List of standardized tests in the United States

A standardized test is a test administered and scored in a standard manner. The following are such tests as administered across the United States.

Ability/ Achievement tests

Ability/ Achievement tests are used to evaluate a student's or worker's understanding, comprehension, knowledge and/or capability in a particular area. They are used in academics, professions and many other areas.
A general distinction is usually made between tests of ability/ aptitude versus tests of achievement.

IQ tests">Intelligence quotient">IQ tests

The test of General Educational Development evaluates whether a person who has not received a high school diploma has academic skills at the level of a high school graduate.
Private tests are tests created by private institutions for various purposes, such as progress monitoring in K-12 classrooms.
s are used in the admission process at elite or private elementary and secondary schools, as well as most colleges and universities. They are generally used to predict the likelihood of a student's success in an academic setting.

Secondary school

required for entry into any branch of The United States Military.