Mambo (software)

Mambo was a free software/open source content management system for creating and managing websites through a simple web interface. Its last release was in 2008, by which time all of the developers had left for forks of the project, mainly Joomla and MiaCMS.


Mambo included features such as page caching to improve performance on busy sites, advanced templating techniques, and a fairly robust API. It could provide RSS feeds and automate many tasks, including web indexing of static pages.
Interface features included printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, forums, polls, calendars, website searching, language internationalization, and others.

Mambo Foundation

The rights to the Mambo CMS codebase, name and copyrights, are protected by the Mambo Foundation, a non-profit corporation formed to support and promote the Mambo Open Source project.

The Mambo Foundation is a non-profit entity established under the laws of Australia and is controlled by the members of the Foundation via an elected Board of Directors. The Mambo Foundation's brief is to foster the development of the Mambo system and to shelter the project from threats and misuse. As of March 2013, the Foundation's website was no longer serving content, apart from a notice that its DNS service had expired. As of August 2016, the project's website was redirecting to Alcoholics Anonymous Victoria.. As of June 2017, the Mambo Foundation site is back up, albeit without forums.. According to the home page text, the server had been attacked on a number of occasions but has since been resurrected.


At the end of January 2005 Junio Souza Martins abandons the project for personal reasons.