NNIT A/S is a Danish public IT company that provides IT consultancy, development, implementation and outsourcing of IT services to companies in regulated industry sectors.
Its clients include among others Danish and international life science companies, public organizations, financial institutions and large enterprise companies. NNIT is currently the third-largest IT services provider in Denmark.
NNIT employs more than 3,100 staff in its headquarters in Denmark as well as in offices in Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, the USA, China and the Philippines.
The company was founded as Novo Nordisk IT in 1994 through the merger of Novo Nordisk's two existing information technology units. In 1999, Novo Nordisk IT was established as a private limited company, wholly owned by Novo Nordisk. In 2004, the company changed its name to current NNIT A/S. In March 2015, NNIT was listed on the .


The company was founded as Novo Nordisk IT in 1994 through the merger of Novo Nordisk's two existing information technology units. The company was converted into a wholly owned aktieselskab in 2004. In March 2015, NNIT was floated on the .


NNIT A/S offers IT services, primarily in the life sciences sector in Denmark and internationally and to customers in the public, enterprise and finance sectors in Denmark. As of 30 June 2018 NNIT A/S had 3,122 employees. NNIT has approximately 400 clients of which around 150 are located outside Denmark. Some 20% are international life sciences clients. NNIT is headquartered in Søborg, Denmark with sales offices in: Zurich and Princeton. NNIT's primary offshore delivery center is in Tianjin from which the company also target sales to companies in the Chinese life sciences industry. In addition, NNIT operate delivery centers in Manila and Prague and Olomouc.
Many of NNIT's customers operate in the life sciences sector , but NNIT also provide services to customers in the public, enterprise and finance sectors among these DSB, Arla Foods and :da:PFA Pension|PFA.''