Marooned with Ed Stafford
Marooned with Ed Stafford is a documentary television series commissioned by Discovery Channel and produced by Tigress Productions, part of the Endemol Shine Group. Ed Stafford films the series, in which he journeys to remote destinations around the world for ten days each to see if he can survive there on his own in solitude with no clothes, no food, and no tools. He can only take his camera, an emergency satellite phone and an emergency medical kit. Stafford's goal is to see if he can not only survive, but thrive under these tough conditions.
The first series, Ed Stafford: Naked and Marooned, sees Stafford spend sixty days on the uninhabited tropical island of Olorua in the Pacific Ocean.Series overview
Series 2 (2014)
Series 3 (2016)
- In the United Kingdom, the series airs first on Discovery Channel, with reruns airing on DMAX.
- The series airs on Discovery Channel in the United States as Naked Castaway.
- In Italy, the series airs on DMAX with a different episodes timeline as Ed Stafford: Duro a morire.
- In Germany, the series airs on DMAX with a different episodes timeline as Ed Stafford: Das nackte Überleben.