Mohammad Shafiq Hamdam

Mohammad Shafiq Hamdam is a writer and a political activist in Afghanistan. He was a senior government official in Afghanistan and serves as a Deputy Senior Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, a Senior Advisor to NATO and the Chairman of the Afghan Anti-Corruption Network.

Early life and education

Hamdam was born in January 1981 in the Alishing village, which is located in Laghman Province of Afghanistan. In 1986 he enrolled in Lam-e-Shahid High School in Kabul. In 1999 he graduated from Shahid Muhammad Arif High School in Jalalabad, and in the same year he enrolled in Political Science Faculty of Nangarhar University, but was forced by the Taliban to leave the University. In 2002 he earned his undergraduate in from Nangarhar Institute of Health Sciences. In 2003 he was rewarded Advance Diploma in Administration and Economics from The Swiss College of Administration and Economy. In 2010 he graduated from George C Marshall Center, European Center for Security Studies in Germany, where he studied advance security and international relations. He is a graduate of Executive Programme John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He also earned a from The Institute of World Politics in Washington DC. He is fluent in several languages, including Dari, Pashto and English.

Career history

Hamdam worked as an As a Deputy Senior Adviser to The President of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in international affairs. The Senior Advisory Office of The President on UN Affairs has established in early 2017 at the office of The President as policy and advisory body. The SAOP UN-Affairs worked on , a strategic framework that has replaced The United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Afghanistan. The advisory also successfully drafted a mutual accountability framework between the government of Afghanistan and the United Nations. The One UN or Delivering As One was one of the most challenging task for the UN family and the Afghan government, but the SAOP was able to do it successfully. Under the new framework the UN has to align its programs and projects based on the national strategies and priorities of Afghanistan.Hamdam closely worked with and advised senior NATO, U.S. and international policymakers on political and development affairs of Afghanistan, South and Center Asia. He serves as the Chairman of , the largest and leading network of civil society organizations fighting against corruption. He worked as subject matter expert for the University of Maryland, senior research fellow at Civil Vision International. From 2008 to 2014 he worked as to the NATO senior civilian representative in Afghanistan He is a Member of Board of Directors, n, executive board chairman of Anti-Corruption Watch Organization. He is also the founder of Youth For Peace, Afghan Youth Against Corruption, Anti-Corruption Watch Organization, Kabul Tribune, an online newspaper and co-founder of the Afghan Women Coalition Against Corruption. Hamdam is a member of Afghan Young Leaders Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Program Associate of Hiroshima Peace Builders Center, a member of the United Nation Coalition Against Corruption, a member of Voice Against Corruption, a member of the Afghan Civil Society for Advocacy. In 2009 presidential and provincial elections of Afghanistan he worked for Moby Media, Tolo TV as a presenter of political round-table during 2009 presidential elections. From 2007 to 2008 he worked with the US Department of Defence as and Spokesman for the US Forces in Eastern Afghanistan, prior to this he worked for four years as Culture Adviser and Linguist for the US forces in Afghanistan. In the years 2003 and 2004 Hamdam worked as a Project Manager for the Demobilization Disarmament and Reintegration project of the United Nations in Kabul. Between 2001 and 2003 he was freelancer interpreter and prior to that from 1998 to 2001 he worked as a Project Assistant with the Health Net International TPO and World Health Organization in Jalalabad city in eastern Afghanistan. The Asia Society recognized him as a 21 Young Asia Leaders.

Fighting corruption

Hamdam said that corruption is the biggest problem, which feeds insecurity in Afghanistan as well as the insurgency, poppy cultivation, drug processing and drug trafficking. He formed the biggest ever group of volunteer social activists from across Afghanistan
to fight corruption, the most dangerous and toughest job in one of the most corrupt and unstable country in the world. Through peaceful demonstration and protests such a 5 km countrywide race against corruption, he mobilized thousands of citizens to pressure the government for reform, through 5 km race against corruption. He has also mobilized youth, students and women to take part in the fight against corruption. , who has disclosed cases of senior corrupt official and he has advocated for the trail and persecution of cabinet members and senior politicians. Hamdam exposed land garbing, corruption of senior government officials and cabinet members. He has advocated for election transparency and reform. He also played a key role in exposing , where near on billion USD was looted in corruption and resulted in the collapse of the bank.
Hamdam was a critic of Karzai government for not taking firm steps to fight corruptions. he said that corruption starts from the street and goes to the palace and he called Karzai's government the most corrupt government ever. He has repeatedly called and and he looks at corruption as a major problem for the country. For his contribution to transparency, justice, peace and security of Afghanistan, he was nominated for 2013 by Combined Joint Interagency Task Force-Shafafiyat.

