Mirror, Mirror II

Mirror, Mirror II is a co-production between Australia and New Zealand that was released in 1997. Unlike the first series, Mirror, Mirror, which was one story played out over a number of episodes, this series has individual adventures in each new episode, but there is a story linking them all.

Main cast

In this series, the mirror from the original Mirror, Mirror series has come into the hands of two other families: the McFarlanes and the de Lutrelles. They both live in the same house, but are separated from each other by 130 years.

de Lutrelle family

Gervaise, Violette and their daughter Constance, live in the house in 1867, in that time the house is surrounded by goldfields. The family had emigrated from their home in France with vestiges of their wealth. They hope to find gold in the surrounding hills so they can restore their family's high status.

McFarlane family

Doug, Jenny and his two new stepchildren, live in the house in 1997. The troublesome Aunt Lily also lives with them. Daniel, Doug's other son decides he wants to meet his father, who left him and his mother when he was a baby. Daniel invites himself to stay with the family for the holidays.

Episode guide