
Nimajjanam is a 1979 Telugu film directed by B. S. Narayana, produced by Prem Prakash, starring Sharada and Chakrapani, with cinematography by P. S. Nivas. Sharada played a Brahmin housewife in this sentimental film. The film was premiered at the 1980 International Film Festival of India. The film was one of the Indian entries at the Warsaw-Poland Film festival held in June 1980.


The story is about a Brahmin housewife who has to go to her in-laws house. Her father-in-law dies. She and her husband take a bullock cart to immerse the ashes in a holy place, which is the traditional Hindu custom Nimajjanam. During the journey, Sharada's pallu falls down regularly revealing her feminine beauty and the result is that the cart driver rapes her. She later drowns herself whilst washing her sins, and the remorseful driver confesses his crime.
