Miodowe lata

Miodowe lata is a popular Polish television sitcom, produced by Polsat from 1998 to 2003. It is the Polish version of the American sitcom The Honeymooners. The sitcom was realised in the Warsaw theatre.
In 2004 the sequel to the sitcom, Całkiem nowe lata miodowe, was created.
The show follows the life of two Polish families, Krawczyks and Noreks, who live in apartment in Wola on Wolska 33 street.
Karol Krawczyk is a tram driver. His friend, Tadeusz Norek works in the Warsaw sewerage. They try to make various schemes to improve their financial or life situation, all of which ultimately fail. Their wives, Alina and Danuta try to stop their ideas, but in vain.