Afghanistan's affairs

Hamdam is closely following Afghanistan and regional countries developments. Following Afghanistan's affairs , He has attended International Conference on Afghanistan, The Hague 2009 in Netherlands, NATO 60 Summit in Strasburg and Kehl, France in 2009, Kabul International conference in 2010, NATO Summit in Lisbon Portugal in 2010, 2nd International Bonn Conference about Afghanistan, the NATO Chicago Summit in 2011 and tens of other national and international conferences on Afghanistan. As an observer he observed Afghanistan presidential elections in 2004 and 2009, Afghan parliamentary and provincial elections in 2005 and Traditional Loya Jirga on the Afghanistan and the U.S. Strategic Partnership Agreement.
Advocating for a closer relationship with the western allies, Hamdam played a key role in signing the Bilateral Security Agreement between Afghanistan and US. Among other Afghan leaders and activists, he also advocating for the BSA and the letter said: We strongly echo the endorsement of the Bilateral Security Agreement last month at the Loya Jirga and reiterate that the agreement should be signed without delay. Our voice reflects a growing chorus from all segments of the Afghan society, including our religious and business community leaders, who remain concerned about the future of our country and wish to see the expeditious finalization of the BSA.
Representing Afghanistan in the European parliament, he advocates for peace, accountability, transparency and . He urged leaderships of European Union, European Parliament and European Commission to support Afghans in the fight against corruption. He wrote in one of his articles to EU leaders: Afghanistan alone cannot reach its goal of reducing corruption; it requires the support of the international community. Without delay, serious actions should be taken to eliminate the problem. These actions should include empowering civil society organizations and the media to play a bigger role in the fight against corruption. If Afghanistan is to qualify for aid over the coming years, seriousness, strong commitment, political determination, and practical decisions will be needed in order to implement the laws and strategies required to overcome the problem of corruption in Afghanistan.
Hamdam was often criticized for by some Afghan politicians and through some anti-western figures. . As a Senior NATO Public Diplomacy Adviser, he has often defended NATO policies and by extremist he is seen as a NATO-backed activist. Hamdam has defended in many occasions NATO's position and he has advocated for Afghanistan to become a NATO member. He was widely criticized by Muslim extremists and regional actors for his article, where he clearly stated that Afghanistan should be a NATO member. After completion of ISAF mission, he advised in one of his articles that "Afghan government and NATO should be able to enter a new, comprehensive, closer, stronger and mutual relationship. It should be based on mutual commitment and with full respect to the sovereignty of Afghanistan. The relation which can possibly make Afghanistan a NATO member country in the future." While some analyst called the ISAF mission as a failure, but Hamdam called that a historic and major success.

As a writer

He writes for The Huffington Post and many leading Afghan papers and journals on political, security and foreign affairs. Talking about the corruption related issues and Afghanistan's affairs he has been appearing in numbers of national and International media outlets, such as , K, RFE/RL, BBC, , AFP, ARD, VOA, TRT TV, TV, The Washington Post and other key national and international media outlets.
He is . After the end of one decade ISAF mission in Afghanistan, he wrote on the Khaama Press that Afghanistan of 2001 is not comparable with Afghanistan of 2015. With 352,000 strong Afghan National Security Forces, backed by the US and NATO, an increasingly vibrant civil society sector, and a large youth population, Afghans are hopeful that their country will never return to the dark era. For this to remain effective, Afghanistan and its partners must continue to broaden those achievements over the next decade, ushering in a new era of transformation.
Hamdam looks at democracy as a new phenomenon in Afghanistan and emphasizes on reform and fighting corruption. He wrote in Unipath is a professional military magazine published quarterly by the Commander of the United States Central Command as an international forum for military personnel in the Middle East and Central Asia region: Governments and institutions work differently in democratic societies. He claims that it is not only fighting terrorism and extremists, but good governance that is a key priority for Afghanistan. He sees the weak rule of law and the existence of "impunity circles" and safe havens for corrupt individuals and officials in Afghanistan and abroad as the main contributor to violations of human rights and injustice.
He believes that the for more than a decade. Hamdam wrote in his opinion editorial, A Decade of Relations Without Definition, that the Afghan-U.S. relationship should not be only based on dying and killing for each other, but it should be based on social, economic and political interests as well. Numerous opportunities already exist to build that long-term and stable relationship. At the moment, some Afghans see the presence of the U.S. in Afghanistan as a world policing and a force against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Hamdam is advocating for peace in Afghanistan and he believes that only military means the war in Afghanistan can not end. However, the Taliban repeatedly asked for the full US troops withdrawal, but Hamdam wants the .