
Minami-ke is a Japanese manga series by Koharu Sakuraba, creator of Kyō no Go no Ni. It was first serialized in the weekly Japanese manga magazine Weekly Young Magazine in March 2004. The slice of life comedy focuses on the everyday life of three sisters: Haruka, Kana, and Chiaki Minami. An anime series produced by Daume aired in 2007. Asread produced a second season in 2008 titled Minami-ke: Okawari, a third season in 2009 titled Minami-ke: Okaeri, and an original video animation episode in 2009 titled Minami-ke: Betsubara. In 2012, Feel produced another OVA titled Minami-ke: Omatase, followed by a fourth anime series in 2013 titled Minami-ke: Tadaima.


A slice of life comedy about the day-to-day life of the Minami family, sisters Haruka, Kana, and Chiaki; and their friends and classmates. The three sisters live alone.


Minami sisters

Other Minami family

;Tōma Minami
;Haruo Minami
;Natsuki Minami
;Akira Minami

High school students


Junior-high school students


Elementary school students

;Yuka Uchida





Minami-ke was first published as a manga by Koharu Sakuraba. It began serialization in Kodansha's Weekly Young Magazine on March 1, 2004. As of October 2019, 19 tankōbon volumes of the series have been released.
There are four anime television series and two original video animation adaptations of Minami-ke, done by three separate animation studios. The first season, under the original title Minami-ke, is produced by Daume and aired on TV Tokyo between October 7 and December 30, 2007. A second anime series produced by Asread aired between January 6 and March 30, 2008 under the title Minami-ke: Okawari, and also aired on TV Tokyo. It deviates slightly from the first season as it utilizes a different color palette, has different school designs, and uses different character designs. It is also different in storytelling as it uses material not from the manga, and each episode consists of only one story. A third anime series, also by Asread and titled Minami-ke: Okaeri, aired between January 4 and March 29, 2009. It is more closely related to the first season as the character design and color palette is more similar, although there are still designs that are from season two. It also returns to the episodic format from the first season.
On June 23, 2009, a limited edition of the sixth volume of the manga series was bundled with a DVD containing a single OVA episode done by Asread and titled Minami-ke: Betsubara. On October 5, 2012, a limited edition of the tenth volume of the manga series was bundled with a DVD containing a single OVA by studio Feel titled Minami-ke: Omatase. A fourth season of the anime, also by Feel and titled Minami-ke: Tadaima, aired between January 6 and March 30, 2013.