State | Court |
| Supreme Court of Afghanistan |
| Constitutional Court of Albania, Supreme Court of Albania |
| Constitutional Court of Algeria, Supreme Court of Algeria |
| Superior Court of Justice |
| Supreme Court of Angola, Constitutional Court of Angola |
| Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| Supreme Court of Argentina |
| Supreme Judicial Council, Constitutional Court of Armenia, Court of Cassation |
| High Court of Australia, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council |
| Constitutional Court of Austria, Administrative Court of Austria, Supreme Court of Justice |
| Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan, Supreme Court of Azerbaijan |
| Supreme Court of the Bahamas, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| High Civil Appeals Court of Bahrain |
| Supreme Court of Bangladesh |
| Supreme Court of Judicature, Caribbean Court of Justice |
| Supreme Court of Belarus; Constitutional Court of Belarus |
| Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation |
| Supreme Court of Belize, Caribbean Court of Justice |
| Constitutional Court of Benin, Supreme Court of Benin, High Court of Justice |
| Supreme Court of Bhutan |
| Plurinational Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of Justice |
| Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
| Court of Appeal |
| Supreme Federal Court |
| Supreme Court of Brunei, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| Supreme Court of Cassation of Bulgaria, Supreme Administrative Court of Bulgaria |
| Supreme Court of Burkina Faso |
| Supreme Court of Burundi |
| Supreme Council of the Magistracy, Supreme Court of Cambodia, Constitutional Council of Cambodia |
| Supreme Court of Cameroon |
| Supreme Court of Canada |
| Supreme Court of Justice |
| Supreme Court of the Central African Republic, Constitutional Court of the Central African Republic |
| Supreme Court of Chad, Constitutional Council of Chad |
| Supreme Court of Chile |
| Supreme People's Court, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Court of Final Appeal, Court of Final Appeal |
| Supreme Court of Justice, Council of State, Constitutional Court of Colombia, Superior Council of the Judiciary |
| Supreme Court of the Comoros |
Congo-Brazzaville | Supreme Court of Republic of the Congo |
Congo-Kinshasa | Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation, Council of State |
| Supreme Court of Justice of Costa Rica |
| Supreme Court of Croatia |
| People's Supreme Court of Cuba |
| Supreme Court of Cyprus |
| Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, Supreme Court of the Czech Republic |
| Supreme Court of Denmark |
| Supreme Court of Djibouti |
| Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Caribbean Court of Justice ' |
| Supreme Court of Justice |
| Supreme Court of Justice |
| National Court of Ecuador |
| Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt |
| Supreme Court of El Salvador |
| Supreme Court of Equatorial Guinea |
| High Court of Eritrea |
| Supreme Court of Estonia |
| High Court of Eswatini |
| Federal Supreme Court |
| Supreme Court of Fiji |
| Supreme Court of Finland, Supreme Administrative Court of Finland |
| Court of Cassation, Council of State, Constitutional Council |
| Supreme Court of Gabon |
| Supreme Court of the Gambia |
| Constitutional Court of Georgia, Supreme Court of Georgia |
| Constitutional Court, Federal Court of Justice, Federal Administrative Court, Federal Finance Court, Federal Labour Court, Federal Social Court |
| Supreme Court of Ghana |
| Court of Cassation, Council of State, Court of Audit |
| Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional Court |
| Supreme Court of Guinea |
| Supreme Court of Guinea-Bissau |
| Supreme Court of Judicature, Caribbean Court of Justice |
| Supreme Court of Haiti |
| Supreme Court of Honduras |
| Constitutional Court of Hungary |
| Supreme Court of Iceland |
| Supreme Court of India, High courts of the states & union territories. |
| Supreme Court of Indonesia, Constitutional Court of Indonesia |
| Supreme Court of Iran, High Council of the Judiciary |
| Supreme Court of Iraq |
| Supreme Court of Ireland |
| Supreme Court of Israel |
| Constitutional Court of Italy, Supreme Court of Cassation |
| Supreme Court of the Ivory Coast |
| Court of Appeal, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| Supreme Court of Japan |
| Court of Cassation |
| Supreme Court of Kazakhstan, Constitutional Council of Kazakhstan |
| Supreme Court of Kenya |
| Court of Appeal of Kiribati, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| High Court of Appeal of Kuwait |
| Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan |
| People's Supreme Court of Laos |
| Supreme Court of Lativa, Constitutional Court of Latvia |
| Court of Cassation, Constitutional Council |
| High Court of Lesotho |
| Supreme Court of Liberia |
| Supreme Court of Libya |
| Supreme Court of Liechtenstein |
| Constitutional Court of Lithuania |
| Superior Court of Justice, Constitutional Court, Administrative Court |
| Supreme Court of Madagascar |
| Supreme Court of Appeal, Constitutional Court of Malawi |
| Federal Court of Malaysia |
| Supreme Court of the Maldives |
| Supreme Court of Mali |
| Constitutional Court of Malta, Court of Civil Appeals of Malta, Court of Criminal Appeals of Malta |
| Supreme Court of the Marshall Islands |
| Supreme Court of Mauritania |
| Supreme Court of Mauritius, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation |
| Supreme Court of Micronesia |
| Supreme Court of Justice of Moldova |
| Supreme Court of Monaco |
| Constitutional Court of Mongolia, Supreme Court of Mongolia |
| Constitutional Court of Montenegro |
| Supreme Court of Morocco |
| Supreme Court of Mozambique |
| Supreme Court of Myanmar, Constitutional Tribunal of Myanmar |
| Supreme Court of Namibia |
| Supreme Court of Nauru, High Court of Australia |
| Supreme Court of Nepal |
| Supreme Court of the Netherlands, Council of State |
| Supreme Court of New Zealand |
| Supreme Court of Nicaragua |
| Supreme Court of Niger, Constitutional Court of Niger |
| Supreme Court of Nigeria |
| Supreme Court of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
| Supreme Court of North Macedonia, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia |
| Supreme Court of Norway |
| Supreme Court of Oman |
| Supreme Court of Pakistan |
| Supreme Court of Palau |
| High Judicial Council |
| Supreme Court of Justice |
| Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea |
| Supreme Court of Justice |
| Constitutional Court of Peru, Supreme Court of Peru |
| Supreme Court of the Philippines |
| Supreme Court of Poland; Constitutional Tribunal; Supreme Administrative Court |
| Constitutional Court of Portugal, Supreme Court of Justice |
| Court of Cassation of Qatar |
| Constitutional Court of Romania, High Court of Cassation and Justice |
| Constitutional Court of Russia, Supreme Court of Russia |
| Supreme Court of Rwanda |
| Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| Court of Appeal of Samoa, Supreme Court of Samoa |
| Council of Twelve |
| Supreme Court of São Tomé and Príncipe |
| Supreme Council of Justice |
| Court of Cassation |
| Supreme Court of Cassation |
| Supreme Court of Seychelles |
| Supreme Court of Sierra Leone |
| Supreme Court of Singapore |
| Supreme Court of Slovakia |
| Supreme Court of Slovenia |
| Court of Appeal of Solomon Islands, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council |
| Constitutional Court |
| Constitutional Court of South Africa, Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa |
| Supreme Court of South Korea, Constitutional Court of South Korea |
| Supreme Court of South Sudan |
| Supreme Court of Spain |
| Supreme Court of Sri Lanka |
| Supreme Court of Sudan |
| High Court of Justice of Suriname |
| Supreme Court of Sweden, Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden |
| Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland |
| Supreme Constitutional Court of Syria, High Judicial Council |
| Supreme Court of Tajikistan |
| Court of Appeal of Tanzania |
| Supreme Court of Thailand |
| Supreme Court of Togo |
| Court of Appeal of Tonga, Privy Council of Tonga |
| Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ' |
| Court of Cassation |
| Constitutional Court of Turkey, Court of Cassation, Council of State, Court of Jurisdictional Disputes |
| Supreme Court of Turkmenistan |
| Court of Appeal of Tuvalu, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council |
| Supreme Court of Uganda, Constitutional Court of Uganda |
| Supreme Court of Ukraine, Constitutional Court of Ukraine |
| Federal Supreme Court |
| Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, High Court of Justiciary, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council |
| Supreme Court of the United States, state supreme courts |
| Supreme Court of Uruguay |
| Constitutional Court of Uzbekistan, Supreme Court of Uzbekistan |
| Supreme Court of Vanuatu |
| Supreme Court of Vatican City |
| Supreme Tribunal of Justice |
| Supreme People's Court of Vietnam |
| Supreme Court of Yemen |
| Constitutional Court of Zambia, Supreme Court of Zambia |
| Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe, Supreme Court of Zimbabwe |