăveni, Sibiu County1925
Ienidja, Ienigea, EnigeaDeleni, Constanța Countysince 1940
IlanlâcVama Veche, Constanța County1920-1940
Inancișmea Fântânele, Constanța Countyunknown
IndolDeleni, Cluj County1925
JădaniCornești, Timiș County1960
Kara Murat, Ferdinand IMihail Kogălniceanu, Constanța CountyKara Murat until the 1930s; Ferdinand I until 1948
LucaGheorghe Doja, Mureș Countysince 1952 :hu:Lukafalva
MețențiuAdy Endre, Satu Mare County1957
MilişăuţiEmil Bodnăraș, Suceava County1970 - 1996
MurfatlarBasarabi, Constanța CountyBasarabi between 1924 and 1965 and between 1980 and 2007
Mustafa Agi Comana, Constanța Countyunknown
Musubei Horia, Constanța Countyunknown
NirașteuUngheni, Mureș County1921
Ocna ŞugatagOcna Maramureșului, Maramureș County1987–1990
OneştiGheorghe Gheorghiu Dej, Bacău County1965–1996
OsmanfacâBărăganu, Constanța County1920-1940
OsmanuUnirea, Brăila Countysince the 1950s
ParachioiBăneasa, Constanța Countysince the 1930s
PazarliaTârguşor, Constanța Countyunknown
PeletliaSăcele, Constanța County1920-1940
PorceștiTurnu Roşu, Sibiu County1960
PotocDeleni, Mureş County1921
Reghinul SăsescReghin, Mureş County1925
Satișchioi Crucea, Constanța Countyunknown
Sănmărtinul SăratGligoreşti, Cluj County1925
SânmicloșNicoleni, comuna Șimonești, Harghita County1921
SânmihaiuMihăileni, comuna Şimoneşti, Harghita County1921
Sânmihaiu de Jos + Sânmihaiu de SusMihai Viteazu, Cluj County1925
Slujitorii AlboteștiZăvoaia, Brăila Countysince the 1950s
SomfalăuCorneşti, Mureş County1925
ȘardNoroieni, Satu Mare County1921
Șaroșul UngurescDelenii, Mureş County1960
ŞteiOrașul Dr. Petru Groza, Bihor County1958–1996
ȘiminfalăuŞimoneşti, Harghita County1921
ȘocariciuUnirea, Ialomiţa Countyunknown
ȘtenaDacia, Braşov County1950
TașaulPiatra, Mihail Kogălniceanu commune, Constanța Countysince the 1950s
Tașpunor Siliştea, Constanța Countyunknown
Tatlâgeac Mare, Domnița Elena23 August, Constanța County?
Tăul BoilorDeleni, Mureş County1960
TâmpăhazaRădeşti, Alba County1925
TrascăuRimetea, Alba County1925
UifalăuFerdinand ; Nicolae Bălcescu, Bacău Countysince 1948
UifalăuTraian, Bacău Countyunknown since when
UioaraOcna Mureș, Alba CountyOcna Mureșului 1925-1956
UnguriArini, Bacău Countysince 1967
VaidasigGura Arieşului, Alba County1925
Valea BoiereascăViişoara, Argeș Countysince the 1950s
VerpoleaPădureni, Suceava County1968
Vințu de SusUnirea, Alba County1925
VorumlocValea Viilor, Sibiu County1960
ZaclăuI. C. Brătianu, Tulcea Countyunknown since when