Lucayan Archipelago

The Lucayan Archipelago, also known as the Bahama Archipelago, is an island group comprising the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and the British Overseas Territory of the Turks and Caicos Islands. The archipelago is in the western North Atlantic Ocean, north of Cuba along with the other Antilles, and east and southeast of Florida.
William Keegan writes that the Bahama archipelago includes the territories of both the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands, adding: "Modern political considerations aside, the islands form a single archipelago with common geological, ecological, and cultural roots." The Lucayan Archipelago is not located within the Caribbean Sea.

Proposed federation

In 2010 the leaders of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands discussed the possibility of forming a federation.

Countries and territories

The Mouchoir Bank, the Silver Bank, and the Navidad Bank are a submerged continuation of the archipelago in the southeast, as are the Turks and Caicos Islands. While Mouchoir Bank belongs to the Turks and Caicos Islands, Silver Bank and Navidad Bank are part of the Dominican Republic.

Etymologies of island names

Granberry and Vescelius suggest the following Lucayan etymologies for various Lucayan islands.
Spanish nameModern nameTaíno formMeaning
InaguaInaguai+na+waSmall Eastern Land
BanequeInaguaba+ne+keBig Water Island
GuanahaníLittle Inaguawa+na+ha+niSmall Upper Waters Land
UtiaquiaRagged Islandhuti+ya+kayaWestern Hutia Island
JumetoCrooked/Jumentoha+wo+ma+teUpper Land of the Middle Distance
CurateoExumako+ra+te+woOuter Far Distant Land
GuaratíaExumawa+ra+te+yaFar Distant Land
BabuecaTurks Bankba+we+kaLarge Northern Basin
CacinaBig Sand Cayka+si+naLittle Northern Sand
CanamaniSalt Cayka+na+ma+niSmall Northern Mid-Waters
CacumaniSalt Cayka+ko+ma+niMid-Waters Northern Outlier
MacarequeCotton CayMa+ka+ri+keMiddle Northern Land
AmuanaGrand Turkaba+wa+naFirst Small Land
CacibaSouth Caicoska+sibaNorthern Rocky
GuanaEast Caicoswa+naSmall Country
AnianaMiddle Caicosa+ni+ya+naSmall Far Waters
CaicosNorth Caicoska+i+koNearby Northern Outlier
BuianaPine Caybu+ya+naSmall Western Home
BonianaPine Caysbo+ni+ya+naSmall Western Waters Home
YucanacanProvidencialesyuka+na+kaThe Peoples Small Northern
IanicanaProvidencialesya+ni+ka+naFar Waters Smaller
MacubizaWest Caicosma+ko+bi+saMid Unsettled Outlier
MayaguanaMayaguanama+ya+wa+naLesser Midwestern Land
AmaguayoPlana Caysa+ma+wa+yoToward the Middle Lands
YabaqueAcklins Islandya+ba+keLarge Western Land
SamanaSamanasa+ma+naSmall Middle Forest
YumaLong Islandyu+maHigher Middle
ManiguaRum Cayma+ni+waMid Waters Land
GuanahaníSan Salvadorwa+na+ha+hiSmall Upper Waters Land
GuateoLittle San Salvadorwa+te+yoToward the Distant Land
GuanimaCat Islandwa+ni+maMiddle Waters Land
AyraboGreat Guana Cayay+ra+boFar Distant Home
NemaNew Providencene+maMiddle Waters
CiguateoEleutherasiba+te+woDistant Rocky Place
LucayonequeGreat Abacoluka+ya+ne+keThe People’s Distant Waters Land
BahamaGrand Bahamaba+ha+maLarge Upper Middle
HabacoaAndrosha+ba+ko+waLarge Upper Outlier Land
CanimisiWilliams Islandka+ni+misiNorthern Waters Swamp
BiminiBiminibiminiThe Twins