Log line

A log line or logline is a brief summary of a television program, film, or book that states the central conflict of the story, often providing both a synopsis of the story's plot, and an emotional "hook" to stimulate interest. A one-sentence program summary in TV Guide is a log line. "A log line is a single sentence describing your entire story," however, "it is not a straight summary of the project. It goes to the heart of what a project is about in one or two sentences, defining the theme of the project...and suggest a bigger meaning." "A logline is a one-sentence summary of the story's main conflict. It is not a statement of theme but rather a premise."
"A logline...helps content creators simply and easily sell their work in a single sentence, because the emphasis is on what makes their property unique...the logline provides the content creator with a concise way to focus on the three main anchors of their writing," the protagonist, the protagonist's wants or desire), and what is at stake.


Narrative elements often referenced in a logline include the setting, protagonist, antagonist, inciting incident, and a conflict and a goal. Change, such as character growth, and action should be suggested. A log line should contain four facts: "the main character, what the main character wants," the villain or obstacle, "standing in the way," and, "the unique aspect of the story."
