Nathaniel Atcheson

Nathaniel Atcheson was an English ship-owner who was appointed secretary to a Committee of London shipowners and the Society of Ship-Owners of Great Britain with whom the London Committee was associated.
Atcheson formed the London Pitt Club in 1793 with a view to counteract the radical ideas of the French Revolution.

Ship building research

In 1806 he started conducted research on ship-builders in London with the help of Charles Jenkinson. He wrote to a number of ship builders to enquire how many ships they had built since December 1802.
Ship builderLocation
John Perry, Wells and co.Blackwall
Samuel and Daniel BrentRotherhithe
Thomas PitcherNorthfleet
Peter MestearRotherhithe
John DudmanDeptford
William and Edward George BarnardDeptford
Almon HillLimehouse
John AylesWapping
Tibbits, Hitchcock and co.Limehouse
Joshua YoungRotherhithe
E. ThompsonRotherhithe

In 1803, he authored the Report of the Case Fisher against Ward respecting the Russian Embargo on British Ships.