Murder Cove

Murder Cove is located at the southernmost portion of Admiralty Island in the U.S. state of Alaska. The cove was home to the Tyee Company whaling station and was known for whaling operations from 1907 through 1913.



The area was named Murder Cove after two gold prospectors were murdered in the area in 1869 as revenge for the killing of two Tlingit tribesmen. In retaliation the destroyed three villages and two wooden forts near present-day Kake, Alaska. This fighting between the Tlingit and the US Government became known as the Kake War.


Commercial operations in fishing and sea hunting were established inside the bay at Point Gardner by the Tyee Company who sought to take advantage of the unexploited waters of southeast Alaska. They established their operations on Admiralty Island at Murder Cove in 1907 using the first American-built steam-powered whaler, the 97-foot "Tyee Junior", which was equipped with a harpoon gun on the bow. Consequent to a declining whale population, the company closed its operations in 1913.

Coal exploration

In 1905, the most extensive coal exploration in southeastern Alaska occurred at Murder Cove, Kootznahoo Inlet, and Hamilton Bay. The Tertiary-aged coal-bearing formations are made up of conglomerate, sandstone, and shale. The Murder Cove explorations occurred on a thick seam located from deep water. Though this deposit contains the best grade of coal in the region, further development did not proceed because of its very limited size. A lighthouse was established at Murder Cover during the fiscal year 1914.


It forms a narrow inlet in length. Just inside the entrance of the bay are several islands, beyond which the channel contracts to a width of and then opens to form a sheet of water which at high tide is wide and long. This bay forms a well-protected harbor for vessels of moderate size. At its rocky entrance is the Surprise Harbor, which provides safe anchorage and vistas of the area.