
The MCP-1600 was a multi-chip microprocessor made by Western Digital in the late 1970s through the early 1980s. Used in the Pascal MicroEngine, the original Alpha Microsystems AM-100, and the DEC LSI-11 microcomputer, a cost-reduced and compact implementation of the DEC PDP-11.
There were three types of chips in the chip-set:
The chips used a 3.3MHz four phase clock and four power supply voltages. Internally the MCP-1600 was a 8-bit processor that could be micro-programmed to emulate a 16-bit CPU. Up to four MICROMs were supported, but usually two or three could hold the needed microprogram for a processor.
A clone of the CP1611 and CP1621 was manufactured in the Soviet Union under the designation K581IK1 and K581IK2. The Soviet 581 series included other members of the MCP-1600 family as well.