
Nabada is a traditional parade on the Danube, in Ulm, Germany. It takes place every year on Schwörmontag, the second to last Monday of July.


In the afternoon of Schwörmontag, people drift down the river over a course of 7 km, on self-made boats, rubber boats and traditional boats made out of wood, called Zillen and Ulmer Schachteln. The participants are cheered on by the crowd, gathered on the riverside. After, the festivities continue in the streets and bars of Ulm and Neu-Ulm. There are official themed boats, built by organizations in the week prior to Nabada. The best themed boat wins a prize.
If Nabada has to be canceled, for example due to bad weather, red baskets are attached to the Ulm Minster to inform the people. On July 21, 2008, Nabada was cancelled for the first time in 23 years, because of flood and strong current in the Danube.