Mu or my is the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 40. Mu was derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water, which had been simplified by the Phoenicians and named after their word for water, to become ?. Letters that derive from mu include the Roman M and the Cyrillic М.
the SI prefixmicro-, which represents one millionth, or 10−6. Lowercase letter "u" is often substituted for "μ" when the Greek character is not typographically available; for example the unit "microfarad", correctly "μF", is often rendered as "uF" or "ufarad" in technical documents.
the micron "μ", an old unit now named the micrometre and denoted "µm"
"μ" is conventionally used to denote certain things; however, any Greek letter or other symbol may be used freely as a variable name.
μ, population size from which in each generation λ offspring will generate
In type theory:
Used to introduce a recursive data type. For example, is the type of lists with elements of type : a sum of unit, representing nil, with a pair of a and another . In this notation, is a binding form, where the variable introduced by is bound within the following term to the term itself. Via substitution and arithmetic, the type expands to, an infinite sum of ever-increasing products of . Another way to express the same type is.
planetary discriminant, represents an experimental measure of the actual degree of cleanliness of the orbital zone, a for defining a planet. The value of µ is calculated by dividing the mass of the candidate body by the total mass of the other objects that share its orbital zone.
Mu major chord
Electronic musician Mike Paradinas runs the label Planet Mu which utilizes the letter as its logo, and releases music under the pseudonym µ-Ziq, pronounced "music"
Official fandom name of Kpop group f, appearing as either MeU or 'µ'
The Olympus Corporation manufactures a series of digital cameras called Olympus µ
In phonology, it often stands for mora. In syntax, μP can be used as the name for a functional projection.. Celtic specialists sometimes use /µ/ to represent an Old Irish nasalized labial fricative of uncertain articulation, the ancestor of the sound represented by Modern Irishmh.
Character encodings
Greek Mu / Coptic Mu
Mathematical Mu
These characters are used only as mathematical symbols. Stylized Greek text should be encoded using the normal Greek letters, with markup and formatting to indicate text style.