Mobile Service Architecture

Mobile Service Architecture JSR 248 is a specification that describes an end-to-end wireless environment for Java ME. MSA includes a full set of 16 JSRs and a subset of 8 JSRs:

MSA Subset

The MSA Subset includes the following JSRs:
JSR #Specification or Technology
PDA Optional Packages for the J2ME Platform
Java APIs for Bluetooth
Mobile Information Device Profile 2.0 for Java ME
Java Mobile Media API for Java ME
Connected Limited Device Configuration 1.1 for Java ME
Mobile 3D Graphics API for Java ME 1.0 and 1.1
Wireless Messaging API 2.0 2.0
Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API for J2ME


MSA includes the MSA Subset and the following JSRs:
JSR #Specification or Technology
Web Services Specification for Java ME
Security and Trust Services API for J2ME
Location API 1.0 for Java ME
Session Initiation Protocol API for Java ME
Content Handler API
Advanced Multimedia Supplements API for Java ME