Magical Emi, the Magic Star

Magical Emi, the Magic Star is a magical girl anime series by Studio Pierrot. It was simultaneously released as a manga by Kiyoko Arai. The third magical girl series created by Studio Pierrot, Magical Emi also appears in three feature-length OVAs, as well as the Adesugata Mahou no Sannin Musume and Majokko Club Yoningumi A-Kukan Kara no Alien X OVAs.


Mai Kazuki is from a family of magicians. Her grandparents are leaders of a troupe, Magic Carat, and their daughter — Mai's mother — debuted under them. Naturally, Mai wants to become a magician herself, just like her hero, the fabulous legend Emily Howell. Unfortunately, because she is still a young girl, she is very clumsy and unsure.
One day, while helping her grandfather move things, Mai sees a strange light enter an odd, heart-shaped mirror and turn into a mirror fairy named Topo. He takes over the body of her favorite stuffed toy, a flying squirrel doll, and explains that he must give magic to the one who can see him. He gives her a bracelet with the symbols of the 4 card suits which produces a magic wand. By waving the wand, Mai becomes Magical Emi, a teenage magician. She stars in her grandparents' shows, and uses magic to help solve problems. But at the end of the day, she wants to become a magician all by herself.


Nakamori family

Kazuki Junichi as Naya, Rokurou
Shinya Ohtaki as Akira


The 38-episode anime series, directed by Takashi Anno and produced by Studio Pierrot, aired from June 7, 1985 to February 28, 1986. The opening theme song is "Fushigi-Iro Happiness" and the ending theme song is "Anata Dake Dreaming", both by Yōko Obata.
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